Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Polymer Engineering (2004) Iran Polymer and petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Iran Research visitor (collaboration with Professor P.J. Carreau), Rheology Department, The University of Montreal, Canada, 2002-2003 M.Sc. Polymer Engineering (1992) Engineering Faculty of Tehran University & IPPI B.Sc. Polymer Engineering (1989) Amirkabir University (Tehran Polytechnic)
- Rubber compounding and processing
- Rheology of polymer melt
- Polymer blending
- Application of nano-fillers in rubber compounds
- Reclaiming of rubber
- Numerical simulation of polymer processing
- Nano particles
- M.H.R. Ghoreishy, Mohammad Karrabi, M. Razavi Nouri, Development of Optimized Rubber Compounds for the Components of the Bead Section of a Low Aspect Ratio Steel-Belted Radial Tire, Iranian Polymer Journal, 10, 2, 115-123 (2001).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R Ghoreishy, G.R.Bakhshandeh, Rheological Study of Tire Tread Compound Part I: Determination of Wall Slip Coefficient and Elastic Swell Using Capillary Rheometer, Iranian Polymer Journal, 13, 4, 317-325 (2004).
- Mohammad Karrabi, G.R Bakhshandeh., M.H.R Ghoreishy, Rheological Study of Tire Tread Compound Part II: A method to study the relaxation time and viscosity index using parallel plate rheometer, Iranian Polymer Journal, 13, 5, 397-404 (2004).
- A. Shakeri, Mohammad Karrabi, Effects of Surface Treatment of Carbon black by Polymerization Compounding on Rheological Behavior of Carbon Black Composites, Iranian Polymer Journal, 15, 1, 49-56 (2006).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Investigation on the Thermo formability of Polyolefin Blends by Hot tensile and Rheological tests, Polymer Testing, 25, 504-511, (2006).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, Influence of the β-Nucleator on the Thermal and sagging behaviors of Polypropylene, Iranian Polymer Journal, 15, 8, 637-644 (2006).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, A study of tread compound mixing quality using rubber process analyzer, Tire technology international, 21-22 (2006).
- Mohammadian-Gezaz, S., Ghasemi, I., Mohammad Karrabi, & Azizi, H., Investigation on the thermoformability of polyolefin blends by hot tensile and rheological tests. Polymer Testing, 25, 504–511, (2006).
- A.R. Jalilvand, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, A study of EPDM Devulcanization in a Corotating Twin Screw Extruder, Iranian Polymer Journal, 16, 5, 327-325 (2007).
- A.R. Jalilvand, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Using Devulcanized EPDM in PP/HDPE/EPDM Ternary Blend: Mechanical Properties & Morphology, Iranian Polymer Journal, 16, 9, 637-644 (2007).
- A.R. Jalilvand, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, An Investigation on the EPDM deulcanization in corotating twin screw extruder by RSM, Progress in rubber , plastic and recycling technology, 24, 1, 33-45 (2008).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Correlation between the rheologycal behevior and morphology of PP/EPDM in various dynamic vulcanization, Iranian Polymer Journal, 17,4, 265-272 (2008).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Rheological behaviour of PP/EPDM: The effect of cpmpatibilizer, Iranian Polymer Journal, 17, 9, 669-679 (2008).
- H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Controlled-peroxide degradation of polaypropylene: Rheological properties and prediction of MWD from rheological, Polymer Testing, 27, 5, 548-554 (2008).
- I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy, Investigation into stress-strain behavior of organoclay SBR composite using different constotuative model, Plastic, Rubber and composite, 37, 7, 305-310 (2008).
- I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, M. Mohammadi, H. Azizi, Evaluating the effect of processing conditions and nanoclay content on the properties of SBR/organoclay nanocomposites by response surface methodology, EXPRESS Polymer Letters, 4, 2, 62-70 (2010).
- M. Riahi Nezhad, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, An investigation on the correlation between rheology and morphology of nanocomposite foams based on low-density polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate blends, Polymer Composites, 10, 31, 1808-1816 (2010).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Study on the cure characteristics and viscoelastic behavior of different Styrene Butadiene Rubber compounds using RPA, Journal of vinyl & additive tech, 16, 3, 209-216 (2010).
- M. Riahi Nezhad, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Morphology and Tensile Properties of Cross-linked Low Density Polyethylene and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Blends Nanocomposite Foams, Journal of vinyl & additive tech, 16, 4, 229–237 (2010).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Investigation on the Rheological properties of PP/EPDM blends- the effect of compatibilization, TPE magazine, 43-49, (2010).
