Jalil Morshedian (PhD, MSc, BSc)

Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute (I.P.P.I)
P.O. Box: 14965/115, Tehran, Iran, 14967
Tel: (9821) 44580038, (9821) 4458 0000-20
Mobile: (98) 9121009774
 Fax: (9821) 44580021-23
Interested in research in the following fields:
Polymer Structure-Property-Processing Correlation, Modification and Improvement of Polymer Properties by Chemical, Physical and Processing Means, Polymer Processing, Polymer Composites and Quality Control. Also interested in teaching of the following subjects:
Polymer Processing, Polymer Engineering Properties, Physical Chemistry, Rheology, Physics and Mechanics of Polymers and Polymer Composites.
1987- Present Time
Academic Member, Associate Professor, Head of the Plastics Department, I.P.P.I, Tehran, Iran.
Supervise and conduct more than of 100 M.Sc., Ph.D. and industrial projects.
Instruct and teach various M.Sc. and Ph.D. courses: Polymer Processing, Engineering Properties of Polymers, Advanced Polymer Physical-Chemistry, Rheology of Polymers, Polymer Technology and Advanced Physics of Polymers, at Tehran Univ., Amirkabir Univ. Tech., Petroleum Industry Univ., and I.P.P.I.
Editorial Board, Iranian Polymer Journal, P.O. Box: 14965/159, Tehran, Iran.
1980- 1993.
Physical and  Mechanical  Lab. Assistant. Univ. Sheff.  U.K.
Lecturer, Amirkabir Univ. Tech., Tehran, Iran.
Polymer Group Leader, A.E.O.I., Tehran, Iran.
Plastics Consultant, I.S.I.R, Tehran, Iran.
Polymers R& D Consultant, I.B.T, Tehran, Iran.
Have worked with Twin Screw Extruder, Injection Molding Machine, Haak and Brabender Plastometers, Two-Roll Mill, various Rheometers, Universal Testing Machine, DMTA, DSC, TGA, GPC, FTIR and Buchi  Reactor.
Ph.D., Technology of Polymers, University of Sheffield, U.K., 1983
Mechanical Property-Processing Correlation of  Synthesized Acrylic and Amide Polymers.
M.Sc., Technology of Polymers-University of Sheffield, U.K. 1979.
B.S. Engineering (Chemistry), Sharif.  University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1975.
March 2005: The best researcher of the year, I.P.P.I.
March 2004: The best researcher of the year, I.P.P.I.
A: Journal Papers

  1. Ghafghazi M., Esfandeh M., Morshedian J., "Preparation of Epoxy/Urethane Graft Interpenetrating Polymer Networks and Study of Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Properties", E-Polymers (In Press).
  2. Morshedian J., Hoseinpour P., "Silane Grafting of Polyethylene: effect  of  Molecular structure, Physical form, Blending and Antioxidats", E-Polymers, No.  024, 2009.
  3. Morshedian J., Hoseinpour P.,"Polyethylene Cross-Linking: Two-Step Silane Method, A Review, I. P. J., Vol. 18, 2, 103-128, 2009.
  4. Morshedian J., Hoseinpour P., Azizi H., Parvizzad R.,"Effect of polymer structure and additives on silane grafting of polyethylene", express Polymer letters, 3, 105-115, 2009.
  5. Razavi-Nouri M., Morshedian J. , Ehsani M., Faghihi F., "Mechanical Properties & Morphology of low density polyethylene/Polydimethylsiloxane immisible blends: modeling & influence of curing agent", E-Polymers, No. 120, 2008.
  6. Khonakdar H. A., Morshedian J., Yazdani H., "Investigation of thermal rheological and mechanical properties of interfacially modified PP/Mica composites", E-Polymers, No. 99, 2008.  
  7. Faghihi J., Morshedian J., Ahmadi S., "Effect of Fillers on the FireRetardant Properties of Intumescent Polypropylene Compounds", Polymers & Polymer Composites, 16(5), 315-322, 2008.
  8. Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Compatibilization & Properties of SAN/EPDM blends with the addition of coagents", Journal of Applied Polymer Science,110, 753-760, 2008.
  9. Faghihi F., Morshedian J., Razavi-Nouri M., Ehsani M., "Dynamic Rheological & Mechanical Behaviours of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)/Low Density Polyethylene Immiscible Blends: Interfacial Modification via Reactive Blending", I.P.J.  17(10), 755-765, 2008.
  10. Ehsani M., Bakhshandeh G.R., Morshedian J., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., Shayegani A. A., "The Dielectric behavior of outdoor high-voltage polymeric insulation due to environmental aging", European Transactions on Electrical Power, 14, 47-59, 2007.
  11. Barzin J., Azizi H., Morshedian J., "Preparation of Silane-Grafted and Moisture Cross-Linked Low Density Polyethylene: Part II: Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical Properties", Polymer- Plastics Technology and Engineering, 46, 305-310, 2007.
  12. Khnakdar H. A., Jafari S. H., Rasouli S., Morshedian J., Abedini H., "Investigation and Modeling of Temperature Dependence of Recovery Behavior of Shape Memory Cross-Linked Polyethylene", Macromolecular Theory & Simulations, 16, 43-52, 2007.
