نام و نام خانوادگي: مير حمیدرضا قريشي سوابق تحصيلي: كارشناسي مهندسي شيمي (پليمر) دانشگاه صنعتي اميركبير - تهران 1366 كارشناسي ارشد مهندسي شيمي (پليمر) دانشگاه صنعتي اميركبير- تهران 1369 دكتري مهندسي شيمي (پليمر) دانشگاه لافبرو- انگلستان 1997 محل خدمت: عضو هیئتعلمی پژوهشگاه پليمر و پتروشيمي ايران از 1369 تاكنون رتبه علمي: استاد تمام پايه 31 دروس تدريس شده
سوابق اجرايي مدير گروه لاستيك 14 سال مدير واحد كامپيوتر و شبكه 5 سال معاون پژوهشي 5/1 سال سرپرست معاونت طرح و برنامه 2 سال رئيس پژوهشكده 6 سال(ازخرداد 95) عضو هیئت مميزه و كميسيون تخصصي فني-مهندسي 11 سال عضو هیئت تحريريه Iranian Polymer Journal و دستيار سردبير (Associate Editor) 20 سال عضو هیئت تحريريه نشريه علوم و تكنولوژي پليمر 20 سال عضو هیئت تحريريه نشريه صنعت لاستيك ايران 17 سال 1.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Numerical Simulation of the Curing Process of Rubber Articles (Chapter 11). In: Computational Materials, Editor: Wilhelm U. Oster, Nova Science Publishers Inc. (NY), ISBN: 978-1-60456-896-7, 2009 2.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., and Alimardani, M, Application of Natural Rubber Based Blends and IPNs in Tyre Engineering and other Fields (Chapter 24). In: Natural Rubber Materials Volume 1: Blends and IPNs, Editors: The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC Publishing), Cambridge, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-84973-610-7 3.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Computer Simulations of Passenger Car Radial Tires Using the Finite Element Method (chapter 1). In: Computer Simulations: Advances in Research and Applications, Editors: Michael D. Pfeffer and Erik Bachmeier, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-53613-095-9, 2018 4- مقدمهاي بر روش اجزاي محدود در مهندسي شيمي و پليمر،:ميرحميدرضا قريشي، 1392، انتشارات پژوهشگاه پليمر و پتروشيمي ايران 5- مجموعه واژههای مهندسی بسپار شاخه تایر، ميرحميد رضا قريشي (يكي از نويسندگان)، 1390-1391، فرهنگستان زبان و ادب فارسی 6- مبانی آمیزهکاری و فراورش لاستیک، هري لانگ، ميرحميدرضا قريشي (يكي از مترجمان)، 1375، مركز نشر دانشگاهي دانشآموختگان كارشناسي ارشد
دانشآموختگان دكتري
مقالات انگليسي 1. Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Pneumatic tire modeling by membrane method. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (English Edition) 1993, 2, (1), 37-43. 2. Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Transient finite element model of mixing of rubber compounds in a banbury mixer. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 1996, 5, (1), 30-41. 3. Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Rafizadeh, M., Numerical simulation of thermoplastic melt flow in single screw extruder using finite element method. Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications 1996, 25, (3), 120-125. 4. Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Nassehi, V., Modeling the transient flow of rubber compounds in the dispersive section of an internal mixer with slip-stick boundary conditions. Advances in Polymer Technology 1997, 16, (1), 45-68. 5. Nassehi, V.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Simulation of Free Surface Flow in Partially Filled Internal Mixers. International Polymer Processing 1997, 12, (4), 346-353. 6. Nassehi, V.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Freakley, P. K.; Clarke, J., Development of validated, predictive mathematical model for rubber mixing. Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications 1997, 26, (3), 103-112. 7.Nassehi,V.; Ghoreishy,M.H.R., Finite element analysis of mixing in partially filled twin blade internal mixers," International Polymer Processing 1998, 13, (3), 231-238 8.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Nouri, M. R., Three-dimensional finite element analysis of a power-law fluid in an extrusion die. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 1998, 7, (4), 277-287. 9.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Nouri, M. R., Finite element analysis of thermoplastic melts flow through the metering and die regions of single screw extruders. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 1999, 74, (3), 676-689. 10.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Razavi-Nouri, M.; Naderi, G., Finite element analysis of flow of thermoplastic elastomer melt through axisymmetric die with slip boundary condition. Plastics, Rubber and Composites 2000, 29, (5), 224-228. 11.Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Finite element analysis of a 6.45-14 bias tire under contact load. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2001, 10, (1), 45-52. 12.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Karrabi, M.; Nouri, M. R., Development of optimized rubber compounds for the components of the bead section of a low aspect ratio steel-belted radial tire. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2001, 10, (2), 115-123. 13.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Naderi, G., A new method for the determination of the thermal conductivity of rubber compounds. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2001, 10, (5), 315-320. 14.Nassehi, V.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Modeling of mixing in internal mixers with long blade tips. Advances in Polymer Technology 2001, 20, (2), 132-145. 15. Ghoreishy, M.H.R., FEA in the Mold. Tire Technology International, 2001, (Annual Review), 74-77. 16. Ghoreishy, M.H.R., , A numerical study on the non-linear finite element analysis of a tyre under axisymmetric loading. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2002, 11, (5), 325-332. 17. Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Modelling the nonlinear deformation in steel-belted radial tyres under inflation loading. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2003, 12, (1), 57-65. 18.Karrabi, M.; Bakhshandeh, G.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Rheological study of tyre tread compound (Part II): A method to study the relaxation time and viscosity index using parallel plate rheometer. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2004, 13, (5), 397-404. 19. Karrabi, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Bakhshandeh, G., Rheological study of tyre tread compound (part I): Determination of wall slip coefficient and elastic swell using capillary rheometer. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2004, 13, (4), 317-325. 20.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Naderi, G., Three-dimensional finite element modeling of rubber curing process. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 2005, 37, (1), 37-53. 21. Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Naderi, G., Three dimensional finite element modelling of truck tyre curing process in mould. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2005, 14, (8), 735-743. 22. Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Razavi-Nouri, M.; Naderi, G., Finite element analysis of a thermoplastic elastomer melt flow in the metering region of a single screw extruder. Computational Materials Science 2005, 34, (4), 389-396. 23.Hanspal, N.S.; Nassehi, V.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Numerical analysis of rubber moulding using finite element modeling. International Polymer Processing, 2005, 20, (3), 238-244. 24.Vahedy, V.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Effects on aspect ratio on tire performance., Rubber World, September 2005, 20-22. 25.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. A 3D finite element model for the parametric study of the belt construction of a steel-belted radial tire. Tire Technology International, 2005, (Annual Review), 14-16. 26.Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Finite element analysis of the steel-belted radial tyre with tread pattern under contact load. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2006, 15, (8), 667-674. 27.Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Finite element analysis of steady rolling tyre with slip angle: Effect of belt angle. Plastics, Rubber and Composites 2006, 35, (2), 83-90. 28.Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Steady state rolling analysis of a radial tyre: Comparison with experimental results. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2006, 220, (6), 713-721. 29.Parvazinia, M.; Nassehi, V.; Wakeman, R. J.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Finite element modelling of flow through a porous medium between two parallel plates using the Brinkman equation. Transport in Porous Media 2006, 63, (1), 71-90. 30.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Development of a finite element code for the 3D simulation of the curing process. Tire Technology International, 2006, (Annual Review), 84-87. 31.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Malekzadeh, M.; Rahimi, H., A parametric study on the steady state rolling behaviour of a steel-belted radial tyre. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2007, 16, (8), 539-548. 32.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Malekzadeh, M. and Rahimi, H., Free Rolling Analysis of Radial Tires with detailed Tread Patterns., Tire Technology International, 2007, (Annual review), 66-69. 33.Ghoreishy, M. H. R., A state of the art review of the finite element modelling of rolling tyres. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 2008, 17, (8), 571-597. 34.Yaghobi, N.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Oxidative coupling of methane in a fixed bed reactor over perovskite catalyst: A simulation study using experimental kinetic model. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 2008, 17, (1), 8-16. 35.Yaghobi, N.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Eslamimanesh, V., An experimental kinetic model for the oxidative coupling of methane using a bench-scale reactor. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2008, 3, (2), 202-210. 36.Yaghobi, N.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Comparative study on the kinetic modeling of the oxidative coupling of methane in laboratory and bench scales. Chemical Product and Process Modeling 2008, (3), 1-24. 37.Ghasemi, I.; Karrabi, M.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Investigation into stress-strain bahaviour of organoclay SBR composite using different constitutive models. Plastics Rubber and Composite 2008, 37, (7), 305-310. 38.Khosrokhavar, R; Bakhshandeh, G.R.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Naderi, G. PP/EPDM blends and their developments up to Nanocomposites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composite, 2009, 28, 9(5), 613-639. 39.Yaghobi, N.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Modeling the oxidative coupling of methane: Heterogeneous chemistry coupled with 3D flow field simulation. Journal of Natural gas Chemistry 2009, 18, (1), 39-44. 40.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Finite element modeling of the steady state rolling of a radial tyre with detailed tread pattern. Iranian Polymer Journal, 2009, 18 (8), 641-650. 41.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Viscoelastic analysis of rolling tires using the finite element method, Tire Technology International (Annual review), 2009, 54-57. 42.Rafei, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Development of an advanced computer simulation technique for the modeling of rubber curing process, Computational Materials Science, 2009, 47(2), 539-547. 43.Rahimi, H., Khalili, V., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rezadoust A.M., Esfandeh, M., Effects of intertube adhesion on mechanical properties of tubular cell polypropylene honeycombs, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2009, 17 (8), 513-519. 44.Razavi-Nouri, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Sobhani, H., Quasi-steady State Finite Element Modelling of Polymer Melt Flow in an Intermeshing Co-rotating Twin Screw Extruder, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2010, 19(2), 143-154. 