- Riahinezhad, M., Ghasemi, I., Mohammad Karrabi, & Azizi, H., Morphology and tensile properties of crosslinked nanocomposite foams of low‐density polyethylene and poly (ethylene‐co‐vinyl acetate) blends. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 16, 229–237, (2010)
- Mohammad Karrabi, Somayyeh Mohammadian-Gezaz, Study of the Cure Characteristics & Viscoelastic Behaviour of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Compounds by Using a Rubber Process Analyzer, Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology 16, 209–216, (2010).
- M. Riahinezhad, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, An Investigation on the Correlation Between rheology & Morphology of Nanocomposite Foams Based on Low-Density Polyethylene & Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Blends, Polymer Composites 8, 1808–1816, (2010).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Characterization the effects of carbon black based interactions on the linear and nonlinear viscoelasticity of uncured and cured SBR compounds, Iranian Polymer Journal, 20, 1, 15-27 (2011).
- H. Yazdani, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, G.R. Bakhshandeh, Devulcanization of waste tires using a twin screw extruder: The effect of processing conditions, Journal of vinyl & additive tech, 17, 1, 64-69 (2011).
- H. Yazdani, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasmi, H. Azizi, Gh. R. Bakhshandeh, Devulcanization of Waste Tires Using a Twin-Screw Extruder: The Effects of Processing Conditions, Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 17, 64–69, (2011).
- M. Saeedi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Thermal Degradation of Poly(vinyl chloride): Effect of Nanoclay and Low Density Polyethylene Content, Iranian Polymer Journal, 20, 423-432, (2011).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, The Effects of Carbon Black-based Interactions on the Linear & Non-Linear Viscoelasticity of Uncured & Cured SBR Compounds, Iranian Polymer Journal, 20, 15-17, (2011).
- M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Microcellular foaming of PP/EPDM/organoclay nanocomposites: the effect of the distribution of nanoclay on foam morphology, Polymer Journal, 44, 433–438, (2012).
- M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Production of microcellular foam based on PP/EPDM: The effects of processing parameters and nanoclay using response surface methodology, e-Polymers, 53, (2012).
- M. Minaei-Zaim, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Effect of Injection Molding Parameters on Properties of Cross-linked low-density Polyethylene/ethylene vinyl Acetate/organoclay Nanocomposite Foams, 21, 537–546, (2012).
- S. Gomari, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Organoclay localization in polyamide 6/ethylene-butene copolymer grafted maleic anhydride blends: the effect of different types of organoclay, Journal of Polymer Research, 19, (2012).
- Gomari, S., Ghasemi, I., Mohammad Karrabi, & Azizi, H., Organoclay localization in polyamide 6/ethylene-butene copolymer grafted maleic anhydride blends: the effect of different types of organoclay. Journal of Polymer Research, 19, 9769, (2012).
- A. Mirabedini, Mohammad Karrabi, I, Ghasemi, Viscoelastic Behavior of NBR/Phenolic Compounds, Iranian Polymer Journal, 22, 25–32, (2013).
- H. Yazdani, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Gh.R. Bakhshandeh, Continuous Devulcanization of Waste Tires by Using a Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder: Effects of Screw Configuration, Temperature Profile, and Devulcanization Agent Concentration, Iranian Polymer Journal, 19, 65–72, (2013).
- R. Mehrabi Kooshki, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Nanocomposites Based on Polycarbonate/Poly (butylenes terephthalate) Blends Effects of Distribution and Type of Nanoclay on Morphological Behavior, Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 19, 203–212, (2013).
- E. Sharifzadeh, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, A new approach in modeling of mechanical properties of binary phase polymeric blends, Iranian Polymer Journal, 23, 525–530, (2014).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, I. Fortelny, Morphology Evolution of Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA), Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and Polyethylene Oxide (PEO) Ternary Blend and Their Effects on Mechanical Properties for Bio Scaffold Applications, Polymer(Korea), 38, 449-456, (2014).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, I. Fortelny, Preparation of Porous PLLA/PCL Blend by a Combination of PEO Phase and NaCl Particulate Leaching in PLLA/PCL/PEO/NaCl Blend, Iranian Polymer Journal, 23, 757–766, (2014).
- E. Sharifzadeh, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, A New Approach in Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposites: Effect of Interface Region and Random Orientation, Iranian Polymer Journal, 23, 835–845, (2014).
- Manafi, P., Ghasemi, I., Mohammad Karrabi, Azizi, H., & Ehsaninamin, P., Effect of graphene nanoplatelets on crystallization kinetics of poly (lactic acid). Soft Materials, 12, 433–444, (2014).
- M. Shayan, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Effect of modified starch and nanoclay particles on biodegradabilityand mechanical properties of cross-linked poly lactic acid, Carbohydrate Polymers, 124, 237-244, (2015).
- P. Manafi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, R. Manafi, P. Ehsani namin, Thermal stability and thermal degradation kinetics (model-free kinetics) of nanocomposites based on poly (lactic acid)/graphene: the influence of functionalization, Polymer Bulletin, 72, 1095-1112, (2015).