  13. Azizi H., Barzin J., Morshedian J., "Silane crosslinking of polyethylene: the effects of EVA, ATH & Sb2O3 on properties of thee production in continuous grafting of LDPE", express Polymer letters, 1(16), 378-384, 2007.
  14. Yazdani H., Morshedian J., Khonakdar H.A.,  "Effect of Silane Coupling Agent & Maleic Anhydride-Grafted Polypropylene on the Morphology & Viscoelastic Propertiesof Polypropylene-Mica Composites", Polymer Composites, 27, 491-496, 2006.
  15. Yazdani H., Morshedian J., Khonakdar H.A.  "Effect of Maleated Polypropylene & Impact Modifiers on the Morphology & Mechanical Properties of PP/Mica Composites", Polymer Composites, 614-620, 2006.
  16. Barzin J., Azizi H., Morshedian J., "Preparation of Silane- Grafted and Moisture Cross- Linked Low Density Polyethylene: Part I: Factors Affecting Performance of Grafting and Cross-Linking", Polymer- Plastics Technology and Engineering, 45: 979-983, 2006.
  17. Mirza taheri M., Morshedian J., "Electron beam Performance in the novel Solventless LDPE-NVP Surface Grafting System", Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 75, 236-242, 2006.
  18. Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Reactive Compatibilization of SAN/EPDM Blend and Study of the Parameters Affecting its Properties", I. P. J. 15(12), 955-965, 2006.
  19. Mir Mohamad Sadeghi G., Morshedian J., Barikani M., "The effect of Solvent on the Microstructure, nature of hydroxyl end groups and Kinetics of Polymerization reaction in Synthesize of hydroxyl terminated Polybutadiene", Reactive & Functional Polymers, 66, 255-266, 2006.
  20. Nori M., Morshedian J., Rabbani A., Ghasemi: I., Ebrahimi M., "Investigation of LLDPE/ LDPE Blown Films by Response Surface Methodology", I. P. J., 15(2), 155-162, 2006.
  21. Ghasemi E., Rasmussen H. K., Morshedian J., "An Investigation on Rheology of Peroxide Cross- Linking of Low Density Polyethylene", I. P. J., 14(8), 715-720, 2005.
  22. Saadati P., Baharvand H., Rahimi A., Morshedian J., "Effect of Modified Liquid Rubber on Increasing Toughness of Epoxy Resins", I. P. J., 14(7), 637-646, 2005.  
  23. Rafizadeh M., Morshedian J., Ghasemi E., Bolouri A., "Experimental Relationship for Impact Strength of PC/ABS Blend Based on the Taguchi Method", I. P. J., 14(10), 881-884, 2005.
  24. Morshedian J., Khonakdar H.A., Rasouli S., Modeling of Shape Memory Induction and Recovery in Heat -Shrinkable Polymers, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, Vol 7, pp.325-432, 2005.
  25. Moballegh L., Morshedian J.,  Esfandeh M., "Copper Injection Molding using a Thermoplastic Binder Based on Paraffine Wax",  Materials Letters 59, 2832-2837, 2005.
  26. Honarkar H., M., Barikani M., Morshedian J., “Preparation and Study of Degradable Poluethylene Based on Starch”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (I.J.P.S.T.), Vol.18, No.2, 107-114, 2005.
  27. Ehsani M., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R.; "Modified Silicone Rubber for use as High Voltage Outdoor Insulators", Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol.24, No. 1, 51-61(2005).
  28. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M., Bagheri R., Moghadam M.; "Solventless Surface Modification of LDPE Through Radiation Grafting of HEMA, Iranian Polymer Journal (I.P.J.), 14,2, 139-145,2005.
  29. Semsarzadeh M.A., Navarchian A.H., Morshedian J.; "Reactive Extrusion of Poly(urethane-isocyanurate", Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol.23, No. 3, 239-255, 2004.
  30. Ehsani M., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R.; "An Investigation of Dynamic Mechanical, Thermal, and Electrical Properties of Housing Materials for Outdoor Polymeric Insulators", European Polymer Journal, 40, No,11, 2495-2503, 2004.
  31. Mahdavian A.R., Morshedian J., Rezaie M.; "The Comparision Between Synergistic Effect of Sb2O3 and AL (OH)3 on the Flame-Retardancy of HIPS in the Presence of Tetrabromobisphenol-A", I.P.J. ,13, 3, 219-224,2004.
  32. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J.; "Continuous Peroxide Cross-Linking of Low Density Polyethylene by Shear Head Method", I.P.J. , 13, 2, 137-142, 2004.
  33. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Shokrollahi F.; "Study of Heat Shrinkability of Crosslinked Low-Density Polyethylene/ Poly (ethylene Vinyl Acetate) Blends”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.  91, 1389- 1395, 2004.
  34. Eslami H., Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Jafari S.H.; “Study on the Dynamic Rheological Behavior of Polyethylene Filled with Carbon Black”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (I.J.P.S.T.), Vol.16, No.4, 2003.