45.Soltani, S., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Mechanical and rheological properties of short nylon fibre NR/SBR composites, Journal of Rubber Research, 2010, 13(2), 110-124. 46.Soltani, S. Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Mechanical and rheological Properties of waste fiber NR/SBR rubber composites, Tire Technology International (Annual review), 2010, 90-92. 47.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Hyperelastic constitutive models using FEA of rubbers: a study, Tire Technology International (Annual review), 2010, 32-34. 48.Soltani, S., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Mechanical and morphological properties of short Nylon fiber reinforced NR/SBR composites: Optimization of interfacial bonding agent, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2010, 19(11), 853-861. 49.Khosrokhavar, R., Naderi, G, Bakhshandeh, G.R., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of processing parameters on PP/EPDM/Organoclay nanocomposites using Taguchi analysis method, , Iranian Polymer Journal, 2011, 20(1), 41-53. 50.Sobhani H., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Razavi-Nouri, M., Investigation of combination of finite element formulation and element type on the accuracy of 3D modeling of polymeric fluid flow in an extrusion die, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 120, 1607-1615. 51.Razavi-Nouri, M, Naderi, G., Parvin, A., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Thermal properties and morphology of isotactic polypropylene/acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber blends in the presence and absence of a nanoclay, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 121, 1365-1371. 52.Esmizadeh, E., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Bakhshandeh, G.R., Chemical and physical properties of self-crosslinked poly(vinyl chloride)/nitrile rubber nanocomposites prepared by melt mixing process, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2011, 31, 83-92. 53.Esmizadeh, E., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Bakhshandeh, G.R., Optimal parameter design by Taguchi method for mechanical properties of NBR/PVC nanocomposites, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2011, 20(7), 587-596. 54.Khosrokhavar, R., Bakhshandeh, G.R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Microstructural evolution of PP/EPDM/Organoclay nanocomposites in a twin screw extruder, International Polymer Processing, 2011, 26, 212-218. 55.Sobhani, H., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Razavi-Nouri, M., Anderson, P.D., Meijer, H.H.E., Modelling of polymer fluid and residence ctime distribution in twin screw extruder using fictitious domain method, Plastics, Rubber, Composites, 2011, 40(8), 387-396. 56.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Haghighat-Mesbahi, A, A parametric study of cornering behavior using FEM and an artificial neural network, Tire Technology International (Annual review), 2011, 44-47. 57.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Determination of the Prony series in hyper-elastic material models using the finite element method, Materials and Design,2012, 35, 791-797. 58.Zafarmehrabian, R., Taghvaei, S., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Davallu, M., The effects of silica/carbon black ratio on the dynamic properties of tread compounds in truck tires, E-Journal of Chemistry, 2012, 9(3), 1102-1112. 59.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Bagheri-Jaghargh, Naderi, G., Soltani, S., Finite element modeling of the flow of a rubber compound through an axisymmetric die using the CEF viscoelastic constitutive equation, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 125, 3648-3657. 60.Hajibaba, A., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy,M.H.R., Bakhshandeh, G.R., Razavi-Nouri, M., Effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes on morphology and mechanical properties of NBR/PVC blends, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2012, 21(8), 505-511. 61.Sepehri, A., Razzaghi-Kashani, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Vulcanization kinetics of butyl rubber-clay nanocomposites and its dependence on clay microstructure, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 125, 214-213. 62.Alipour, A., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of nanoclay content and matrix composition on properties and stress-strain behavior of NR/EPDM nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 127, 1275-1284. 63.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rafei, M., Naderi, G., Advances in the simulation of the tire curing process, Tire Technology International (Annual Review), 2012, 66-70. 64.Hajibaba, A., Naderi, G., Esmizadeh, E., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Morphology and dynamic-mechanical properties of PVC/NBR blends reinforced with two types of nanoparticles., Journal of Composites Materials, DOI: 10.1177/0021998312469242 65.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Alimardani, M., Zafarmehrabian, R, Taghvaei, S., Modeling the hyperviscoelastic behavior of a tire tread compound reinforced by silica and carbon black, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 128(3), 1725-1731. 66.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rafei, M., Naderi, G., Optimization of the vulcanization process of a thick rubber article using an advanced computer simulation technique, Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 2012, 85(4), 576-589. 67.Vafayan, M., Beheshty, M.H., Ghorishy, M.H.R., Abedini, H, Advanced integral isoconversional analysis for evaluating and predicting the kinetic parameters of the curing reaction of epoxy prepreg, Thermomechanica Acta, 2013, 557, 37-43. 