- S. Gomari, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, An investigation on non-isothermal crystallization behavior and morphology of polyamide 6/poly(ethyleneco- 1-butene)-graft-maleic anhydride/organoclay nanocomposites, Polyolefins Journal, 2, 99-108, (2015).
- J. Shirkavand, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, R. Rashedi, A correlation between microstructure and rheological properties of broad MWD high‑density polyethylene, Iranian Polymer Journal, 24, 953–963, (2015).
- M. Akrami, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizia, Mohammad Karrabi, M. Seyedabadi, A New Approach in Comppatibilization of the poly(lactic acid)/Thermoplastic Starch (PLA/TPS) Blends, Carbohydrate Polymers,144, 254-262, (2015).
- Rahmat, M., Ghasemi, I., Mohammad Karrabi, Azizi, H., Zandi, M., & Riahinezhad, M., Silane crosslinking of poly (lactic acid): The effect of simultaneous hydrolytic degradation. Express Polymer Letters, 9, 1133-1141, (2015).
- S. Lashgari, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, M. Messori, K. Paderni, Shape memory nanocomposites of poly(L-lactic acid)/graphene nanoplatelets triggered by infrared light and thermal heating, Polymer Letters, 10, 349–359, (2016).
- S. Lashgari, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, M. Messori, Graphene nanoplatelets dispersion in poly(l‑lactic acid): preparation method and its influence on electrical, crystallinity and thermomechanical properties, Iranian Polymer Journal, 25, 193–202, (2016).
- M. Rahmat, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, M. Zandi, H. Azizi, Silane crosslinking of electrospun poly (lactic acid)/nanocrystalline cellulose bionanocomposite, Materials Science & Engineering, 68, 397-405, (2016).
- M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, M. Sabzi, Incorporation of Surface Modified Graphene Nanoplatelets for Development of Shape Memory PLA Nanocomposite, Fibers and Polymers, 17, 1062–1068, (2016).
- M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, M. Sabzi, Dispersion of Graphene Nanoplatelets in Polylactic Acid with the Aid of a Zwitterionic Surfactant: Evaluation of the Shape Memory Behavior, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 55, (2016).
- J. Shirkavand, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Effect of Molecular Structure Parameters on Crystallinity and Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance of High-Density Polyethylene/TiO2 Nanocomposites, Advances in Polymer Technology, (2016).
- L. Bazli, A. Khavandia, M. A. Boutorabia, Mohammad Karrabi, Morphology and viscoelastic behavior of silicone rubber/EPDM/ Cloisite 15A nanocomposites based on Maxwell model, Iranian Polymer Journal, 25, (2016).
- A. Shojaei, Mohammad Karrabi, H.R. Ghoreishy, Effect of differenttypes of nano-particles onthe morphology and mechanical properties of EPDM foam, Cellular Polymers, 36, 113-133, (2017).
- M. Deilamy, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani, Thermal behavior, tensile, and dynamic mechanical properties of PVDF/FKM Blends in different curing systems, Polymer(Korea), 40, 250-259, (2017).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, Characterization of the Viscoelastic and Vulcanization Behavior of Natural Rubber Nanocomposites Having Different Levels of Nano Silicate/Black, Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology, 33, 261-280, (2017).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, Study on the stress relaxation of nano clay-rubber nanocomposites considering standard linear solid model, Journal of Rubber research, 20, (2017).
- E. Forghani, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Compatibility, Morphology and Mechanical Properties of PLA/POE Foams, Journal of Cellular plastics, (2017).
- L. Bazli, A. Khavandia, M. A. Boutorabia, Mohammad Karrabi, Correlation between viscoelastic behavior and morphology of nanocomposites based on SR/EPDM Blends by maleic anhydride, polymer, 113, (2017).
- H. Fallahi, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Preparation and properties of electrically conductive, flexible and transparent silver nanowire/poly (lactic acid) nanocomposites, Organic Electronics, 44, (2017).
- M. Reghata, I. Ghasemi, E. Farno, H. Azizi, P. Ehsani Namin, Mohammad Karrabi, Investigation on shear induced isothermal crystallization of poly (lactic acid) nanocomposite based on graphene, Soft Materials, 15, (2017).
- Mohammad Karrabi, & Ghoreishy, H. R., Effect of Different Types of Nanoparticles on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of EPDM Foam, 36, (2017).
- E Forghani, H Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I Ghasem, Compatibility, morphology and mechanical properties of polylactic acid/polyolefin elastomer foams, Journal of Cellular Plastics, 54, (2018).
- M. J. SHIRKAVAND, H. AZIZI, I. GHASEMI, Mohammad Karrabi, ,Effect of Molecular Structure Parameters on Crystallinity and Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance of High-Density Polyethylene/TiO2 Nanocomposites, Advances in Polymer Technology, 37, (2018).