  35. Sadeghi G. M.M., Barikani M., Morshedian J., Afshar Taromi, F.; “Determination of the Microstructure of  Polybutadiene-ol Back-bone by FTIR and NMR Spectroscopy”, I.P.J.,12, 6, 515-521, 2003.
  36. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., Wagenknecht U., Jafari S.H.; ”Thermal and Shrinkage Behavior of Stretched Peroxide-Crosslinked High-Density Polyethylene”, European Polymer Journal, 39, 1729-1734, 2003.
  37. 37.  Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Wagenknecht U., and Jafari S.H.; “An Investigation of Chemical Crosslinking Effect on Properties of High-Density Polyethylene”, Polymer, Vol. 44, No. 15, 4301-4309, 2003.
  38. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M., “The effect of initiator to monomer ratio on the properties of polybutadiene-ol synthesized by free radical solution polymerization of 1, 3-butadiene”, Polymer International, 52, 1083-1087, 2003.
  39. Morshedian J., Khonakdar H.A., Mehrabzadeh M., and Eslami H.;”Preparation and Properties of Heat Shrinkable Cross-Linked Low-Density Polyethylene”, Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol. 22, No. 2, 112-119, 2003.
  40. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; "Determination of OH-number and functionality of polybutadiene-ol by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy", Polymer Testing, 22, 165-168, 2003.
  41. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J.; “Peroxide Crosslinking of Low-Density Polyethylene: The Effect of Co-agent”, I. P. J., Vol.12, No.2, 2003.
  42. Morshedian J., Pourrashidi A.; “Investigation of the Effect of Electron Beam on Polyethylene Alloys”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.16, No.2, 2003.
  43. Azizi H., Morshedian J., Salehi-Mobarakeh H.; “Sioplas Crosslinking of PE: Study the Effect of Alumia Trihydrate and Antimony Trioxide on Properties of XLPE”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.15, No.6, 2003.
  44. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Nodehi A.; ”Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Heat Transfer and Deformation in Film Blowing Processes”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 86, No. 9, 2002.
  45. Morshedian J., Azizi H., Salehi-Mobarakeh H.;”Sioplas Crosslinking of PE: The Effect of EVA on Properties of XLPE”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.14, No.5, 2002.
  46. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J.; “Kinetic Study of Cross-linking Reaction by Peroxide Method in LDPE Using DSC, a Rheometer and an Internal Mixer”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.15, No.2, 2002.
  47. Abbassi Sourki F., Morshedian J.; ”On the Improvement of Physical and Mechanical Properties of PE by Crosslinking”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.14, No.2, 2001.
  48. Khatibi M.A., Beheshty M.H. , Morshedian J., The Effect of Glass-Fiber on the Properties of Melamine-Formaldehyde Moulding Compounds”, I.J.P.S.T., 14, No.4, 213-219, 2001.
  49. Khatibi M.A., Beheshty M.H. and Morshedian J.; The Effect of a- Cellulose Fiber on the Properties of Melamine-Formaldehyde Moulding Compounds”, I.J.P.S.T., 14, No. 1, 31-38, 2001.
  50. Hakim Sh., Morshedian J., Golkar Narenji M.R., Khazraei Nia P.; Rheological Modelling of Caspian Pony Blood”, I.P.J., Vol. 10, No. 5, 293-303, 2001.
  51. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., and Nodehi A.;Simulation of Film Blowing Processes: An Investigation on Heat Transfer and Deformation”, I.J.P.S.T., Nov. 2000.
  52. Farahmand F., Mehabzadeh M., Morshedian J.; “Recycling of Plastic Wastes”, Journal of Chemistry, Vol.12, No.1, 1999.
  53. Morshedian J., Mehabzadeh M., Barzin J.; “Silane Grafting and Crosslinking of PE: Study on the Physical and Mechanical Properties”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.11, No.3, 1998.
  54. Mehrabzadeh M., Morshedian J., and Naderpoor N.; “A Study on Calcium Carbonate Filled PP: The Effect of Particle Size and Surface Modification of CaCo3 on Impact Strength”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol. 11, No. 1, 1998.
  55. Mehrabzadeh M., Morshedian J., and Barzin J.; “Preparation of Silane Grafting and Crosslinking of PE: Studies of the Factors Affectiong the Grafting and Crosslinking Processes”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol. 11, No. 1, 1998.
  56. Farahmand F., Morshedian, J.; “Applications of High-Resolution Solid-State 13CNMR Spectroscopy to Polymers”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol. 10, No.2, 1997.
  57. Farahmand F., Morshedian J., Rafiee Farnood M.; “Preparation and Characterization of Alginate Impression Materials in Dental Applications”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.8, No.4, 1995.
  58. Khalili G., Morshedian J.; “Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Modeling Wax and Study of Its Production”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.8, No.3, 1995.
  59. Razavi Nouri M., Morshedian J.; “Simulation of Stress-Strain Behavior of Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites”, I.P.J., 4, 226 -234, 1995.
  60. 37- Razavi Nouri, M. Morshedian, J., “Impact, Compressive and Flow Properties of Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites”, I.P.J., 4, 134 -140, 1995.
