Curriculum Vitae

Foroud Abbassi-Sourki (PhD, MSc., BSc.)

Associate Professor

cell phone and whats app: (+98910)848 5239

Current Position

Academic member at Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, IPPI. (1996 –present).

Department of Rubber Material and Processing, Faculty of Polymer Processing

Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute (IPPI)

Area of Expertise

Polymer rheology, Immiscible polymer blends morpholoy and rheology, Polymer composites and nanocomposites, Polymer foams, Polymer physics, Polymer materials


PhD in Polymer Engineering (2004-2009)

Chemical Engineering Department, Laval University, Quebce, QC, Canada


PhD dissertation: Effect of Block Copolymer Modification on Shear Induced Morphology Evolution (Drop Deformation and Breakup) in Immiscible Polymer Blends.

M.Sc. Polymer Engineering (1992-1995)

Tehran University in collaboration with Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran-Iran

Thesis: Peroxide Crosslinking of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Investigation of its Physical and Mechanical Properties


B.Sc. Polymer Engineering (1987-1991)

AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran-Iran

Thesis: Investigation and Optimization of Stress Relaxation Properties of NR/IIR Blends


Persian: Mother tongue; English: All skills; French: Speaking, Reading and Writing


Familiar with almost all polymer characterization instruments.

Familiar with polymer processing equipment.

Courses Taught

1.   Rheology of Polymers (MSc)

2.   Design and technology of rubber part manufacturing (MSc).

3.   Elastomer (BSc).

4.   Rubber technology workshop I (BSc & MSc).

5.   Physical and mechanical testing methods (MSc).

6.   Tire functional tests (BSc).

7.   New fillers in rubber compounds (BSc)

Research Experiences

1.      Rheological and Morphological Investigation of Low Mw PMMA/PS Blends

2.      Rheological and Morphological Investigation of SBR Latex/Active Fillers of Aluminum Tri-methacrylae and Aluminum Tri-acrylae Composites

3.      Rheologically and Morphologically Investigated Partially Cured Silicone Rubbers (publications: paper 11)

4.      Rubber Latex Nanocomposites, Morphological, Rheological and Viscoelastic investigation

5.      Shear Induced Morphology Development in Immiscible Polymer Blends in the Absence and Presence a Surface Active Agent (publications: papaers 7, 8, 15)

6.      Rheology of Polymers and Multiphase Systems.

7.      Investigation of Peroxide Crosslinking of Low Density Polyethylene and its Effect on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Polymer (publications: paper 1).

8.      Synthesis of HNBR by Hydrogenation of NBR using Heterogeneous Palladium Catalyst.

9.      Investigation of Reaction Parameter on Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Rubbers and Determination of Unsaturation Degree using Instrumental Method (pubilcations: paper 2).

10.  Characterization and Making Rubber Sponge Balls from NR Latex.

11.  Study of Molecular Fracture Phenomena and their Influencing Parameters in Rubbers (a theoretical study).

12.  Two-Layer Hoses Technology Development (CR and NBR/PVC) (collaboration).

13.  Analysis and Characterization of Industrial Polymeric Parts (reverse engineering).

14.  EPDM Foams; Production and Development and Chemical and Mechanical Characterization used as Vibration Absorber in Car Air Conditioner (Iran Khodro Co. car maker).

15.  Preparation of a Data Bank in Polymers Science and Technology (collaboration).

16.  Chemical modification of waste rubber powder (MSc thesis which is being carried out)

17.  Polyolefin elastomers filled with starch powder and investigation of biodegradability and physical/mechanical properties (co-supervisor) (publications: paper 18).