68.Kharazmkia, M. Naderi ,G, Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Shokoohi, S, Elastomer nanocomposites based on BR/EPDM/ORGANOCLAY, Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 2013, 86(2), 299-312. 69.Andideh, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Soltani, S., Nanocomposites based on NR/SBR: Effect of nanoclay and short nylon fibers on the curing characteristics and thermal properties, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2013, 52, 1016-1024. 70.Esmizadeh, E., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Modification of theoretical models to predict mechanical behavior of PVC/NBR/Organoclay nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(5), 3229-3239 71.Vafayan, M., Abedini, H., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Beheshty, M.H., Effect of cure kinetic simulation model on optimized thermal cure cycle for thin-sectioned composite parts, Polymer Composites, 2013, 34(7), 1172-1179. 72.Ghoreishy,M.H.R., Firouzbakht, M., Naderi, G., Parameter determination and experimental verification of Bergstrom-Boyce hysteresis model for rubber compounds reinforced by carbon black blends, Materials and Design, 2014, 53, 457-465. 73.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rolling resistance simulation using finite element analysis in the prediction of rolling resistance, Tire Technology International (Annual Review), 2013, 84-86. 74.Sobhani,H., Anderson, P. D., Meijer, H.E.H., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Razavi-Nouri, M., Non-isothermal modeling of a non-Newtonian fluid flow in a twin screw extruder using the fictitious domain method, Macromolecular Theory and Simulation, 2013, 22, 462-474. 75.Hajibaba, A., Naderi, G., Esmizadeh, E., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Morphology and dynamic-mechanical properties of PVC/NBR blends reinforced with two types nanoparticles, Journal of Composite Materials, 2014, 48(2), 131-141. 76.Najafi, M., Parzvazinia, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Kiparissides, C., Development of a 2D single particle model to analyze the effect of initial particle shape and breakage in olefin polymerization, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 2014, 8, 29-45. 77.Vafayan, M., Beheshty, M.H., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Abedini, H., The prediction capability of the kinetic models extracted from isothermal data in non-isothermal conditions for an epoxy prepreg, Journal of Composite Materials, 2014, 48(9), 1039-1048. 78.Andideh, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Soltani, S., Effects of nanoclay and short Nylon fiber on morphology and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on NR/SBR., Fibers and Polymers, 2014, 15 (4), 814-822. 79.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., FE analysis reliability-Experimental verification of the predicted stiffnesses for a statically loaded tire, , Tire Technology International (Annual Review), 2014,52-56. 80.Najafi, M., Parvazinia, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., modeling the catalyst fragmentation pattern in relation to molecular properties and particle overheating in olefin polymerization, Polyolefin Journal,2014, 1(2), 77-91. 81.Vafayan, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Abedini, H., Beheshty, M.H., Development of an optimized thermal cure cycle for a complex shape composite part using a coupled finite element / generic algorithm technique, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2015, 24(6), 459-469. 82.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Roohandeh, B., An experimental investigation on the degradation effect of ozone on hyperelastic behavior of an NR/BR blend, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2015, 24(12), 1015-1024. 83.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., A state-of-the-art review on the mathematical modeling and computer simulation of rubber vulcanization process, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2016, 25(1), 89-109. 84.Paran, S.M.R, Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., XNBR-grafted halloysite nanotube core-shell as a potential compatibilizer for immiscible polymer systems, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 382, 63-72. 85.Paran, S.M.R, Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Mechanical properties development of high-ACN nitrile-butadiene rubber/organoclay nanocomposites. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 2016, 45(9), 389-397. 86.Naderi, G., Khosrokhavar, R., Shokoohi, S, Bakhshandeh, G.R., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Dynamically vulcanized polypropylene/ethylene‐propylene diene monomer/organoclay nanocomposites: Effect of mixing sequence on structural, rheological, and mechanical properties, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2016, 22(3), 320-325. 87.Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Moradi, M., Effect of modified single‐wall carbon nanotubes on mechanical and morphological properties of thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposites based on (polyamide 6)/(acrylonitrile butadiene rubber). Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2016, 22(3), 336-341. 88.Paran, S.M.R, Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of Halloysite nanotube on Microstructure, Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Dynamically Vulcanized PA6/NBR Thermoplastic Vulcanizates, Soft Materials, 2016, 14(3), ,127-139. 89.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Pahlavan, M., An investigation into the thermal transport properties of PP/EPDM/clay nanocomposites using a new combined experimental/numerical method, Plastics, Rubber and Composite, 2016, 45(5), 229-237. 90.Alimardani, M., Razzaghi-Kashani, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Prediction of mechanical and fracture properties of rubber composites by microstructural modeling of polymer-filler interfacial effects, Materials & Design, 2017, 115, 348-354. 