Mojgan Mirzataheri (Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.) Assistant Professor مژگان میرزاطاهری Personal Details
First Name: Mojgan (Ms) Family Name: Mirzataheri Country of Birth: Iran First Language: Persian (Farsi) Second Language: English Tel: + (9821) 48662472 Tehran- Iran Educational Qualifications 1. Ph.D. Degree in Polymer Engineering. 2. Master Degree in Engineering in Chemistry, Polymer Science. 3. Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering, Majoring in Polymer Industries. 4. Diploma in Physics & Mathematics. Work Experiences 1. IPPI, Academic Member (Executing Projects), Tehran. 2. IPPI, Technology Transfer Office Manager, Tehran, 2011. 3. Azad University, Guest Instructor, Tehran. 4. Rubber Industries Engineering & Research Company, Senior Expert, Tehran. 5. Defense Industries Education & Research Institute, Expert and Manager, Tehran. Research Projects 1. Acrylic-Based Nanocomposite Barrier Coatings Including Nanoclay Prepared Via Miniemulsion Polymerization: Preparation, Properties and Kinetics, Ph.D. Thesis, IPPI, Tehran, 2007- 2010. 2. Grafting of Hydrophilic Vinyl Monomers on Cellulose Derivatives by Gamma Radiation for Preparing Cellulose Water Absorbents, Two months Academic Joint Venture between IPPI and Institute of Isotope & Surface Chemistry, Hungary- Budapest, 2007. 3. Preparation of Polystyrene-Clay Nanomaterial for Modified Structural Concrete Nanocomposites, IPPI, 2005- 2006. 4. Preparation of Oxidized PE Wax from HDPE Wax (By product) of Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex, Industrial Joint Venture between IPPI and Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex, 2007. 5. Graft Polymerization of HEMA & NVP on to PE through Electron Beam Radiation, IPPI, Tehran, 2003- 2004. 6. Radiation Induced Graft Copolymerization of Hydrophobic Monomers on to Polyvinylpyrrolidone, IPPI, Tehran, 2002- 2004. 7. Synthesis & Characterization of Thermally Stable Polyamides & Polyimides based on Pyridine Heterocycle Compounds, IPPI, Tehran, 2002-2003. 8. Cleared PP, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, 2002- 2004. 9. Synthesis of Polyvinylpyrrolidone K-90, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, 2001. 10. Laboratory Synthesis and Pilot Plant Production of Medical Grade Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Industrial Joint Venture between IPPI and Tofigh Daroo Company, Tehran, 1999- 2000. 11. Synthesis of Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol (PTMEG) Polyol for Polyurethane Industry, IPPI, Tehran, 1998- 1999. 12. Laboratory Synthesis of Kevlar Fibres, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, 1996- 1998. 13. Investigation of Tire Road Test, Rubber Industries Engineering & Research Company, Tehran, 1995- 1996. 14. Chemical Modification of NR, M.Sc. Thesis, Hanoi University, Vietnam, 1993. 15. Synthesis of Hydroxyterminated Poly Butadiene (HTPB) as Racket Binder, Defense Industries Education & Research Institute, Tehran, 1988- 1990. 16. Investigation of Compatibility of PS/PE for Blending Purposes, B.Sc. Thesis, Tehran Polytechnic University, 1988. Students Dissertations 1. Mirzataheri M. (supervisor), Salimi A., Khamisabadi SH., Investigation of morphology and permeability of film(styrene-co-acrylate) through pickering emulsion, (M.Sc.), IPPI, 2013. 2. Salimi A., Mirzataheri M. (supervisor), Fadaei, A., Preparation and Investigation the propertiesof the hydrophilic coating in oil sceration process, (M.Sc.), IPPI, 2013. 3. Taghizadeh S. M., Mirzataheri M., (supervisor) Abedi Moghadam H., Synthesis of acrylic-based pressure adhesives and investigation on the delivery of its antinociceptive drugs, (M.Sc.), IPPI, 2012. 4. Morshedian J., Bagheri Rooholah, Mirzataheri M. (Advisor), Khiabani Moghadam M., Crosslinking of LDPE and Grafting of HEMA and NVP Monomers on LDPE with Electron Irradiation, (M.Sc.), IPPI, 2004. 5. Mehdipour Sh., Rahimi A., Mirzataheri M., (Advisor), Heidari H., Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Stable Polyamides and Polyimides Based on Pyridine Heterocyclic Compounds, (M.Sc.), IPPI, 2003. Published Papers 1. Mirzataheri M., Mahtabani A., Lotfealiei M., Mirzataheri M., Encapsulation of Micro and Nanoparticles via Heterophase Polymerization- A Review, e-Polymers, Accepted, 2013. 