18.  Crystallinity development of PLA using nano-graphene platelets modified with various Mw of PEG (publications: papers 20,31)

19.  Reclaiming of EPDM rubber in a twin screw extruder (publications: paper 26)

20.  Reclaiming of butyl rubber in a twin screw extruder

21.  Effect of surface modification of carbon short fiber on interface in SBR/carbon short fiber composites mechanical properties: theoretical modeling and experimental investigation (collaboration)

22.  Study of behavior and properties of peroxide crosslinking of nanosilicone carbide-filled polyolefin elastomers (co-supervisor) (publications: paper 17)

23.  Study of the effect of short carbon fiber on physical and mechanical properties of SBR used in passenger tire tread (collaboration) (publications: paper 28)

24.  Preparation of cellular pultruded composites profile based on natural fiber/thermoset resin (co-supervisor in foaming section)

25.  Investigation of the effect of non-functional and functional MWCNT on rheology and morphology of MWCNT/SBR latex nanocomposites (publications: papers 9,10,12)

26.  Rubber compounds based on SSBR/BR and ESBR/BR reinforced with silica and carbon black (publications: papers 16,19,22,23,27,29,30)

27.  Barrier properties of nanocomposites based on HDPE/Fe2O3-modified nanographene in a magnetic field (PhD thesis which is being carried out)

28.  Preparation and study of drug delivery systems based on crosslinked dextran (co-supervisor)

29.  An investigation on the processing properties of styrenic TPE composites to use in 3D-printing (publications: paper 25)

30.  A theoretical study on recycling of polymer materials

31.  A study into the chopped fiber reinforced foam filled composite sandwich structure under high velocity impact


1.      Abbassi-Sourki F., Morshedian J. “On the Improvement of Physical and Mechanical Properties of PE by Crosslinking, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology”, Vol.14, No.2, 2001, “Persian Eddition”.

2.      Abbassi-Sourki F., Jalilian M. “Instrumental Investigation of Nitrile Rubber Hydrogenating Parameter, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology”, Vol.14, No.6, 2002, “Persian Eddition”.

3.      Bakhshandeh G., Mirzadeh H., Khorasani M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Shokrollahi F., Parvin A. “Preparation and Investigation of Mechanical and Blood Compatibility Properties of Silicone Oring used in Blood Dialysis Filter, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology” Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology”, Vol.16, No. 1, p. 41-49, 2003, “Persian Eddition”.

4.      Abbassi-Sourki F., Soltani. S. “Effect of Carbon Black Type on Viscoelastic Properties of Elastomeric Compounds, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology” Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology”, Vol. 17, No. 1, 37-42, 2004, “Persian Eddition”.

5.      Ravati S., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Bakhshandeh G.R., Abbassi-Sourki F. “Study of Rheological Properties of Rubber/Carbon Black Compounds During Incorporation Stage in Internal Mixers”. Iranian Polymer Journal, Vol.18, (3), 159-169, 2005.

6.      Soltani S., Abbassi-Sourki F. “Effect of Carbon Black Type on Viscous Heating, Heat build up, and Relaxation Behavior of SBR Compounds”, Iranian Polymer Journal, 14 (8), 2005, 745-751, 2005.

7.      Abbassi-Sourki F., Huneault MA., Bousmina M.  “Effect of Compatibilization on the Deformation and Breakup of Drops in Step-Wise Increasing Shear Flow” Polymer 50. 645-653, 2009.

8.      Abbassi-Sourki F., Huneault MA., Bousmina M.  “Effect of interfacial modifier on single drop deformation and breakup in step increasing shear flow” Rheologica Acta., 51 (2), 111-126, 2011.

9.      Alimardani M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Bakhshandeh GR. “Preparation and characterization of carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber (XSBR)/multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) nanocomposites” Iranian Polymer Journal, 21 (11), 809-820, 2012.

10.   Alimardani M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Bakhshandeh GR. “An Investigation on the Dispersibility of Carbon Nanotube in the Latex Nanocomposites Using Rheological Properties”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 56, 149-156, 2014.

11.  Salarifar Z., Abbassi-Sourki F., Imani M., Rheology of Semi-Cured Silicone Rubber Compounds, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 27 (3), 251-259, 2014 (Persian Eddition).

12.  Alimardani M., Abbassi-Sourki F., New and emerging applications of carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber latex in polymer composites and blends: review from structure to future prospective, Journal of Composite Materials, 49 (10), 1267-1282, 2015.