- M. Deilamy, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani , Improving on Processing of Composites Via Blending with FKM and Relation Between Electrical Conductivity and properties of PVDF/FKM/CB, Polymer(Korea), 42, (2018).
- Mohammad Karrabi, G.R.Bakhshandeh, A Parametric Study on Rubber to Steel-cord Adhesion for the Belt Section of Low Aspect Ratio Radial Passenger Car Tires, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 15, 1, 3-12, (2002).
- Mohammad Karrabi, G.R. Bakhshandeh, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, Numerical Simulation of the Flow of a Tire Tread Compound Through Capillary Die and Laboratory Extruder Die, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 17, 4, 229-235 (2004).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Investigation on properties of CaCO3-filled Polypropylene for thermoforming application, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 19, 3, 195-201(2006).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Nano calcium carbonate application in polymer, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 9, 38, 49-51, (2006).
- Mohammad Karrabi, G.R. Bakhshandeh, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, Formulation design of the bead section of radial passenger tire by reversing engineering method, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 41, 30-35, (2006).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Investigation of viscoelastic and curing properties of carbon black filled SBR compounds using rubber process analyzer, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 19, 6, 475-483 (2007).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Effect of dibutyl disulphide on the devulcanization of automotive window strip rubber compound, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 59, 143-147 (2010).
- H. Yazdani, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, G.R. Bakhshandeh, Effect of processing conditions on devulcanization of waste tire tread using a twin screw extruder, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 59, 132-140 (2010).
- R. Mehrabi Kooshki, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Nanocomposites Based on Polycarbonate/Poly (butylenes terephthalate) Blends Effects of Distribution and Type of Nanoclay on Morphological Behavior, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 26, 110-113, (2013).
- P. Manafi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, M. R. Manafi, Crystallization and morphology of nanocomposites based on poly (lactic acid)/graphene: the influence of functionalization, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 27, 383-394, (2014).
- J. Shirkavand, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, R. Rashedi, A correlation between microstructure and rheological properties of broad MWD high‑density polyethylene, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 28, 27-38, (2015).
- S. Rahimi Bandarabadi, P. Ehsani namin, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, Adaptability, morphology, mechanical properties and biodegradability of poly (styrene-ethylene-propylene-styrene) modified thermoplastic starch, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 29, 311-321, (2016).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, F. Pashaei, Recycling of ethylene propylene diene rubber compound under different process conditions: evaluation of the devulcanization process and devulcanized rubber properties after the curing, Journal of applied research in chemistry, 11, 12, (2016).
- M. Deilamy, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani, Investigating the Effect of curing System on Thermal, Dynamic Mechanical, and Tensile Properties of PVDF / FKM Blend, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 88, 1-8, (2016).
- B. Eslami, P. Ehsani naming, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Investigation on the adsorption of cadmium ions from aqueous solution using nano-composites based on chitosan/nanoparticles modified with triethylamine, Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 36, 115-125, (2017).
- M. Hajibagherian, Mohammad Karrabi, F. Abbasi Sourki, H. Azizi, Biodegradability relationship with the structural characteristics and mechanical properties of polyolefin elastomer/starch blends, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 31, 11, (2018).
- M. Barghamadi, Mohammad Karrabi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, the Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelets on Rheology, Curing and Tensile Properties of NBR/PVC Nanocomposite Prepared by Melt Intercalation Method, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 31, (2018).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, G. Naderi, Study of the Flow of a Tire Tread Compound in a Laboratory-Scale Extruder using COSMOS/M, PPS - 2001 Regional, (2001).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, G.R. Bakhshandeh, Simulation of flow of tire tread compound using a capillary die, The 8th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC 8), Nov. 24-27, Bangkok, Thailand, (2003).
- Mohammad Karrabi, F. Abbasi Sourki, Relationship between mixing quality and viscoelastic parameters obtained from HAAKE mixer and RPA, Malaysian Chemical Congress (MCC2004) Sept. 27-29, (2004).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Investigation on the Effect of β-Nucleator on the Thermoformability of Polypropylene, Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, (2005).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Relation between Rheological Properties and Thermo formability of Polyolefin Alloys, Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. (2005).
- I. Ghasemi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Production of Highly Thermo formable Polypropylene by Compounding, Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, (2005).
- H. Azizi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, The Effect of Mineral fillers on the Thermo formability of Polypropylene, Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (2005).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Study on mixing Quality of tire tread compound using RPA, Tire Technology Expo 2006, Germany, (2006).
- M. Ehsani, Mohammad Karrabi, S. Soltani, Curing Characterization of SBR Compound using RPA, PPS-22, Japan, (2006).