2. Mirzataheri M., Khamisabadi Sh,. Salimi Ali., Emerging Issues in the Factors Influenced on Pickering Emulsion, Basparesh (Persian), 2, 2, 30-38, 2013. 3. Mirzataheri M.,Fadaee A., Lotfealiei M., Monodispersed Polymer Particle Size with Controlled Size via Dispersion Polymerizatyion, Basparesh (Persian), 1, 2, 20-26, 2012. 4. Mirzataheri M., Mahdavian A. R., Atai M., "Kinetical study in the preparation of encapsulated Cloisite 30B within poly (styrene-co-butyl acrylate) nanocomposite through miniemulsion polymerization", Polymer International, 60, 613-619, 2011. 5. Mirzataheri M., Atai M , Mahdavian A. R., "Physical and mechanical properties of composite barrier films containing encapsulated nanoclay", J. Polymer Sci., 118, 3284-3291, 2010. 6. Mirzataheri M., Mahdavian A. R., Atai M., "Nanocomposite particles with core-shell morphology IV. An efficient approach to the encapsulation of Cloisite 30B by poly (styrene-co-butyl acrylate) and preparation of its nanocomposite latex via miniemulsion polymerization", Colloid. Polym. Sci., 287, 725-732, 2009. 7. Takács E., Mirzadeh H., Mirzataheri M., , Wojnárovits L., Borsa J., Hargittai P., Benke N.,” Comparison of Simultaneous and Pre-irradiation Grafting of N-Vinylpyrrolidone to Cotton-Cellulose, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (NIM B), 265, 217-220, 2007. 8. Mirzataheri M., Morshedian J., “Electron Beam Performance in the Novel Solventless LDPE-NVP Surface Grafting System”, Radiation Physics & Chemistry Journal, 75, 236-242, 2006. 9. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M., Bagheri R., Moghadam M., “Solventless Surface Modification of LDPE through Radiation Grafting of HEMA”, Iranian Polymer Journal (I.P.J.), 14, 2, 139-145, 2005. 10. Barikani M., Mirzataheri M., Tavakoli A., “Studing the Effective Parameters on Preparation of Resole Used in Phenolic Foam”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology (I.J.P.S.T.), 17, 1, 69, 43-54, 2004. 11. Barikani M., Mirzataheri M., Tavakoli A., “Synthesis and Characterization of Suitable Resole for Preparation of Phenolic Foam”, I.J.P.S.T., 16, 5, 67, 319-325, 2004. 12. Barikani M., Ahmadzadeh A., Mirzataheri M., “Studing and Analyzing the Effect of SBR Substitution by PU in Rubber Compounds Properties”, I.J.P.S.T., 15, 5, 61, 307-314, 2003. 13. Mirzataheri M., “The Cyclization of Natural Rubber”, Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, 19, 2, 91-96, 2000. 14. Mirzataheri M., Barikani M., “The Synthesis of Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol with Specific Molecular Weight and Narrow Distribution by Cationic Ring Polymerization of THF and Protonated Acids”, I.J.P.S.T., 12, 4, 46, 247-251, 2000. 15. Mirzataheri M., Barikani M., “Role of the Effective Factors on Laboratory Synthesis of Poly (ρ-phenylene terephthalamide) Fibres”, I.J.P.S.T., 11, 2, 40, 75-84, 1998. 16. Mirzataheri M., Barikani M., “Synthesis of Poly (ρ-phenylene terephthalamide) for Producing Kevlar Super Fibres”, I.J.P.S.T., 10, 3, 37, 163-166, 1997. Published Book and Proceedings 1. Mirzataheri M., Lotfaliei M., Adhesives (book), IPS Press, Tehran-Iran. 2. Mirzataheri M., (Organizer and Lecturer) Workshop on the "Nanotechnology Applications in Polymer Latex" (Proceeding), IPPI. 3. Mirzataheri M., (Lecturer) Polyurethane Processing & Equipments in Special Polymeric Products Workshops, (Proceeding), IPPI. 4. Mirzataheri M., (Lecturer) Polymer Crystalline Morphology in Crystalline PolyolefineWorkshops, (Proceeding), IPPI. Conferences 1. Mirzataheri M., Lotfaliei M., Higher barrier nanocomposites for automotive coatings, 3rd International congress on automotive paint and coatings, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran-Iran, 18-20 December 2012. 2. Mirzataheri M., Lotfaliei M, High solid contents copoly (styrene/ butyl acrylate)- montmorillonite nanocomposites, ISPST 2012, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran-Iran, 21-25 October 2012. 3. Mirzataheri M., Lotfaliei M., Kinetic of high solid contents copoly (styrene/ butyl acrylate)- montmorillonite nanocomposites, ISPST 2012, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran-Iran, 21-25 October 2012. 