Hamed Azizi

Assistant Professor
(B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D)

Personal Information
Name: Hamed
Surname: Azizi
Date of Birth: June 25, 1976
Place of Birth: Saghez, Iran
Postal Address: Plastics Department
Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute (IPPI)
P.O. Box 14965/115
Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98-21-48662410
Fax: +98-21-44580021

Educational Record
Ph.D. :
Polymer engineering, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, 2010.
Thesis: Silane grafting and water crosslinking of polyethylene: The effect of molecular structure and nanoclay.
Polymer Engineering, Iran Polymer Institute, Sept. 1998-March 2001
Thesis: Silane Crosslinking of Low Density Polyethylene in a Single Screw Extruder: The Effects of EVA, Aluminum Trihydrate and Antimony Trioxide on XLPE.
Polymer Engineering, Polymer Engineering Department, Tehran Polytechnic (Amirkabir University), Sept. 1994-Sept. 1998,
Thesis: Preparation and Investigation of Properties of High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS).


SUPA Co. (Disposable Medical Devices Manufacturer):
Process Engineer, 1999-2001.
Morvareed Sirjan Co. (manufacturer of PVC and TPE compounds):
Technical assistant, 2003-present.
Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute:
Full-time Member of Academic Staff, Nov.2001-Present.

Interested Research

Plastics Processing (Extrusion, Injection molding, Mixing ...)
Reactive Extrusion and Modification of Plastics (Silane Crosslinking of PE, Controlled Rheology PP (CRPP),…)
Blending and alloying of Polymers
Recycling of Plastics (Mixed Plastics, Polyolefins)
Some Research Experiences
1-Silane Crosslinking of PE for wire and Cable Application
2-Improvement of thermoformoblity of polypropylene by compounding
3-Recycling and Improving of properties of  mixed plastics waste
4-Production of rheology-controlled polypropylene  by reactive extrusion
5-Preparation of wood-plastics composites
6-Improvement the properties of plastics used in automotive parts
7-Recycling of EPDM rubber and using it in PP/EPDM blend
8-Preparation of wood-PP composites
9-UPVC formulation for construction applications.
10-LDPE/EVA foams: the effect of nanoclay and injection molding parameters.
11-Production of microcellular foams based on PP/EPDM.