91.Haghnegahdar, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy,M.H.R., Electrical and thermal properties of a thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposite based on polypropylene/ethylene propylene diene monomer/grapheme, Soft Materials, 2017, 15, 8294. 92.Haghnegahdar, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy,M.H.R., Fracture toughness and deformation mechanism of un-vulcanized and dynamically vulcanized polypropylene/ethylene propylene diene monomer/graphene nanocomposites, Composite Science and Technology, 2017, 141, 83-98. 93.Paran, S.M.R, Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Microstructure and mechanical properties of thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposites based on PA6/NBR/HNT, Polymer Composites, 2017, 38, E451-E461. 94.Shokoohi. S., Naderi, G., Kharazmkia, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Hyperelastic model analysis of stress‐strain behavior in polybutadiene/ethylene‐propylene diene terpolymer nanocomposites, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2017, 23, 21-27. 95.Haghnegahdar, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposite Based on Polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer/Graphene, International Polymer Processing, 2017, 32, 72-83. 96.Shojaei, A.D., Karrabi, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of Different Types of Nanoparticles on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of EPDM Foam. Cellular Polymers, 2017, 36,113-133. 97.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Tire wear with FEM: Experimental verification of tire wear using the finite element method. Tire Technology International (Annual Review), 2017,32-34. 98.Rafei, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Thermo-mechanical coupled finite element simulation of tire cornering characteristics-Effect of complex material models and friction law. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2018, 144, 35-51. 99.Esmizadeh, E., Irani, A., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M. H. R., & Dobious, C. Effect of carbon nanotube on PA6/ECO composites: Morphology development, rheological, and thermal properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018. 135, 45977. 100.Paran, S. M. R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M. H. R., & Heydari, A.,. Enhancement of mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of compatibilized graphene reinforced dynamically vulcanized thermoplastic elastomer vulcanizates based on polyethylene and reclaimed rubber. Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 161, 57-65. 101.Paran, S. M. R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M. H. R., & Dubois, C., Multiscale modeling of polymer systems comprising nanotube-like inclusions by considering interfacial debonding under plastic deformations. Composite Structures, 2018, 194, 302-315. 102.Ghoreishy, M. H. R., & Sourki, F. A., Development of a new combined numerical/experimental approach for the modeling of the nonlinear hyper-viscoelastic behavior of highly carbon black filled rubber compound. Polymer Testing, 2018, 70, 135-143. 103.Paran, S. M. R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M. H. R., & Dubois, C., Essential work of fracture and failure mechanisms in dynamically vulcanized thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposites based on PA6/NBR/XNBR-grafted HNTs. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 200, 251-262. 104.Rafei, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Naderi, G., Computer simulation of tire rolling resistance using finite element method: Effect of linear and nonlinear viscoelastic models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2019, 233 (11), 2746-2760. 105.Barghamadi, M., Karrabi, M., Ghoreishy, M. H. R., & Mohammadian‐Gezaz, S., Effects of two types of nanoparticles on the cure, rheological, and mechanical properties of rubber nanocomposites based on the NBR/PVC blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 47550. 106.Vahidifar, A., Esmizadeh, E., Elahi, M., Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Naderi, G., & Rodrigue, D. Thermoplastic vulcanizate nanocomposites based on polyethylene/reclaimed rubber: A correlation between carbon nanotube dispersion state and electrical percolation threshold. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 47795. 107.Shojaei Dindarloo, A., Karrabi, M., & Ghoreishy, M. H. R. (2019). A multi-scale three-dimensional finite element analysis of polymeric rubber foam reinforced by carbon nanotubes under tensile loads. Iranian Polymer Journal, 2019, 2, 135-144. 108.Esmizadeh, E.; Sadeghi, T.; Vahidifar, A.; Naderi, G.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Paran, S. M. R., Nano graphene-reinforced bio-nanocomposites based on NR/PLA: The morphological, thermal and rheological perspective. Journal of Polymers and the Environment 2019, 27 (7), 1529-1541. 109.Barghamadi, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Karrabi, M.; Mohammadian‐Gezaz, S., Investigation on the kinetics of cure reaction of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR)/polyvinyl chloride (PVC)/graphene nanocomposite using various models. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2020, 137 (18), 48632. 110.Salimi, A.; Abbassi-Sourki, F.; Karrabi, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Investigation on viscoelastic behavior of virgin EPDM/reclaimed rubber blends using Generalized Maxwell Model (GMM). Polymer Testing 2021, 93, 106989. 111.Nakhaei, M. R.; Naderi, G.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Fracture mechanisms and failure analysis of PA6/NBR/graphene nanocomposites by essential work of fracture. Iranian Polymer Journal 2021, 1-13. 112.Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Abbassi-Sourki, F., Nonlinear stress relaxation of filled rubber compounds: A new theoretical model and experimental investigation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 138 (8), 49884. 113.Ferasat, H.; Fasihi, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Ajorloo, M., Development of a bubble growth model for natural rubber‐based foams. Polymer Engineering & Science 2021, 61 (2), 477-488. 114.Bazli, L.; Barghamadi, M.; Shafiee, S.; Karrabi, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R., Investigation of rheological, mechanical, and thermal properties of nanocomposites based on nitrile rubber‐phenolic resin reinforced with nanographene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 50906. 115.Barghamadi, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Karrabi, M.; Mohammadian-Gezaz, S., Modeling of nonlinear hyper‐viscoelastic and stress softening behaviors of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber/polyvinyl chloride nanocomposites reinforced by nanoclay and graphene. Polymer Composites 2021, 42 (2), 583-596. 116.Andideh, M.; Ghoreishy, M. H. R.; Soltani, S.; Sourki, F. A., Surface modification of oxidized carbon fibers by grafting bis (triethoxysilylpropyl) tetrasulfide (TESPT) and rubber sizing agent: Application to short carbon fibers/SBR composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2021, 141, 106201.
مقالات فارسي 1.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Tension behavior analysis of elastomers by finite element method. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 1991, 4,(4), 279-287. 2.Ghoreishy,M.H.R.; Rafizadeh,M., " New method of momentum equation solving under isothermal condition for Non-Newtonian fluids in metering region. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 1992, 5, (3), 196-202. 3.Naderi,G.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R., " Scale-up of rubber mixing using unit work method. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2001/1379, 13, (3), 149-155. 4.Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Naderi, G., Three dimensional simulation and development of a computer software for rubber curing process by finite element method", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2004/1383, 17, (1), 21-28. 5.Khodabakhshi, G.; Bakhshandeh, G.R.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Analysis of stress-strain bevaior of o-rings under service condition by using finite element method. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2004/1383, 17, (2), 99-107. 6.Karrabi, M.; Bakhshandeh, G.R.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Numerical simulation of the flow of a tire tread compound through capillary die and laboratory extruder die. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2004/1383, 17, (4), 229-235. 7.Ravati, S.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Bakhshandeh, G.R.; Abbasi Soorki, F. Study of rheological properties of rubber/carbon black compounds during incorporation stage in internal mixers. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2005/1384, 18, (3), 159-169. 8.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Finite element modeling of camber angle in radial tire. Iranian RubberMmagazine, 2005/1384, 9, 53-58. 9.Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Asghari, G. determination of vulcanization reaction progress in rubber goods with RPA, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 2005/1384, 10, 81-85. 10.Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Rahimi, H.; Malekzadeh, M. Runflat systems: a review. Iranian Rubber Magazine, 2006/1386, 10, 67-78. 11.Karabi, M.; Bakhshandeh, G.R.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Steel belt radial tyre bead area formulation determination by prototyping. Iranian Rubber Magazine, 2006/1385, 10,30-35. 12. Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Asghari, G. Experimental study of non-isothermal curing kinetics of SBR compound by direct temperature determination and RPA machine. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2007, 20, (1), 11-23. 13.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. et al., Application of microwave, the study of curing kinetic and the effect of different components in elastomeric compound on absorption of microwave. Iranian Rubber Magazine, 2007/1386, 11, 30-35. 14.Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Abtahi, M.,A theoretical and experimental study on the footprint analysis of a 185/65r14 radial tyre with tread pattern using finite element method. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2007/1386, 20, (6), 589-598. 15.Khalili, V.; Rahimi, H.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Rezadoust, A.M. Modelling of the indentation behaviour of thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich panels. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition). 2008/1387, 21, (2), 157-166. 16.Sobhani, H.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Razavi-Nouri, M. 3-dimensional modeling of flow of polymeric fluids with various viscosities in an extrusion die using mixed method and tetrahedral elements. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2008/1387, 21, (2), 167-179. 17.Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Soltani, S.; Naderi, G. Studies on properties of short fiber reinforced natural rubber composites. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2008/1387, 21, (3), 259-267. 18.Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; A parametric study on the effect of the rim diameter in a radial tire performance using finite element method, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 2008/1387, 13, 4-12. 19.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., An experimental and numerical verification of different hyperelastic material models for rubbers under tension and compression loads, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2009/1388, 22, (4), 273-284. 