- M. Ehsani, Mohammad Karrabi, S. Soltani, Application of Stress Relaxation Behavior for Evaluation of Processability of Raw Rubbers Rubber Chem. Dec.5-6, 2006, Munich, Germany, (2006).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, “Prediction of mixing at various mixing times and cure Characteristics of the Rubber Compound”, Rubber Chem. Dec.5-6, 2006, Munich, Germany, (2006).
- P. Ezzati, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, P. Ehsani namin, Rheological properties of PP/EPDM thermoplastic elastomer vulcanizates (TPV): The effect of different curing systems, TPE 2007, Germany, Cologne (2007).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Effect of dynamic vulcanization with different curing systems on the rheological properties of PP/EPDM blend, Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, ISPST 2007, Tehran, Iran (2007).
- H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, A. Jalilvand, An Investigation on the morphlogy and mechanical properties of Ternary polyolefin blends (PP/HDPE/EPDM) using Devulcanized EPDM, Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, ISPST 2007, Tehran, Iran (2007).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Study on the Viscoelastic and Cure properties of different CB loaded tire sidewall compounds using RPA, Tire Technology Expo 2008, 19-21 Feb 2008, Germany (2008).
- I. Ghasemi, M. Mohammadi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, Study on the effect of mixing condition on the properties of SBR nano composite using response surface methodology, Euro Nano 2008, September 16-17, 2008, St. Gallen, Switzerland. (2008).
- I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, M. Mohammadi, H. Azizi, Correlation between rheology and morphology in SBR nanocomposite, Euro Nano 2008, September 16-17, 2008, St. Gallen, Switzerland. (2008).
- Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy, Prediction of Tensile & Morphological Properties of SBR Nanocomposites Using Constitutive Models, The Fourth China-Europe Symposium on Processing & Properties of Reinforced Polymers, 8-12 June 2009, China, Guilin (2009).
- M. Riahi Nezhad, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Mechanical Properties of LDPE, EVA/Clay Nanocomposite Foams, The Fourth China-Europe Symposium on Processing & Properties of Reinforced Polymers, 8-12 June 2009, China, Guilin (2009).
- M. Riahi Nezhad, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Rheological Behaviour of LDPE/EVA/Clay Nanocomposite Foams, PPS-2009, 18-21 Oct 2009, Cyprus, Larnaca (2009).
- M. Saeedi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Degradation mechanism & morphology properties of PVC/LDPE nanocomposites, 3rd International Conference "Advanced Composite Materials Engineering", (2010).
- Riahinezhad, M., Ghasemi, I., Mohammad Karrabi, & Azizi, H., The Morphological study of crosslinked LDPE/EVA nanocomposite foams, 3rd International Conference "Advanced Composite Materials Engineering", (2010).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Strain dependency bahavior of SBR compounds filled with different Nano particles, Tire Technology Expo 2011, Germany, (2011).
- A. Mirabedini, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, F.Abbassi, Stress Relaxation Behavior of NBR/Phenolic Resin, IUPAC 7th International Conference on Novel Materials (NMS-VII) & 21th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers, 16-21 October, Shanghai, China, (2011).
- M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Investigation on The Transesterification Reaction in PBT/PC Blend: The Effect of Mixing Time & Temperature, Nanoclay & Catalyst, IUPAC 7th International Conference on Novel Materials (NMS-VII) & 21th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers, 16-21 October, Shanghai, China, (2011).
- R. Kooshki, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Nanocomposites Based on Polycarbonate/Poly (butylenes terephthalate) Blends Effects of Distribution and Type of Nanoclay on Morphological Behavior, PPS-27, (2011).
- A. Shojaei , Mohammad Karrabi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy, Effect of Various Nano Particle Type on Morphology of Vulcanized EPDM Foam, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- H. Fallahi, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Bio-based, electrical conductive PLA films containing silver nanowires, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- M. Keramati, Mohammad Karrabi, P. Ehsaninamin, H. Azizi, l Ghasemi, A New Approach in the Dispersion of Graphene Nanoplatelets to Develop Shape Memory PLA Nanocomposites, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- M. Deilamy Moezzi, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani, Mechanical and mechanical dynamic properties of PVDF/FKM Blends in different curing systems, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- M. Deilamy Moezzi, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani, Rheological behavior and modeling of PVDF/FKM Blends, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- M. Deilamy Moezzi, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani, Thermal behavior of PVDF/FKM Blends in different curing systems, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- L. Bazli , A. Khavandi, M. Ali Boutorabi, Mohammad Karrabi, Preparation and Characterization of Silicone Rubber/EPDM/Nanoclay Nanocomposites, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- E. Shahsavari, I.Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Nanocomposites based on Thermoplastic starch/Polycaprolactone/graphenenanoplatelet (TPS/PCL/GNp): the effect of GNp content, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- M. Rahmat, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, M. Zandi, H. Azizi, Effect of silane crosslinking and cellulose nanocrystals on the morphology of electrospun PLA nanofibers , 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- Z. Kordkatooli, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Modification of Poly lactic acid by free radical reaction: crystallization behavior, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- Z. Kordkatooli, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Preparation and rheological peroperties of poly(lactic acid) modified by free radicals reaction, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- M. Ehteramian, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, M.A.Ehteramian, Shape Memory behavior of nanocompositebased on thermoplastic polyurethane/polyvinyl chloride/carbon nano tube: The effect of functionalization, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- Z. Kordkatooli, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Preparation and rheological peroperties of poly(lactic acid) modified by free radicals reaction, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2016).