4. Mirzataheri M., Lotfaliei M., Higher barrier nanocomposites of copoly (styrene/ butyl acrylate)- montmorillonite, ISPST 2012, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran-Iran, 21-25 October 2012. 5. Taghizadeh S.M., Mirzataheri M., etal., The effect of polarity of synthesis pressure sensitive adhesive on skin permeation of diclofenac diethyl ammonium from drug in adhesive patch, Amirkabir University of Technology, ISPST 2012, Tehran-Iran, 21-25 October 2012. 6. Mirzataheri M., Mahdavian A.R., Atai, M., "Nanocomposite barrier film of encapsulated nanoclay within poly (styrene/ butyl acrylate)", 7th Nanotechnology Iranian Students Conference, Tarbiat Modaress University, Tehran-Iran, 26-28 May, 2010. 7. Mirzataheri M., Mahdavian A.R., Atai, M., "Barrier Film of Copoly (Styrene/ Butyl Acrylate) Cloisite 30B Nanocomposite Prepared via Miniemulsion Polymerization", ISPST 2009, IPPI, Tehran-Iran, 17-21 October, 2009. 8. Mirzataheri M., Mahdavian A.R., Atai, M., "Synthesis of Copoly (Styrene/ Butyl Acrylate) Modified MMT Core-Shell Nanocomposite Particles", the 8th International Seminar on Nanocomposite Science & Technology, ICNN 2008, Tabriz-Iran, 28-30 October, 2008. 9. Mirzataheri M., Baharvand H.,” In Situ Preparation of PS/Bentonite Nanocomposites by Suspension Polymerization”, the 8th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, ISPST 2007, Tehran-Iran, 23-25 October, 2007. 10. Takacs E., Mirzadeh H., Wojnarovits L., Mirzataheri M., etal., “Modification of the Properties of Cotton-Cellulose by Radiation Grafting: A Comparison of Preirradiation and Simultaneous Grafting”, 11th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Grafting, Eger- Hungary, 26-31 August, 2006. 11. Mirzataheri M., “Crosslinked Polyvinylpyrrolidone”, 4th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September, 2005. 12. Mirzataheri M., “Decreasing PVP Hydrophilicity through Radiation Grafting of Metylstyrene”, 4th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, 27-29 September, 2005. 13. Mirzataheri M., “Investigation of Effective Factors on Graft Copolymerization of Styrene on to PVP K-90”, 4th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, 27-29 September, 2005. 14. Mirzataheri M., “Radiation Grafting of Styrene on to PVP K-90”, 4th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, 27-29 September, 2005. 15. Mirzataheri M., “Gamma Induced Graft Copolymerization of Methylstyrene on to PVP”, 8th International Symposium, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, Budapest, Hungary, 13-16 September 2005. 16 Mirzataheri M., “Controlled Networks in Polyvinylpyrrolidone”, 8th International Symposium, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, Budapest, Hungary, 13-16 September 2005. 17. Mirzataheri M., “PVP with Controlled Hydrophilicity”, the Polymer Processing Society (PPS) America Regional Meeting, Quebec City, Canada, 14-17 August 2005. 18. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M.,"Novel Solventless Surface Modification of LDPE Through Electron Beam Radiation Grafting of HEMA", 1st International Rad Tech. EXPO (I.R.T.E. 2005), China, Shanghai, 23-26 May 2005. 19. Mirzataheri M., Salehi Mobarake H., “Gamma Induced Graft Polymerization of Methylstyrene on to PVP”, 9th Iranian National Congress on Chemical Engineering, Industry & Science University, Tehran, Iran, 23-25 November 2004. 20 Mirzataheri M., Salehi H., “Investigation of Effective Factors on Graft Polymerization of Methylstyrene on to PVP”, 9th National Iranian Tehran, Iran, 23-25 November 2004. 21. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M., Bagheri R., Moghadam M., “Radiation Induced Copolymerization of HEMA on to LDPE Surface”, Proceedings of IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, 4-9 July 2004. 22. Mirzataheri M., Ninh P., “The Thermal Oxidation Depolymerization of Natural Rubber”, 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology (ISPST 2003), Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003. 