20.Ehsani, M.; Badripour, M; Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Evaluation of EPDM addition in NR/BR compound by reactive mixing, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2009/1388, 22, (5), 331-339. 21.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rafei, M, Nader, G., Bakhshandeh, G.R. and Nasiri, M., Computer Simulation of Cure Process of an Axisymmetric Rubber Article Reinforced by Metal Plates Using Extended ABAQUS Code, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2010/1389, 23 (2), 121-131. 22.Ghoreishy. M.H.R., Soltani, S., Etemadi, A.H., Finite Element Analysis and Footprint Determination of a Bias Truck Tire under Vertical static Load Using Global/Local Method, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2010/1389, 23 (3), 247-254. 23.Esmizadeh, E, Naderi, G., Ghoreishy,M.H.R.,Bakhshandeh, G.R., Effect of Mixing Conditions on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Nanocomposites Based on NBR/PVC/Nanoclay, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2010/1389, 23 (4), 293-304. 24.Bagheri-jaghargh, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Soltani, S., Finite element study of the flow rubber compounds in and extruder die, Journal of Applied Chemical Research (Persian),1389/2010, 4(15), 5-11. 25.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., A computer simulation for the calculation of the cornering force and (self) aligning moment in a radial tire, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 2010/1389, 15, 14-19. 26.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Taghvaei, S., Zafar mehrabian, R., The effect of silica/carbon black filler systems on the fatigue properties of the tread compound in passenger tires, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2011/1390, 24 (4), 329-337. 27.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Taghvaei, S., Zafar Mehrabian, R., An investigation of the effect of the silica/carbon black filler systems on then fatigue properties in a truck tire tread compound, Journal of Applied Chemical Research (Persian),1390/2011, 5(1), 61-67. 28.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Simulating mechanical behavior of a tread rubber compound by a hyperelastic/hysteresis model, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2011/1390, 24 (5), 369-377. 29. Andideh, M, Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Soltani, S., Mechanical and morphological properties of waste short nylon fibers and nanoclay reinforced NR/SBR rubber nanocomposites, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2012/1391, 25 (6), 491-501 30.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Firoozbakht, M., Naderi, G., Effect of carbon black blends on the mechanical properties of a tread compound for passenger radial tire, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2013/1392, 26 (1), 45-56. 31.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Keshavarz, A., Optimization of mechanical, dynamical and thermal properties of a high performance tread compound for radial tires, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition) 2013/1392, 26 (2), 125-138. 32.Shokoohi, S., Kharazmkia, M., Naderi ,G, Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of nanoclay on the curing behavior of BR/EPDM compounds used in tire, Iranian Rubber Magazine, 2013/1392, 17, 29-32. 33.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G. Steady state analysis and prediction of rolling resistance for a moving radial tire using hyperelastic model, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and Technology (Persian Edition), 2014/1393, 27(3), 231-240. 34.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Zare, M., Computer simulation and experimental study of deformation in a radial tire under different static loads using finite element method, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and Technology (Persian Edition), 2014/1393, 27(4), 326-336. 35.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Mansour, M., Numerical modeling and experimental study of elastic-plastic behavior of carbon nanotubes reinforced nanocomposites of PA6/NBR using a micro finite element model, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and Technology (Persian Edition), 2014/1393, 27(5), 409-421. 36.Ghoreishy,M.H.R., Naderi, G., Rafei, M., A theoretical and experimental study on mechanical behavior of steel-rubber long fiber composites using finite element method and analytical models, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (Persian edition), 2016/1395, 29(2), 139-155. 37.Alimardabi, M. Razzaghi-Kashani, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Comparing the Capillary Rise Technique and Sessile Drop Method of Non-Porous surfaces in Determining Surface Energy of Reinforcing Powders Utilized in Polymer Composites, Iranian Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 2016/1395, 27, 81-92. 38.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Abbassi-Sourki, F., The molecular structure of SBR and filler type effects on thermal diffusivity of SBR/BR compounds used in tire tread, Iranian Journal of Polymer science and Technology (Persian Edition), 2017/1396, 30(2), 139-149. 39.Soltani S., Naderi G., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Shokrzadeh A., and Razmjoo F., Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Short Nylon Fibers and Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced NR/SBR Nanocomposites, Iran. J. Polym. Sci. Technol. (Persian), 31, 345-357, 2018. 40.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian-Gezaz S., Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelets on Rheology, Tensile Properties and Curing Behavior of Nanocomposites Based on NBR/PVC Blends Prepared by Melt Intercalation Method., Iran. J. Polym. Sci. Technol. (Persian), 31, 288-300, 2018. 