- M. Deilamy Moezzi, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani, The effect of nanographene on the morphology and electrical conductivity properties of PVDF/FKM nanocomposites, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS7), (2018).
- M. Barghamadi, Mohammad Karrabi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy, S. Mohammadin-Gezaz, Study on the viscoelastic behavior of nitrile rubber/polyvinyl chloride compounds modified with different levels of nano layered Silicate, 13th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2018).
- M. Barghamadi, Mohammad Karrabi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy, S. Mohammadin-Gezaz, The Study on the Temperature Dependency of the Payne Effect in the NBR/PVC Blends, 13th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran, (2018).
- B. Moghimifar, R. Golzar, Mohammad Karrabi, Replacing the IR instead of NR in a tread compound, The 2nd Rubber Seminar, Tehran, Iran, (1998).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, G.R. Bakhshandeh, Determination of Slip Coefficient and Rheology Parameters of Rubber Compounds Using Capillary Viscometer, The 2nd Rubber Seminar, Shiraz, Iran, (1999).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, G. Naderi, Study of the Flow of a Tire Tread Compound in a Laboratory-Scale Extruder using COSMOS/M, Fifth Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Sept. 12-14, Tehran, Iran, (2000).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, G.R. Bakhshandeh, A method for measuring of slip coefficient of rubber flow with using capillary Rheometer, Third Rubber Technology Conference, Feb. 22-23, Shiraz, Iran, (2000).
- G.R. Bakhshandeh, Gh. Naderi, Mohammad Karrabi, K. Azangoo, Designing Tire compounds for rubber Towel Cushions for Anti-Earthquake Structures, The 4th National Rubber Conference, Yazd, Iran, (2000).
- G.R. Bakhshandeh, G. Naderi, Mohammad Karrabi, K. Azangoo, Formulation design for rubber-Metal Shock absorber Sandwiches used in anti-earthquake building, Fourth Rubber Technology Conference, Feb. 21-22, Yazd, Iran, (2001).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, G.R. Bakhshandeh, Rheological Study of Tire Tread Compound Using Two-Parallel Plate Rheometer, Sixth Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, May 12-14, Tehran, Iran, (2003).
- Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, G.R. Bakhshandeh, An study of rheological behavior of steel belted tire tread compound, The 8th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Conference, Oct. 21-23, Mashhad, Iran, (2003).
- Mohammad Karrabi, F. Abbasi, M. Atai, Effect of tire tread compound mixing quality on the air polution, Second Environmental and chemical Conference, Jan. 26-28, Esfahan, Iran, (2004).
- S. Mohammadian, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Investigation on the Effect of β-Nucleator on the Thermoformability of Polypropylene, Polymeric Product of Petrochemical Industries, ISPST, Tehran, Iran, (2005).
- I. Ghasemi, Z. Mohammadnia, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Production of highly Thermoformable Polypropylene by compounding, 4th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology (ISPST 2005), Tehran, Iran, (2005).
- H. Azizi, S. Mohammadian, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, The Effect of Mineral fillers on the thermoformability of Polypropylene, 4th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology (ISPST 2005), Tehran, Iran, (2005).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Relation Between Rheological Properties & thermoformability of Polyolefin Alloys, 4th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology (ISPST 2005), Tehran, Iran, (2005).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Viscoelastic properties of carbon black filled SBR compounds, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Nov. 14-15, Shiraz, Iran, (2006).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, Influence of Curing Systems on Cure Characteristics of SBR compounds using RPA, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Nov. 14-15, Shiraz, Iran, (2006).
- A.R. Jalilvand., Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, The effect of process parameters on devulcanization of EPDM and investigation on mechanical properties, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Nov. 14-15, Shiraz, Iran, (2006).
- H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, A. R. Jalilvand, An Investigation on the Morphology and the Mechanical Properties of Ternary Polyolefin Blends (PP/HDPE/EPDM) Using the Devulcanized EPDM, International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, ISPST, Tehran, Iran, (2007).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Effect of Dynamic Vulcanization with different curing systems on the rheological properties of PP/EPDM blend, International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, ISPST, Tehran, Iran, (2007).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Using EPDM to improve the Processability of polymer blends, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Kish, Iran, (2008).