Journal Papers:
1- H.Azizi and I.ghasemi, Reactive Extrusion of Polypropylene: Production of Controlled Rheology PP by Peroxide Promoted Degradation, Polymer Testing, 23 (2004), 137-143.
2- H. Azizi, J. Morshedian, and H. Salehi Mobarakeh, Sioplas Crosslinking of Polyethylene: The Effect of Aluminium Trihydrate and Antimony Trioxide on XLPE, Iranian J. Polym. Sci. Technol., 15(6), 381, February-March 2003.
3- J. Morshedian, H. Azizi, H. Salehi Mobarakeh, Sioplas Crosslinking of Polyethylene: The Effect of EVA on XLPE, Iranian J. Polym. Sci. Technol., 14(5), 281, December 2001-January 2002.
4- H.Azizi and I.ghasemi, Investigation on the Influence of Peroxide-Degradation Process on Rheological Properties of Polypropylene, Iranian Polym. Journal, 14(5),2005,465-471.
5- J. Barzin, H.Azizi, J. Morshedian, Preparation of silane-grafted and moisture crosslinked low-density polyethylene Part I: factor affecting performance of grafting and crosslinking, Polym. Plast. Tech. Eng., 54, 2006, 979-983..
6- S.mohamadian, H.Azizi, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi, Investigation on properties of CaCO3-filled polypropylene for thermoforming application, Iranian J. Polym. Sci. Technol., 19(3), 195-201, August 2006.
7- S.mohamadian, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi, H.Azizi, Investigation on the thermoformability of polyolefin blends by hot tensile and rheological tests, Polym. Testing, 25 , 2006, 504-511.
8- S.mohamadian, I.Ghasemi, H.Azizi, M. Karrabi, Influence of the β-nucleator on the thermal and sagging behaviours of polypropylene, Iranian Polym. J., 15(8),2006,637-644.
9- J. Barzin, H.Azizi, J. Morshedian, Preparation of silane-grafted and moisture crosslinked Low Density Polyethylene:Part II: Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical properties, Polym. Plast. Tech. Eng., 46, 2007, 305-310.
10- H.Azizi, J. Barzin, J. Morshedian, silane crosslinking of polyethylene: The effect of EVA, Sb2O3 and ATH on properties of the production in continuous grafting of LDPE, Express Polym. Lett., 1(6), 2007, 378-384.
11- A.R.Jalilvand, I.Ghasemi, M.karrabi, H.Azizi, A study of EPDM devulcanization in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder, Iranian Polym. J., 16(5), 2007,327-335.
12- H.Azizi, I.ghasemi, Investigation on the dynamic melt rheological properties of polypropylene/wood flour composites, polymer composites1-7,2008.
13- A.R.Jalilvand, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Using Devulcanized EPDM in PP/HDPE/EPDM ternary blend: Mechanical properties and morphology, Iranian Polym. J., 16(9), 2007, 637-644.
14-  A .R.Jalilvand, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, An investigation in the EPDM devulcanisation in Co-rotating twin screw extruder by response surface methodology, Prog. Rubb. Plast. Recycl., 24,33-40, 2008.
15- P.Ezzati,, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Correlation between the rheological behavior and morphology of PP/EPDM blends in various dynamic vulcanization Systems, Iranian Polym. J., 17(4), 2008,256-272.
16- H. Azizi. I.Ghasemi. M.karrabi., controlled – peroxide degradation od polypropylene: rheological properties and prediction of MWD from rheological data, Polym. Test, 27, 2008, 548-554.
17- H. Azizi. et al., morphological, mechanical and rheological studies of PVC/ABS blends in the presence of maleic anhydride, J.Vinyl. additive. Technol, 127-132, 2010.
18- H. Azizi, J. Faghihi, An investigation of the mechanical and dynamic rheological properties of single and hybrid filler/PP composites based on Calcium carbonate and talc, Polym. Compos., 1743-1748, 2009.
19- M.Mohamadi, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi., evaluation the effect of processing conditions and organoclay content on the properties of SBR/Organoclay nanocomposites by response surface methodology, Express.Polym.Lett., 4, 62-70, 2010.
20- P.Mohamadhoseinpour, J.Morshedian, M.Barikani, H. Azizi., Effect of polymer structure and additives on silane grafting of polyethylene, Express.Polym.Lett., 3, 105-115, 2009.
21- H. Azizi. J.Morshedian, M.Barikani, M.H.Wagner, Effect of layered silicate nanoclay on the properties of silane crosslinked LLDPE, Express.Polym.Lett., 4, 252-262, 2010.
22- P.Ezzati,, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Investigation on the rheological properties of PP/EPDM blends-the effect of compatibilization, TPE magazine, 2010, 43-49.
23- M.Riahinezhad, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, An investigation on the correlation between rheology and morphology of nanocomposite foams based on low-density polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate blends, Polymer composites,31(10), 1808-1816, 2010.
24- M.Riahinezhad, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Morphology and tensile properties of crosslinked low-density polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate blends nanocomposite foams, J. Vinyl. Add. Technol., 16(4),229-237, 2010.
25- H.Azizi, J.Morshedian. M.Barikani, Effect of EVA copolymer on properties of different polyethylene in silane crosslinking process, Plast. Rubb. Compos. ,2010, 39, 357-363.
26- H. Yazdani, M.Karrabi, I. ghasemi, H.Azizi and G.R. Bakhshandeh, Devulcanisation of waste tire using a twin screw extruder: the effect of processing conditions, J. Vinyl. Add. Technol., 17(1),64-69, 2011.
27- H. Azizi. J.Morshedian, M.Barikani, M.H.Wagner, Correlation between molecular structure parameters and network properties of silane grafted and moisture crosslined Polyethylenes, Adv. Polym. Technol., 30(4), 285-300, 2011.
Seminars & Conferences:

  1-H. Azizi, and I. Ghasemi, Production of Controlled-Rheology Polypropylene by Reactive   Extrusion, PPC-8, 24-27 Nov. 2003, Bangkok, Thailand.
2-H. Azizi, and I. Ghasemi, Reactive Extrusion of Polypropylene: Mechanical Properties of Controlled-Degradation Polypropylene, 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 12-15 May 2003, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran.
3- H. Azizi, and I. Ghasemi, Rheological Properties of Controlled Degradation Polypropylene, 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 12-15 May 2003, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran.
4-H. Azizi, J. Morshedian, H. Salehi Mobarakeh, Use of Halogen-free Fire Retardant on Properties of Silane Crosslinked Polyethylene, 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 12-15 May 2003, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran.
5- H.Azizi, J. Morshedian, H. Salehi Mobarakeh, The Effect of EVA on properties of Silane Crosslinked Polyethylene, 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 12-15 May 2003, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran.
6- H.Azizi , A. orumiehie, improvement the properties of value-added mixed plastics by suitable compatibilisers, The 4th International Conference on Polymer science and Technology, 27-29 September, 2005, Tehran, Iran.
7- H.Azizi, et al., The effect of mineral fillers on the Thermoformability of Polypropylene, The 4th International Conference on Polymer science and Technology, 27-29 September, 2005, Tehran, Iran.
8- H.Azizi, et al., Production oh Highly Thermoformable Polypropylene by Compounding, The 4th International Conference on Polymer science and Technology, 27-29 September, 2005, Tehran, Iran.
9- H.Azizi, et al., Investigation on the effect of beta-nucleator on the Thermoformability of Polypropylene, The 4th International Conference on Polymer science and Technology, 27-29 September, 2005, Tehran, Iran.
10- H.Azizi, et al., Relation Between Rheological properties and Thermoformability in Polyolefin Alloys, The 4th International Conference on Polymer science and Technology, 27-29 September, 2005, Tehran, Iran.
11- A. R. Jaliilvand, M.Karrabi, I.ghasemi, H.Azizi, effect of processing condition on revulcanization of EPDM, Iranian rubber National Conference (IRNC), 14-15 Nov., 2006, Shiraz, Iran.
12- H. Azizi. J.Morshedian, M.Barikani,M.H.Wagner, Effect of pristine layered silicate montmorillonite on the properties of silane crosslinked LLDPE, ECCM-14, Budapest, Hungary, 7-10 June 2010.
13- P.Ezzati,, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Study on the effect of compatibilizer on the rheological behaviour of dynamically vulcanized PP/EPDM blend, ISPST 2009, Tehran, Iran.
14- P.Ezzati,, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Morphology and mechanical property of PP/EPDM dynamically vulcanized blend in the presence of compatibilizer, ISPST 2009, Tehran, Iran.
15- M.Riahinezhad, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Morphology and tensile properties of LDPE/EVA nanocomposite foams, ISPST 2009, Tehran, Iran.
16- M.Riahinezhad, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Rheological behaviour of LDPE/EVA nanocomposite foam, PPS 2009, Syprus.
17- M.Riahinezhad, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Mechanical properties of LDPE/EVA/clay nanocompositen foam, the fourth China-Europe symposium on processing & properties of reinforced polymers, China, 2009.
18- I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi M.Mohammadi and H.Azizi Correlation between rheology and morphology in SBR nanocomposites, Nano Euro 2008, Switzerland.
19- M. Karrabi, I.Ghasemi, M.Mohammadi and H.Azizi, Study on the effect of mixing condition on the properties of SBR nanocomposites using response surface methodology, Nano Euro 2008, Switzerland.
20- P.Ezzati,, I.Ghasemi, M. Karrabi and H.Azizi, Vulcanized (TPV): the effect of different curing systems, TPE 2007, Germany, Cologne.
1- H.Azizi, J.Morshedian and H.A. Khonakdar; Continuous production of Crosslinked PE compound for low to medium voltage cable application, Iranian Patent Office, 31722, May 2005.
2- A.R.Jalilvand, I.Ghasemi, M.karrabi, H.Azizi, A procedure of EPDM devulcanization in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder, Iranian Patent Office, 44365, June 2007.
3- M.Karabi, I. Ghasemi, H.Azizi, S.Mohannadian, Preparation of filled polypropylene with calcium carbonate for thermoformability, Iranian Patent Office, 48280, May 2008.
4- I. Ghasemi, M.Karabi, H.Azizi, S.Mohannadian, Preparation of polypropylene blend   suitable for thermoforming, Iranian Patent Office, 48282, May 2008.
5- I. Ghasemi, M.Karabi,P.Ezzati, H.Azizi Preparation pf thermoplastic elastomer with lower die swell based on PP/EPDM, Iranian Patent Office, 49102, June 2008.