13.  Abbassi-Sourki F., Hosseini Darabi N., Bakhshandeh Gh., Rheology and Morphology of Latex-Based SBR Composites: An Investigation on the Effect of Active Fillers and Nanoclay, Macromolecular Research, submitted.

14.  Ashenagar S., Ziaee F., Jalilian M., Shabani I., Mehdipour-Ataei S., Abbassi-Sourki F., Determination of Monomers Reactivity Ratios in Ethyl Acrylate-Methacrylic Acid Copolymerization by Off-Line 1H NMR, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 30 (1), 31-42, 2017 (Persian Eddition).

15.   Abbassi-Sourki F., Bousmina M., Ziaee F., Online Morphology Development of Immiscible Polymer Blends in the Presence of an Interfacial Modifier, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 29 (6), 573-584, 2017 (Persian Eddition).

16.  Ghoreishy MHR. and Abbassi-Sourki F., The Molecular Structure of SBR and Filler Type effects on Thermal Diffusivity of SBR/BR Compounds Used in Tire Tread, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 30 (2), 139-149, 2017 (Persian Eddition).


17.  Morshedian1 J., Abbassi-Sourki F., and Latifi1 M., Elastomer Nanocomposites Reinforcements with Nanosilicon Carbide and Nanoclay Particles, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 31 (1), 43-55, 2018 (Persian Eddition).


18.  Haji Bagherian M., Karabi M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Azizi H., The Interdependence of Biodegradability, Morphology and Mechanical Properties in Polyolefin Elastomer/Starch Blends, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 31 (1), 69-79, 2018 (Persian Eddition).


19.  Ghoreishy MHR. and Abbassi-Sourki F., Development of a new combined numerical/experimental approach for the modeling of the nonlinear hyper-viscoelastic behavior of highly carbon black filled rubber compound, Polymer Testing, 70, 135-143, 2018.


20.  Karimi S., Ghasemi I, Abbassi-Sourki F., A study on the crystallization kinetics of PLLA in the presence of Graphene Oxide and PEG-grafted-Graphene Oxide: Effects on the nucleation and chain mobility, Composite B, 158, 302-310, 2019.


21.  Rostami M.R., Abbassi-Sourki F., Bouhendi H., Synergistic effect of branched polymer/nano silica on the microstructures of cement paste and their rheological behaviors, Construction and Building Materials, 201, 159-170, 2019.


22.  Ghoreishy MHR. and Abbassi-Sourki F., Study the Hyper-Viscoelastic and Stress Softening Behaviors of Various SBR/CB Filled Compounds Using a Triple Model, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 33 (4), 339-350, 2020 (Persian Eddition).


23.  Ghoreishy MHR. and Abbassi-Sourki F., Development of A New Model Based on Ogden-Roxburgh Model for the Prediction of the Stress-Softening Behavior of CB Filled Rubber Compounds, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 33 (4), 339-350, 2020 (Persian Eddition).


24.  Bazli, L., Bagherian M.H. Karrabi M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Azizi H., Effect of starch ratio and compatibilization on the viscoelastic behavior of POE/starch blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137 (29), 48877, 2020.



25.  Sayanjali M., Rezadoust A.M., Abbassi Sourki F., Tailoring physico-mechanical properties and rheological behavior of ABS filaments for FDM via blending with SEBS TPE, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 26 (10), 1687-1700, 2020


26.  Salimi A.,  Abbassi-Sourki F., Karrabi M.,  Ghoreishy M.H.R., Investigation on viscoelastic behavior of virgin EPDM/ reclaimed rubber blends using Generalized Maxwell Model (GMM), Polymer Testing, 93, 93, 106989, 2021


27.  Ghoreishy MHR. and Abbassi-Sourki F., Nonlinear stress relaxation of filled rubber compounds: A new theoretical model and experimental investigation, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139 (8), 49884, 2021.


28.  M.Andideh M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Soltani S., Abbassi-Sourki F., Surface modification of oxidized carbon fibers by grafting bis(triethoxysilylpropyl) tetrasulfide (TESPT) and rubber sizing agent : Application to short carbon fibers/SBR composites, Composites A, 141, 106201, 2021.