- A. Mirbolook, H. Yazdani, A. Vahidi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, The effect of EPDM on toughening of the talc reinforced PP, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Kish, Iran, (2008).
- Mohammad Karrabi, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Comparison between rheologycal behaviours of SBR grades, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Kish, Iran, (2008).
- Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, M. Mohammadi, H. Azizi, The effect of mixing on the properties of SBR nanocomposites, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Kish, Iran, (2008).
- H. Tafazolli, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, M. Mohammadi, H. Azizi, Study on the effect of nanoclay on the morphology and rheology of SBR nanocomposites for tire tread, 8th Rubber Technology Conference, Kish, Iran, (2008).
- Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, M. Mohammadi, H. Tafazolli, Study on the Effect of Mixing Condition on the Mechanical Properties of SBR Nanocomposite, 2nd International Congress on Nanosciense and Nanotechnology, Tabriz, Iran, (2008).
- M. Riahi Nezhad, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Morphology and Tensile Properties of LDPE/EVA Nanocomposite Foams, ISPST 2009, 17-21 Oct 2009, Iran, Tehran (2009).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, P. Ehsani Namin, Morphology and mechanical property of PP/EPDM dynamically vulcanized blend in the presence of compatibilizer, ISPST 2009, 17-21 Oct 2009, Iran, Tehran (2009).
- P. Ezzati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Study the effect of compatibilizer on the rheological behavior of dynamically vulcanized PP/EPDM blend, ISPST 2009, 17-21 Oct 2009, Iran, Tehran (2009).
- M. Saeedi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Morphology and mechanical properties of PVC/PE/Nano clay nanocomposite, 2nd national Congress on Nanomaterial and Nanotechnology, 2010, Njafabad, Iran (2010).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi,, Recycling of EPDM using thermomechanical method by a twin screw extruder, 1st tire and rubber recycling and environment conference, (2010).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, Curing Characterization of SBR Compound using RPA, the 10th Iranian Rubber Industry Conference, (2010).
- H. Yazdani, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, G.R. Bakhshandeh, Effect of processing conditions on devulcanization of tire using a twin screw extruder, 1st tire and rubber recycling and environment conference, (2010).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, study on the cure characteristics in various cure conditions using RPA, 10th Rubber Technology Conference, Tehran, Iran, (2010).
- M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, The Effects of Processing Parameters and Layered Silica Nanoclay Content on Morphology of Microcellular Foam Based on PP/EPDM/Organoclay by Response Surface Methodology (RSM), PPS, November 15-17, Kish Island, Iran, (2011).
- S. Gomari, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Crystalization and Thermal Behavior of Polyamide 6/Poly (ethylene-co-1-butene)-graft-maleic anhydride/organoclay Nanocomposites, PPS, November 15-17, Kish Island, Iran, (2011).
- R. Mehrabi Kooshki, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Morphology and Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of PC/PBT/Nanocomposites), PPS, November 15-17, Kish Island, Iran, (2011).
- A. Seyedshalchi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Interlamellar Silylation of Pristine Montmorillonite with 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane and Vinyltriethoxysilane, ISPST, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 21-25 October, Iran, (2012).
- E. Sharifzadeh, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Prediction of Elastic Properties for Polymeric Nanocomposites, Comprising Cylinderical Reinforcing Particles, ISPST, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 21-25 October, Iran, (2012).
- S. Rahimi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Reactive Modification of Tthermoplastics Starch by Maleic Anhydride, ISPST, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 21-25 October, Iran, (2012).
- M .Shojaati, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, S.Gomari, Silane Modification of Sepiolite for Using in Nanocomposite based on Poly (lactic acid), Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 21-25 October, Iran, (2012).
- E. Sharifzadeh, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Prediction of Elastic Properties for Polymeric Nanocomposites, Comprising Plate-like Reinforcing Particles, ISPST, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 21-25 October, Iran, (2012).
- E. Sharifzadeh, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, A New Approach to Mechanical Properties Modeling of Binary Phase Polymeric Blends, ISPST, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 21-25 October, Iran, (2012).
- P. Manafi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Kinetics and Thermal Stability of Modified and Non-Modified Nanocomposites, The 16th Iranian Chemistry Congress, Yazd University, 5-7 september, Iran, (2013).