  61. Razavi Nouri M., Morshedian J.; “Tensile and Flexural Behavior of Fibre Reinforced Cementitious  Composites”, I.P.J., 4, 56-63, 1995.
  62. Ghasempour A., Morshedian J.; “Effect of Aging on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/R-Glass Composites”, I.P.J., Vol. 7, No.4, 1995.
  63. Morshedian J., Razavi Nouri M.; “Toughness and Ductility of Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites in Flexure”, I.P.J., 3, 20-29, 1994.
  64. Jahani Y., Morshedian J.; “Studying Cure kinetics of Novolac Phenolic Resins”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.5, No.1, 1992.
  65. Morshedian J.; “Stress Analysis in Elastic Bending Beams and Thick Hollow Cylinders”, I.P.J., Vol.1, No.2, 1992.
  66. Morshedian J., Moghadam J.M.; “Investigation and Modification of Waste Polyethylene Properties”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol. 4, No.3, 1991.
  67. Morshedian J., “Make Cellulosics Thermoplastics”, I.J.P.S.T., Vol.1, No.1, 1988.
B: Conference Papers
  1.   Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Investigation of Miscibility & Properties of SAN/EPDM Blends by Two Methods: A) Reactive Blending B) Using of Co-Agents", 10th Annual UNESCO/IUPAC Conference on Macromolecules & Materials, Mpumalanga- South Africa, 7-11 September, 2008.
  2. Taheri M., Esfandeh M., Morshedian J., "Characterization of Immiscible SAN/EPDM Blends Prepared by Reactive Processing", The 10th Pacific Polymer Conference, Japan, 2007.
  3. 3. Faghihi J., Morshedian J., Ahmadi S., "Effect of Halogen free (Phosphore base) Flame Retardant on Fire Retardant properties & Mechanical Properties of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Composites", International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 2007.
    4. Ahmadi S., Morshedian J., Faghihi J., "Effect of Borax & ATH on Fire retardant & Mechanical properties of HDPE", International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 2007.
    5. Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Investigation in Compatibility of incompatible SAN/EPDM blends using of coagent", International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 2007.
  4. Morshedian J., Taheri M., Esfandeh M., "Effect of the Addition of AES and Peroxide Initiator on Compatibility and Properties of SAN/EPDM Blends Prepared by Reactive Dry Blending", Polymer Processing Society, China, July 2007.
  5. Ehsani M., Bakhshandeh G. R., Morshedian J., Borsi H., Gockenbach E. "Erosion & Tracking Characterization of Outdoor Composite Insulators", XVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vidmar, Slovenia, 27-31August, 2007.
  6. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Yazdani H., "Effect of Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene & Silane Copling Agent on the Rheological & Thermal Properties of Polypropylene-Mica Composite", Polymer Processing Society, Japan, 2-6 July, 2006.
  7. Yazdani H., Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., "Effect of Silane Coupling Agent & Maleic Anhydride-Grafted Polypropylene on the Morphology & Viscoelastic Properties of Polypropylene-Mica Composites", Polymer Processing Society,  Japan, 2-6 July, 2006.
  8. Khonakdar H.A., Jafari S.H., Morshedian J., "Effect of Chemical Crosslinking on Thermal Properties of Chemically Crosslinked LDPE/EVA and HDPE/EVA Blends", Polymer Processing Society, Japan, 2-6 July, 2006.
  9. Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Reactive Blending of SAN/ EPDM blends", 13th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, Bu-Ali Univ., Iran, Sept., 2006.
  10. Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Compatibility & Properties of SAN/EPDM-g-Mah blends with addition of AES compatibilizer by reactive blending", 13th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, Bu-Ali Univ.,  Iran, Sept., 2006.
  11. Morshedian J., Razavi- Nouri M., Faghihi F., "Morphology and Rheo-Mechanical Behavior & LDPE/PDMS Blends: Modeling and Effect of Blending", UNESCO/ IUPAC Conference on Macromolecules: Polymers for Advanced Applications, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 20-23 Nov., 2006.
  12. Morshedian J ,Taheri M., Esfandeh M., Khonakdar H. A., Yazdani H.,"Effect of the Addition of AES on Compatibility and Properties & EPDM/SAN Blends Prepared by Reactive Dry Blending", World Polymer Congress, Riode Janiro, Brazil, 16-21 July, 2006.
  13. Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Compatibility and Properties of SAN/EPDM and SAN/EPDM-g-MAN blending", 13th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, Bu-Ali Sina University, 7-9 sept., 2006.
  14. Taheri M., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M., "Reactive blending & SAN/EPDM blends", 13th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, Bu-Ali Sina University, 7-9 sept., 2006.
  15. Ehsani M., Bakhshandeh G. R., Morshedian J., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., "Surface Degradation of Outdoor Polymeric Insulators Resulting from Electrical and Environmental Stress", 20th International Power Conference, Tehran, PSC 2005.