23. Mirzataheri M., “Synthesis & Characterization of Poly (1-Vinyl-2-Pyrrolidone) K-90 by Free-Radical Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone in Water”, ISPST 2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003. 24. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M., “Effect of Various Nucleating/Clarifying Agents on Crystallization Behavior and Optical Properties of Polypropylene”, ISPST 2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003. 25. Mirzataheri M.,” Synthesis of Suspending Agent Based on PVP K-90 for Suspention Polymerization”, 7th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 28-31 October 2002. 26. Mirzataheri M., Cuong N.D.,” Chemical Modification of NR for Industrial and Marine Paints”, 7th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 28-31 October 2002. 27. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M.,”Recovery of Waste Polyethylene Properties in Recycling to Reduce Environmental Pollution” First Iranian Seminar of Chemistry and Environment, University of Yasug, Yasug, Iran, 22-23 October 2002. 28. Mirzataheri M., ”Laboratory Synthesis of Technical Grade PVP K-90 & Pilot Plant Production of Medical Grade PVP K-30”, Proceeding of the 10th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran, 10-12 September 2002. 29. Mirzataheri M., Barikani M., “Synthesis, Investigation and Spinning of Poly (ρ- phenylene terephthalamide) Fibres Called as Kevlar Super Fibres”, 5thAustrian Polymer Meeting, Leoben, 12-14 September 2001. 30. Mirzataheri M., Barikani M., “Synthesis of Poly(ρ- phenylene terephthalamide) Fibres Called as Kevlar Fibres”, 6th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Isfahan Technical University, Isfahan, Iran, 7-10 May 2001. 31. Mirzataheri M., Barikani M., “Synthesis of Monodisperse PTMEG (polytetramethylene ether glycol), 8th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran, 16-18 May 2000. 32. Cuong N.D., Mirzataheri M., “Chemical Modification of NR Through Cyclization & Oxidation Processes”, 4th Vietnamese National Seminar, Hanoi University, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 1993. Area of Interests 1. Preparation of Water Based Nanocomposite latex via Colloidal Polymerization. 2. Kinetical Investigation through Synthesis of Polymers. 3. Acrylic-Based Nanocomposite Barrier Coatings of Armored Nanoclay within Polymer. 4. Nanocomposite Barrier Film of Encapsulated Nanoclay within Polymer. 5. Chemical Modification (Cyclization) of Polymers. 6. Grafting of Hydrophilic Vinyl Monomers on Polymers by Gamma Radiation (Physical Modification of Polymers). 7. Investigation of Compatibility of Polymers for Blending Purposes. Other Activities 1. Reviewer for Iranian Polymer Journal (English) and Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology (Persian). 2. Reviewer of Submitted Papers to National Seminars Related to Polymer Science, Nano and Engineering all Around Iran. 3. Active for Analyzing and Characterizing of Polymers. 4. Advisor for B.Sc. Degree Students. 5. Internal Panel Member for M.Sc. Degree Thesis. 6. Awarded Certificate for Attendance at the "International Emulsion Course" held in Spain- San Sebastian, 2009. 7. Selected for Execution of Two Months Joint Venture Project Between IPPI and Institute of Isotope & Surface Chemistry Running in Hungary- Budapest, 2007. Courses Taught 1. Polymer Blends, Azad University, Guest Instructor, Tehran. 2. Principle of Polymerization, Course for M.Sc. Degree students, IPPI. 3. Organizer and lecturer of the workshop on the "Nanotechnology Applications in Polymer Latex", IPPI. 4. Polymer Chemistry and Polymer Laboratory, Azad University, Guest Instructor , Tehran. 5. Lecturer of Polyurethane Processing & Equipments in Special Polymeric Products Workshops, IPPI. 6. Lecturer of Polymer Crystalline Morphology in Crystalline Polyolefin Workshops, IPPI. Scientific Society Membership 1. Member of the Iranian Association of Chemical Engineering (IAChE). 2. Member of Iranian Polymer Society (IPS). 3. Editorial Board member of the American Journal of Chemistry. 4. Member of Iran Paint Color Society (ICS). 5. Member of Network of Women Scientists of the Islamic World. Last updated 18 May 2013 / 28 Ordibehesht 1392 |
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