29.  Ghoreishy M.H.R., Abbassi Sourki F., Modeling the hyperviscoelastic and stress-softening behaviors of S-SBR/CB-filled rubber compound using a multicomponent model, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 27(3), 805-828, 2023.


30.  Ghoreishy MHR. and Abbassi-Sourki F., Development of A New Model Based on Ogden-Roxburgh Model for the Prediction of the Stress-Softening Behavior of CB Filled Rubber Compounds, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and technology, 35 (1), 69-82, 2022 (Persian Eddition).


31.  Karimi S., Ghasemi I., Abbassi-Sourki F., Samara M., Demarquette N.R.,

PEG-Grafted Graphene/PLLA Nanocomposites: Effect of PEG Chain Length on Crystallization Kinetics of PLLA, ACS Omega, 7 (35), 31197-31204, 2022.


32.  Andideh, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Soltani, S., Abbassi-Sourki F., Mansourian-Tabaei, M., Nouranian, S., Effects of nonlinear hyper-viscoelasticity and matrix/fiber debonding on the mechanical properties of short carbon fiber/styrene-butadiene composites under cyclic uniaxial loading using a multiscale finite element model,

Polymer Composites, 2023



33.     Parsamanesh M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Karrabi M., Soltani S. Thermomechanical devulcanization of butyl rubber using twin-screw extruder: process parameters, viscoelastic and compatibility properties, Progress in Rubber Plastics and Recycling Technology, Accepted.


Theses Supervised and Co-Supervised

1.      Kinetics and mathematical modeling of the changes in rheological behavior of carbon black filled compounds in internal mixers.

2.      Design and optimization of white sidewall compounds for steel belted radial tires.

3.      Synthesis of carboxylate styrene-butadiene rubber via emulsion polymerization.

4.      Preparation and investigation of the effect of coupling agent and interfacial modifiers on SBR latex- MWCNT nanocomposite morphology.

5.      Morphology investigation in high temperature thermal polymerization of Styrene.

6.      Investigation of rheological properties of silicone rubber to be used in drug delivery systems.

7.      Phase separation in low molecular weight PMMA/PS immiscible blends.

8.      Evaluation of the effect of active fillers (unsaturated carboxylates) and Nanoclay in Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) based rubber composites.

9.      Investigation of the effect of peroxide crosslinking and the presence of nanosilicone carbide on polyolefin elastomer properties. Preparation and investigation of mechanical properties and biodegradability of polyolefin elastomer modified by starch

10.  Investigation of processing properties of styrenic thermoplastic elastomer to use in 3D printing (FDM)

11.  Study of rheology, morphology, physical and mechanical properties of PLA/SEBS blends in the absence and presence of surface modifier

12.  Study of creep and tensile properties, rheology, morphology and biodegradability of polyolefin elastomer/starch compounds

13.  Devulcanization of EPDM rubber in a twin screw extruder and study of extrusion conditions (temperature, screw speed and reclaiming agent) on crosslink dissociation

14.  The effect of MWCNT on shape memory behavior of PLA/NR/MWCNT nanocomposites

15.  A study into the chopped fiber reinforced foam filled composite sandwich structure under high velocity impact

16.  Devulcanization of butyl rubber in a twin screw extruder and study of extrusion conditions (temperature, screw speed) on crosslink dissociation


Currently Supervising or Co-Supervising Theses

1.   Surface modification of waste rubber powder (MSc thesis carried out)

2.   Barrier properties of nanocomposites based on HDPE/Fe2O3-modified nanographene in a magnetic field (PhD thesis carried out)

Work Experiences

1.      Academic member of Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 1995-present.

2.      Making Very low density LDPE closed cell foams.

3.      Standardization of rubber and plastic automotive parts, Sazeh Gostar-e-Saipa Co.

4.      Production of liquid and powdered antioxidant for non-black rubber vulcanizates in pilot-plant scale, Raika Pajouhesh Co.