  16. Ehsani M., Bakhshandeh G. R., Morshedian J., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., "Improvement of Tracking and Erosion Behavior of Outdoor Insulation with a new Polymeric Alloy", Grenzflachenin Elektrishen Isoliersystemen, Beanspruchungen, Design, Prüfverfahren, Lebensdauer, Germany, 8-9 March, 2005.
  17. Ahmadi Sh., Morshedian J., Faghihi J., “Structure and Morphology of an Intumescent Polypropylene Blend”, 8th International Symposium Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Budapest, Hungary, 13-16 September, 2005.
  18. Ehsani M., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R., Borsi H., Gockenbach E.,; "Study of Electrical, Mechanical and Surface Properties of Composites Insulators", 14th International Symposium on high voltage Engineering (ISH 2005), Beijing, China, 25-29, August 2005.
  19. Ehsani M., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R., Borsi H., Gockenbach E.,; "Effect of LDPE on the Mechanical, Electrical and Dynamical Properties of Blends of EPDM-Silicon Rubbers", PPS 2005America’s Regional Meeting, Quebec, Canada, 14-17 August 2005.
  20. Ahmadi Sh., Morshedian J., Faghihi J., “Effect of Fire Retardant Addatives on Rheology and Fire Retarding Properties on Intumescent PP Compounds”, PPS 2005America’s Regional Meeting, Quebec, Canada, 14-17 August 2005.
  21. Sadeghi G. M.M., Morshedian J.,  Ghaffarian F., Afshar Taromi, F.; “On-line Preparation of Polyurethane Structural Adhesives by Reactive Extrusion: Comparison of Adhesion Strength in Metal-Metal and Metal-Glass Bonding”, PPS-21, Leipzig, Germany, 19-23 June 2005.
  22. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M.,"Novel Solventless Surface Modification of LDPE Through Radiation Grafting of HEMA, Rad Tech Asia 2005, Shanghai, China, 23-26 May 2005.
  23. H. Eslami, Morshedian J.,  H.A.Khonakdar, S.H. Jafari, Study of PTC and NTC effects in carbon black filled-polyethylene", 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Nov. 23-25, 2004, Tehran-Iran p.3897-3904 (2004).
  24. H. Eslami, H.A.Khonakdar, Morshedian J., S.H. Jafari and M. Rahimi-asl, “Investigation of linear viscoelastic properties of carbon black filled-polyethylene in melt state”, 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Nov. 23-25, 2004, Tehran-Iran, p.4354-4362 (2004).
  25. Mirzataheri M., Morshedian J., Salehi Mobarakeh H.,"Study of Effective Parameters on Grafting of Methyl Styrene On Polyvinyl Pyrolydone by means of Gamma Irradiation” 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Nov. 23-25, 2004, Tehran-Iran (2004).
  26. Mirzataheri M., Morshedian J., Salehi Mobarakeh H.,"Synthesis of Graft Copolymer of Methyl Styrene on Polyvinyl Pyrolydone by Gamma Irradiation Initiation” 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Nov. 23-25, 2004, Tehran-Iran (2004).
  27. Ghasemi I., Neyestani H., Morshedian J., Oromiehie A.R.," The Effect of Various Clarifying Agent on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene” Malaysian Chemical Congress (MCC 2004), Petaling Jaya , 27-29 September 2004.
  28. Ehsani M., Borsi H., E. Gockenbach, G.R. Bakhshandeh, Morshedian J.; “Improvement of Electrical, Mechanical and Surface Properties of Silicone Insulators”, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 17-20 October 2004.
  29. Ehsani M., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., Bakhshandeh G.R., Morshedian J., Abedi. N.; “Study of Electrical, Dynamical and Mechanical and Surface Properties of Silicone-EPDM Blends”, 8th IEEE International Conferences on Solid Dielectrics, Toulouse, France, July 5-9, 2004.
  30. Ehsani M., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R., Shayegani A.A.; “Effect of Aging on Dielectric Behavior of Outdoor Polymeric Insulators”, 8th IEEE International Conferences on Solid Dielectrics, Toulouse, France, July 5-9, 2004.
  31. Eslami H., Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Jafari S.H.; “Dynamic Rheology Behavior of HDPE/CB Composites”, Proceedings of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  32. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Wagenknecht U., Jafari S.H., Eslami H.; “Thermally Stimulated Stimulated Shape-Memory Behavior of Crosslinked High-Density Polyethylene”, Proceedings of IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  33. Sadeghi G.M., Barikani M., Morshedian J.; ”The Effect of Solvent on the Kinetics of Polymerization Reaction in the Synthesize of Polybutadiene-ol in the Presence of H2O2”, Proceedings of IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  34. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M., Bagheri R., Moghadam M.; “Radiation Induced Copolymerization of HEMA on to LDPE Surface”, Proceedings of IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  35. Sadeghi G.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; “The Effect of Solvent on the Microstructure and Nature of Hydroxyl End Groups on Synthesized Polybutadiene-ol by Polymerization of 1,3- Butadiene”, Proceedings of IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  36. Sadeghi G.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; “Polyurethane Network Base on Low and High Vinyl Polybutadiene-ol: The Effect of Hard Segment Content on the Properties of Synthesized Polyurethanes”, Proceedings of  IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  37. Haghdin M., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R.; “Electrical and Mechanical Properties of XIPE as an Insulation for Power Cable: The Effect of EVA and Peroxide Content”, Proceedings of IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  38. Moballegh L., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M.; “The Rheological Study of Metal Injection Molding Feedstocks”, Proceedings of IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
  39. Moballegh L., Morshedian J., Esfandeh M.; “Metal Injection Molding: The Reological Study and Injection Molding of Feedstocks Based on Copper Powder and a Thermoplastic Binder”, Proceedings of 14th International  Conference, MOLDING 2004, Emerging Technologies in Injection Molding, New Orleans, Louisiana, Feb. 16-18, 2004.