- M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Modification of Poly Lactic Acid as a Purposed Renewable Thermoplastic Material for Shape Memory Application, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- Z. Kordkatooli, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, The preparation and rheological properties of long chain branching Polylactic acid, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- M. Nazemian, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Rheological and electrical properties of PE/MWCNT nanocomposites, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- B. Eslami, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Removal of lead ions from aqueous solution using hydrogel nanocomposite based on chitosan/ graphene: The effect of functionalization, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- J. Abedi Ferizhandi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Synthesize and characterization of monolayer graphene from graphite via reduction by ecofriendly vitamin C, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- S. Lashgari, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Mild acid oxidation of Graphene Nanoplatelets and its effect on electrical Properties of Poly (lactic acid) nanocomposites, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- M. Nazemian, H. Azizi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, Silane modification of carbon nanotubes and preparation of silane cross linked LLDPE / MWCNT nanocomposites, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- M A. Shojaei, Mohammad Karrabi, M. H. R Ghoreishy, Predicting Mechanical Behavior of Polymeric Rubber Foams (EPDM Base) using Ogden Hyperfoam Model, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- M D. Mahabadi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Compatibility and Thermal Properties of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)/Poly(Lactic Acid) Blends, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Mohammad Karrabi, M. Taheri, Morphology Development in Rubber Nanocomposites Filled with Different Nanoclay Contents, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- M. Riahinezhad, S. Gomari, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Compression Creep Recovery of Nanocomposite Foams Based on Low Density Polyethylene/Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Blends, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- M. Akrami, I. Ghasemi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, Full green Blend based on Poly lactic acid/ thermoplastic starch (PLA/TPS): The effect of Compatibilizer, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- D. Mahabadi, H. Azizi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Effect of Polymer Structure on Compatibility, Thermal and Rheological Properties of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate)/Poly (Lactic Acid) Blend, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- P. Manafi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Isothermal Crystallization of Nanocomposites based on Poly (lactic acid)/ Graphene, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- P. Manafi, A. Jahanbani, G. Petrossian, I. Ghasemi, M. Karrabi, H. Azizi, D. Soltani, S. Pishvai, Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Biodegradable Nanocomposites based on Poly(lactic acid)/Graphene, 5th International Conference on Nanostructures ICNS5, 6-9 march, (2014).
- P. Manafi, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Isothermal Crystallization of Nanocomposites based on Poly (lactic acid)/ Graphene, ISPST, 6-9 October, Iran, (2014).
- M. Deilamy, Mohammad Karrabi, Y. Jahani, Investigating the Effect of curing System on Thermal, Dynamic Mechanical, and Tensile Properties of PVDF / FKM Blend, the 13th Iranian Rubber Industry Conference, (2016).
- A. R. Shojaei, Mohammad Karrabi, M.H.R. Ghoreishy, Hysteresis behavior of CNT-reinforced rubber nanocomposites based on yeoh model, the 13th Iranian Rubber Industry Conference, (2016).
- M. Salehi, Mohammad Karrabi, A. Ebrahimi, Effect of mixing sequence on mechanical properties and rheology of nanocomposites of polypropylene / ethylene-propylene-diene rubber/ nano-titanium dioxide, the 13th Iranian Rubber Industry Conference, (2016).
- M. Barghamadi, Mohammad Karrabi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy, S. Mohammadian-Gezaz, Effect of the polyvinyl chloride on the vulcanization parameters, rheological and mechanical properties of different nitrile rubber types, 3rd Seminar on Applied Chemistry, Hamedan, Iran, (2018).
1. Mohammad Karrabi, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Manufacture of two-layer rubber hose with high thermal and chemical properties, Iranian Patent No. 84236 (2004). 2. Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, , H. Azizi, A.R. Jalilvand, Devulcanization of EPDM in a Corotating Twin Screw Extruder, Iranian Patent No. 72913 (2007). 3. Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, M. Mohammadi, H. Azizi, Production of SBR-based rubber compound using nano filler for use in tyre industry, Iranian Patent No. 64247 (2008). 4. I. Ghasemi, P. Ezzati, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Production of thermoplastic elastomers based on PP/EPDM with low die swelling, Iranian Patent No. 64203 (2008). 5. M. Saeidi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Preparation of nanocomposites of PVC/LDPE based on nanoclay, Iranian Patent No. 6415 (2010). 6. M. Saeidi, Mohammad Karrabi, I. Ghasemi, Preparation of PVC/LDPE-based Blend, Iranian Patent No. 9850 (2010). 7. M. Keramati, I. Ghasemi, Mohammad Karrabi, H. Azizi, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Preparation of PP/EPDM-based microcellular foam nanocomposites by rapid heating, Iranian Patent No. 11331 (2012). 8. I. Ghasemi, P. Ezzati, Mohammad Karrabi, Fabrication of Porous Biopolymer Scaffold PLLA/PCL with Two-Peak Distribution Porosity Size, Iranian Patent No. 2419 (2014).
PhD Finite Element Method MSC Rubber Technology BSC
- Rheology of Polymers
- Rubber Chemistry and Technology
- This version contains breif records of 2000-2018 and does not fully report all of my activities.
Sincerely, M. KARRABI July 2018 |