5.      Production of silicone orings in pilot-plant scale.

6.      Development of drum adhesives used in truck tire manufacturing factories

7.      Developing hydrophilic water expandable water stop used in concrete joints

8.     Development of inside tire paint


Abbassi-Sourki F., Bousmina M., Morphology Development in Surface Modified Immiscible Polymer Blends (2012) Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany

Conference Papers

1.   Abbassi-Sourki F.  Morshedian J. “Peroxide Crosslinking of Low Density Polyethylene” 2nd International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Nov. 3-5, 1997, Iran Polymer Institute, Tehran, Iran.

2.   Abbassi-Sourki F., Jalilian M. “Hydrogenation of General Purpose Rubbers to Reach Special Purpose Rubbers” 7th Iranian Congress of Chemical Engineering, Oct. 28-31, 2002, Tehran, Iran, “Persian Eddition” .

3.   Morshedian J., Abbassi-Sourki F.  “Nonlinear Creep Behavior of Peroxide Crosslinked Low Density Polyethylene” 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, May 12-15, 2003, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran.

4.   Jalilian M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Atai M., Ziaee F.  “Investigation of Crystallinity of Chlorinated Polyethylene” 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, May 12-15, 2003, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran.

5.   Karrabi M., Abbassi-Sourki F., Atai M.  “Effect of Tire Tread Compound Mixing Quality on the Air Pollution” 2nd National Seminar of Chemistry and Environment, Jan. 27-29, 2004, Isfahan, Iran, 4 Pages.

6.   Karrabi M., Abbassi-Sourki F.  “Relationship between Mixing Quality and Viscoelastic Parameters Obtained from HAAKE mixer and RPA” Malaysian Chemical Congress (MCC2004) Sept. 27-29, 2004.

7.   Mahdavian A.R., Abdollahi M., Abbassi-Sourki F. “The Comparison between Initial Charge, Shot and Modified Shot Processes and their Effects on Macrostructure of Particles in Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene- butadiene- acrylic acid” 9th National Congress of Chemical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, November 2004.

8.   Ravati S., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Bakhshandeh Gh., Abbassi-Sourki F.  “A Mixing Dependent Approach for Rubber/Carbon Black Compounds in Internal Mixers” ISPST2005. Sept. 27-29, 2005, Tehran, Iran.

9.   Ravati S., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Bakhshandeh Gh., Abbassi-Sourki F. “Mathematical Model for Determination of the Real Content of Carbon Black in carbon Black/Rubber Agglomerates” ISPST2005. Sept. 27-29, 2005, Tehran, Iran.

10.     Mahdavian A.R., Abdollahi M., Abbassi-Sourki F.  “The Effect of Carboxylic Groups on Properties of the Vulcanized Carboxylated SBR” 7th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, ISPST, Tehran, Iran, October 2005.

11.     Abbassi-Sourki F., Bousmina M. “Deformation and Breakup Mode of Clean and Compatibilized immiscible Droplets Characterizing with a Large Viscosity Ratio” Centre for Applied Research on Polymers and Composites, CREPEC. Dec. 2006, Montreal, Canada.

12.     Abbassi-Sourki F., Bousmina M. “Effect of Compatibilization on Rheological Behavior of Immiscible Polymer Blends” Centre for Applied Research on Polymers and Composites, CREPEC. Dec. 2007, Montreal, Canada.

13.     Abbassi-Sourki F., Bousmina M. “Visualization of Compatibilized Drop Breakup in Immiscible Polymer Blends under Shear Flow” Centre for Applied Research on Polymers and Composites, CREPEC. Dec. 2008, Montreal, Canada.

14.     Bakhshandeh GR., Abbassi-Sourki F., Alimardani M. “The Effect of Functionality of CNT on the Rheological Propertioes of XSBR latex-MWCNT nanocomposites” 2nd National Seminar on the Application of Nanoscience in Defence, 15-16 Feb, 2012, Emam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.

15.     Bakhshandeh GR., Abbassi-Sourki F., Alimardani M. “Preparation and Investigation of Rheological Properties of XSBR latex-MWCNT nanocomposites” 2nd National Seminar on the Application of Nanoscience in Defence, 15-16 Feb, 2012, Emam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.