  40. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J.,  Jafari S.H., Eslami H.; “Study of Compatibility of PE/EVA Alloys”, Proceedings of 8th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashad, Iran, 20-22 October 2003.
  41. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; “Kinetics of 1, 3 Butadiene Radical Polymerization in Presence of H2O2, Proceedings of 8th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashad, Iran, 20-22 October 2003.
  42. Sadeghi G.M.M., Barikani M., Morshedian J.; “An Investigation of Terminal Hydroxy Groups in Synthesized Polybutadien-ol from 1, 3 Butadiene and the Reaction Mechanism”, Proceedings of 8th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashad, Iran, 20-22 October 2003.
  43. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; “Effective Parameters on Molecular Weight of Polbutadien-ol Synthesized from Butadiene in Presence of H2O2”, Proceedings of 8th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashad, Iran, 20-22 October 2003.
  44. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M., Ghafarian S.R.; “Evaluation of a Synthesized Hydroxy- Terminated Polybutadiene with Controlled Reactivity to Use in Reactive Extrusion of Polyurethane”, Proceedings of NATO MACROMOLECULES 2003, Tirana, Italy, 6-16 October 2003.
  45. Hakim Sh., Morshedian J.; “In Vitro Study of Dynamic Flow of Blood”, Proceedings of Polymer Processing  Society (PPS-2003), Athens, Greece, September 14-17, 2003.
  46. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., and Eslam H.;Effective Parameters on the Heat Shrinkability of Crosslinked Low-Density Polyethylene/Poly (ethylene vinyl acetate) blends”, International Seminar of Polymer Processing Society-19 (PPS-19), Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 July 2003.
  47. Morshedian J., Khonakdar H.A., M. Mehrabzadeh, Eslami H.; “Studying Thermal Shrinkage Properties in Prepared Heat Shrinkable Crosslinked Low Density Polyethylene”, International Seminar of Polymer Processing Society-19 (PPS-19), Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 July 2003.
  48. Navarchian A.H., Semsarzadeh M.A., Morshedian J.;  “Kinetics of Formation and Gelation Behavior of the Poly( urethane-isocyanurate) in the Batch Reactor and Internal Mixer”, The 5th international Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering ( APME-5’ 2003), Montreal, Canada, 21-26 June 2003.
  49. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; ‘“The Effective Parameters on the Microstructure of H2O2 initiated Polybutadiene-ol Obtained by Solution Radical Polymerization “ 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2003) Tehran,  Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  50. Eslami H., Morshedian J., Khonakdar H. A.; ‘Studies on the PTC Effect of Over current Protectors Devices, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  51. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., and Eslami H.; “Study of Thermal Shrinkage Behavior of Stretched Crosslinked Low-Density Polyethylene/ Poly (ethylene vinyl acetate) Blends”, Tehran,  Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  52. Morshedian J., Khonakdar H.A., Mehrabzadeh M., and Eslami H.; “Tensile Behavior of Cross-Linked Low-Density Polyethylene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  53. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., and Eslami H.; “Thermal Shape-Memory Behavior of Cross-Linked Low-Density Polyethylene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  54. Rezaei M., Morshedian J., Mahdavian A.; “Effect of Tetrabromobisphenol –A as a Flame-Retardant on Properties of High Impact Polystyrene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.  
  55. Rezaei M., Mahdavian A., Morshedian J.; “Consideration of Synergistic Effects in Flame-Retardancy and Thermal Stability of HIPS in the Presence of Tetrabromo Bisphenol-A”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.   
  56. Morshedian J., Oromiehie A., Ghasemi I., Niestani H., Mirzataheri M.; “Effect of Various Nucleating/Clarifying Agents on Crystallization Behavior and Optical Properties of Polypropylene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  57. Morshedian J., Zehtab-Hashemi A., Poormand S.; “Fire Protection Using Intumescent Coating”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  58. Azizi H., Morshedian J., Salehi- Mobarakeh H.; “Use of Halogen-Free Fire Retardant in Silane-Crosslinked Polyethylene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.  
  59. Morshedian J., Abbasi-Sourki F.; “Nonlinear Creep Behavior of Peroxide Crosslinked Low Density Polyethylene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  60. Morshedian J., Farahmand F., Shokrollaei P.; “The Comparison of the Effects of Electron Beam and Peroxide Curing of Polyethylene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  61. Azizi H., Morshedian J., Salehi- Mobarakeh H.; “the Effect of EVA on Properties of Silane-Crosslinked Polyethylene”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.   
  62. Hakim Sh., Morshedian J.; “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Dynamic Flow of Blood”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.   
  63. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J.; “Peroxide Crosslinking of Polyethylene by Shear Head Method”, ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.   
  64. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J.; “Dynamic Vulcanization of Thermoplastic Elastomers by Shear Head Mehtod” ISPST2003, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May 2003.
  65. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; "Study the effect of solvent on Microstructure of Polybutadiene-ol End Groups produced by Radical Polymerization of 1,3 Butadiene in the Presence of H2O2",IUPAC Polymer Conference on the Mission and Challenges of Polymer Science and Technology (IUPAC-PC 2002), Kyoto, Japan , December 2-5, 2002 .
  66. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; "On the effect of Initiator to Monomer Ratio on the Properties of Polybutadiene-ol Synthesized by Radical Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene", IUPAC Polymer Conference on the Mission and Challenges of Polymer Science and Technology (IUPAC-PC 2002), Kyoto, Japan , December 2-5, 2002 .
  67. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., Eslami H.; “Investigation of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Cross-linked Low-Density Polyethylene”, Conference Proceeding, 7th national Conference of Chemical Engineering, Tehran University, 28-31 Oct.  2002.
  68. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; " Study the effect of physical condition on the properties of polybutadiene-ol synthesized by Radical Polymerization of 1,3 Butadiene in the Presence of H2O2", Conference Proceeding, 7th national Conference of Chemical Engineering, Tehran University, 28-31 Oct. 2002.
  69. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M.; “LDPE Crosslinking Kinetic Study and on the Effect of EPDM”, 7th National Chemical Engineering Congress, University of Tehran,  Iran, 28-31, Oct. 2002.
  70. Morshedian J., Mirzataheri M.; “Recovery of Waste Polyethylene Properties in Recycling to Reduce Environmental Pollution” First Iranian Seminar of Chemistry and Environment, University of Yasug, Iran,   2002.
  71. Morshedian J., Zehtab-Hashemi A.; “Intumescent Coating” The Third Congress of Chemistry of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 2002.
  72. Morshedian J., Khonakdar H. A., Nodehi A. O.; “Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Heat Transfer and Deformation in film Blowing Processes”, PPS-2001, Antalya, Turkey, October 22-24, 2001.
  73. Morshedian J.; “Sioplas Crosslinking of PE the Effect of ZnO, EVA, Sb2O3 and Al(OH)3 and Shell Life and Properties of the Products”, Proceedings of PPS – 2001, Antalya, Turkey, October 22-24, 2001.
  74. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedian J., Barikani M.; “MicoStructure study of Polybutadiene diol by FTIR and H-NMR”, 6th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering, Esfahan, Iran, 8-11 May 2001.
  75. Hakim S., Golkar Narenji M.R., Morshedian J., Khazraei Nia P.; “Non-Newtonian Behavior of Caspian Pony Blood: Hematocrit and Fibrinogen Dependencies and Rheological Parameters”, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Erlangen, Germany, 17-20 September 2000.
  76. Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., Aghdam M.H., Nouranian S.;’Sioplas Crosslinking of PE: The Effect of ZnO on Shelf Life of Silane-Grafted Polyethylene Granules, Proceeding of Fifth Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology”, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 September 2000.
  77. Morshedian J., Pourrashidi A. ; “The Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on PE and EVA Compounds: Change in Properties & Applications“, Proceeding of Fifth Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 September, 2000.
  78. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Nodehi A.O.; “Mathematical Modeling of Films Blowing Processes”,Fifth Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science Technology, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 September 2000.
  79. Sadeghi G.M.M., Morshedain J., Barikani M.; “Determination of OH-number and Functionality of Polybutadiene-ol by FTIR and NMR Spectrocopy”, Fifth Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science Technology, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 September 2000.
  80. Hakim S., Golkar Narenji M.R., Morshedian J.; “Haemorheological Study of Caspian Pony Blood”, Proceeding of 5th National and 4th International Chemical Engineering Congress, Shiraz, Iran, April 24-27, 2000.
  81. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Nodehi N.O.; “Analysis of Stress and Strain in the Film Blowing Processes”, 5th National and 4th International Chemical Engineering Congress Shiraz, Iran, April 24-27, 2000.
  82. Khonakdar H.A., Morshedian J., Nodehi A.O.; “Simulation of Blown Film Extrusion: An Investigation of Heat Transfer and Deformation Processes”, 5th National and 4th International Chemical Engineering Congress, Shiraz, Iran, April 24-27, 2000.
  83. Hakim Sh., Golkar Narnji M.R., Morshedian J., Khazraei Nia P.; “Characterization and Modeling of Shear-Thinning Behavior of Caspian Pony Blood”, Proceeding of First National Congress of Biotechnical, Tehran, Iran , 22-24 Feb. 2000.
  84. Barzin J., Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M.; “Preparation of Silane Crosslinked PE: Study the Effective Parameters on Grafting and Crosslinking Processes and the Resultant Physical and Mechanical Properties” 4th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Sharif University of Tech., Iran, 1999.