16.     Abbassi-sourki F., Bakhshande GR., Alimardani M. “Stress Relaxation Behavior of Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber – MWCNT Nanocomposite” New and Advanced Materials International Congress Islamic Azad University, Majlesi Branch, May 10-12, 2012 Isfahan, Iran.

17.     Salarifar Z., Abbassi-Sourki F., Imani M., Ghamsari N, “Rheological properties of Polydimethyl Siloxane at Various Cure States” ISPST 2014, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institue, Oct. 6-9, Tehran, Iran.

18.     Salarifar Z., Abbassi-Sourki F., Imani M., Ghamsari N, “A Comparison between Rheological and viscoelastic Properties of Non-filled and Fumed Silica-Filled Polydimethyl Siloxane at Various Cure States” ISPST 2014, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institue, Oct. 6-9, Tehran, Iran.

19.     Ghamsari N., Abbassi-Sourki F., Soltani S., Ghiass M., Ziaee F., Salarifar Z “Rheology Investigation of Low Molecular Weight PMM/PS” ISPST 2014, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institue, Oct. 6-9, Tehran, Iran.

20.     Ghamsari N., Abbassi-Sourki F., Ghiass M., Soltani S., Ziaee F., Salarifar Z., Rheologically Investigated Phase Diagram for Polymthyl Methacrylate-Polystyrene Blend” ISPST 2014, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institue, Oct. 6-9, Tehran, Iran.

21.      Hosseini N., Abbassi-Sourki F., Bakhshandeh Gh. SBR Composites Prepared by Latex Method” ISPST 2014, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institue, Oct. 6-9, Tehran, Iran.

22.     Abbassi-Sourki F., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Ahangarzadeh M., Entezami E.   “A comparison on the dynamic properties of ESBR and SSBR-based tire tread compounds filled with silane-treated silica/carbon black” ISPST 2016, Islamic Azad University, Nov. 2-5, Tehran, Iran

23.      Kadhkoda Ghamsari N., Abbassi-Sourki F., Ghiass M., Ziaee F., Salarifar Z., Soltani S. “Relaxation spectra of PMMA/PS immiscible blend below and above phase separation temperature” ISPST 2016, Islamic Azad University, Nov. 2-5, Tehran, Iran

24.     Latifi M., Morshedian J., Abbassi-Sourki F., “Effect of nano Silicon Carbide and Cloisite 20A on Tensile, Rheological and Thermal Properties of POE” ISPST 2016, Islamic Azad University, Nov. 2-5, Tehran, Iran

25.     Salarifar Z., Abbassi-Sourki F., Imani M., Kadhkoda Ghamsari N.  “Porous morphology from partially cured polydimethylsiloxane” ISPST 2016, Islamic Azad University, Nov. 2-5, Tehran, Iran

26.     Salimi A., Abbassi- Sourki F., Ghoreishy M. H. R., Karrabi M., “Effect of devulcanized rubber on virgin EPDM rubber properties” ISPST 2020, Tarbiat Modarres University, Nov. 9-12, Tehran, Iran

27.     Barzegar A., Zahedi P., Abbassi- Sourki F., Malekzadeh A., “Preparation and Characterization of Poly (Lactic Acid)/Natural Rubber Blends as a Shape Memory Thermoplastic” ISPST 2020, Tarbiat Modarres University, Nov. 9-12, Tehran, Iran


1.   Three-month training at Iran Tire Co. tire maker, Tehran, Iran (1992).

2.   Three-month training in PVC compounding at Iran Baika Co., Shiraz, Iran (1993).

3.   A short period Plastic Machinary Training organized by Cesap, Italy (2002).


1.   Prof. Mosto Bousmina, Euromed University of Fez (UEMF), Rabat, Morocco,

2.   Prof. Hossein Nazokdast, AmirKabir University of Technology,

3.   Prof. Masoud Esfandeh, Iran polymer and Petrochemical Institute,