  85. Morshedian J., Mehrabzadeh M., Kazemi V.; “Preparation of Heat Shrinkable Materials and Measurment of Their Properties”, Proceeding of International Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 3-5 November 1997.
  86. Abbasi Soorki F., Morshedian J.;Peroxide Crosslinking of Low Density Polyethylene”, Proceeding of International Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 3-5 November 1997.
  87. Heidarian J., Seifolah Zadeh A., Morshedian J.; “Chemical Modification of Nylon 6, 6 by Methyl Alkoxy Functionalization”, Second Iranian Congress of Chem. Eng., Amirkabir Univ, Tech., Tehran, Iran, 1997.
  88. Morshedian J., Khosaravi M., Sedaghat S.; “Investigation of Thermo Stability and Determination of Plasticizer Content of PVC Compounds by Instrumental Methods “, 11th Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Congress, Islamic Azad Univ. Tehran, Iran, 1996.
  89. Farahmand F., Morshedian J., Rafiee M.H.; “Characterization and Preparation of Alginate Based Impression Material Used in Dentistry”, 7th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, University of Isfahan, Iran, 1996.
  90. Khalili G., Morshedian J.; “Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Dental Modeling Wax and its Production Feasibility Study” 7th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, University of Isfahan, Iran, 1996.
  91. Ghasemi, Morshedian J., An Investigation on Processing and Mechanical Properties of Nylon 6/EPDM Alloys, Proceeding of International Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Shiraz -Iran, 24 May, 1994.
  92. Ghasempur A., Morshedian J.; “Effect of Aging on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/R-Glass Composites” International Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology- Shiraz, Iran, 1994.
  93. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J.; “An Investigation on Processing and Mechanical Properties of Nylon 6 /EPDM Alloys”, International Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Shiraz, Iran, 1994.
  94. Maleki M., Seifolahzadeh A., Morshedian J.; “Casting of HTPB Based Elastomers and Study Their Thermomechanical Properties” First Iranian Congress on Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
  95. Vatankhah J., Maleki M., Morshedian J.; “Synthesis of T.D.I. Dimer” First Iranian Congress on Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
  96. Seifolahzadeh A., Maleki M., Morshedian J.; “Technology of Self-Sealing Fuel Cells” First Iranian Congress on Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
  97. Morshedian J., Balaghi S.; “Preparation and Characterization of Liquid Reactive Rubbers” International Rubber Conference, Tehran, Iran, 1991.
  98. Morshedian J., Jahani Y.; "An Investigation on Cure Kinetics of Phenolic-Novolac Resins", Second Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1990.
  99. Morshedian J., Moghadam J.M.; “Investigation in the Property Improvements of PE Solid Wastes” Second Seminar of Polymer Science of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1990.
  100. Morshedian J., “Dynamics of Solid Polymers at High Strains” First Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, Amirkabir Univ. Tehran, Iran, 1986.

C: Patents

  1. Ghafghazi M., Esfandeh M., Morshedian J., "Interpenetrating Epoxy/Urethane- Clay Nano- Composite", Iranian Patent 54262 (1387).
  2. Morshedian J., Faghihi  M., Ahmadi S., "Fire retardant polypropylene compound", Iranian Patent 50639 (1387).
  3.  Ghasemi I., Morshedian J., "Continuous peroxide curing of Polyethyleneby shear head method", Iranian Patent 47427 (1387).
  4. Ghasemi I., Morshedian J., "Dynamic vulcanization of PP/EPDM alloy by shear head method ", Iranian patent 47426 (1387).
  5. Pourmand S., Morshedian J., "Proelucing Heat-Stimulated Polymeric compound", Iranian Patent 37136 (1385).
  6. German Patent, 10 2004 010 278.3, Ehsani M., Borsi H., Gockenbach E., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R.; "Flexible outdoor insulator with good electrical, mechanical and aging characteristics".
  7. Morshedian J.,G.R. Bakhshandeh,  H.A.Khonakdar, and M. Haghdin, "Preparation of XLPD insulation compounds used in medium to High Voltage Power Cables", Iranian Patent 31723 (1384).
  8. H. Eslami, , H.A.Khonakdar,  and Morshedian J., "Preparation of Semi-Conductive Polyethylene compound for high voltage Cable Application", Iranian Patent 31724 (1384).
  9. H Azizi,  Morshedian J., H.A.Khonakdar, " Continuous  Preparation of XLPE compounds used for low to Medium Voltage Cable Insulation", Iranian Patent 31722 (1384).
  10. H.A.Khonakdar,  Morshedian J., " Expansion Device for  heat shrinkable Tubes and End-caps" , Iranian Patent 30730 (1383).
  11. H.A.Khonakdar,  Morshedian J., " Preparation of Intelligent Polymers (Heat Shrinkable) Based on Polyethylene, Iranian patent 30731(1383).
  12. Ehsani M., Morshedian J., Bakhshandeh G.R., "Electrical Insulator based on an polymeric  alloy for power distribution networks", Iranian Patent 30564 (1383).