41.Nakhaei, M.R.Mohammadi,Sh. Naderi, Gh, Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Experimental study of microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of PA6/NBR nanocomposites reinforced with graphene nanoparticle, ,Journal of Science and Technology of Composites (Persian), 6, 3, 419-426, 2019. 42.Ghoreishy M.H.R. and Abbassi-Sourki F., Study the Hyper-Viscoelastic and Stress Softening Behaviors of Various SBR/CB Filled Compounds Using a Triple Model, Iran. J. Polym. Sci. Technol. (Persian), 33, 342-353, 2020. سمينارها و كنفرانسها (ملي و بينالمللي) 1.Ghoreishy M.H.R., Advanced Material Models for Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behaviors of Cured Rubber Compounds, ISPST2020. 2.Paran S.M.R., Naderi G. , Mirzaee M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Curing behavior and mechanical properties of Ethylene-propylene diene monomer /Nitrile butadiene rubber/ Halloysite nanotubes Nanocomposites, ISPST2020. 3.Salimi A., Abbassi Sourki F., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Karrabi M., Effect of devulcanized rubber on properties of EPDM rubber, ISPST2020 4.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian S., Dynamic rheological study on nitrile butadiene rubber reinforced with different levels of nanographene, ISPST2020 5.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian S., Investigation of the relaxation properties of nitrile rubber/ graphene nanocomposites containing different acrylonitrile content, ISPST2020 6.Torbati-Fard N., Hosseini S.M., Razzaghi-Kashani M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Effect of Silica/Rubber Interface on Tribological Behavior of Filled Styrene-butadiene Rubber Vulcanizates, ISPST2020 7.Karabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian S., Study on the standard solid model for nitrile rubber/graphene nano platelet nanocomposites, 1st International Conference on Rheology (ICOR 2019) 8.M.Karrabi, Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian S., The temperature dependence of viscoelastic properties of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber/graphene nanocomposite, 1st International Conference on Rheology (ICOR 2019) 9.Ghoreishy M.H.R., Karrabi M., Temperature dependence on Rheological behavior of Nanocomposites based on NBR/Closite CB, 1st International Conference on Rheology (ICOR 2019) 10.Ghoreishy M.H.R., Karrabi M., Prediction the Rheological behavior of Nanocomposite based on NBR filled by Closite CB using the Carreau model,, 1st International Conference on Rheology (ICOR 2019) 11.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Introduction to design of pneumatic tires for electrical vehicles (keynote) , 14th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 19-21 Dey 1397, Tehran , Iran. 12.Sammaei, S., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Effect of carbon nanotube on viscoelastic properties of SBR/BR compound used as the tread of radial tires. 14th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 19-21 Dey 1397, Tehran, Iran. 13.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian-Gezaz S., Study on nonlinear viscoelastic properties of various NBR blends under different temperatures. 14th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 19-21 Dey 1397, Tehran, Iran. 14.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian-Gezaz S., Prediction of Young's modulus of NBR/PVC/graphene nanocomposites at three different temperatures. 14th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 19-21 Dey 1397, Tehran, Iran. Nakhaei, M.R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite based on PA6/NBR/graphene, ISPST 2018, 19-22 November 2018, Tehran , Iran. 15.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian-Gezaz S., Study on the viscoelastic behavior of nitrile rubber/polyvinyl chloridecompounds modified with different levels of nano layered silicate, ISPST 2018, 19-22 November 2018, Tehran , Iran. 16.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian-Gezaz S., Temperature dependency of the Payne effect in NBR/PVC blends, ISPST 2018, 19-22 November 2018, Tehran, Iran. 17.Shafiee S., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of nanographene on the curing behavior and rheological properties of NBR/phenolic compounds, ISPST 2018, 19-22 November 2018, Tehran, Iran. 18.Barghamadi M., Karrabi M., Ghoreishy M.H.R., Mohammadian-Gezaz S., Effect of the polyvinyl chloride on the vulcanization parameters, rheological and mechanical properties of different nitrile rubber types, 3rd Iranian Applied Chemistry Seminar, 6-7 Shahrivar 97 (2018), Hamedan, Iran. 19.Sammaei, S., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Development of a new method for the determination of the Prony series parameters in a hyper-viscoelastic equation using FEM, 13th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 3-5 Esfand 1395, Yazd, Iran 20.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rafei, M., Naderi, G., Advanced computer simulation of a quasi-steady state behavior of a rolling tire using a thermo-mechanical finite element method, 13th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 3-5 Esfand 1395, Yazd, Iran 21.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Abbassi-Sourki, Naderi, G. , Entezami, E., Investigation on the temperature-dependent thermal diffusivities of SBR/BR blends using an inverse heat transfer model, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 22.Shojaei, A., Karrabi, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of various nano particle type on morphology of vulcanized EPDM foam, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 23.Paran, S.M.R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Mechanical properties of HNT/PA6 nanocomposites: The effects of HNTs loadings and surface activation, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 24.Haghnegahdar, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Microstructure and morphology properties of nanocomposite based on polypropylene/ethylene propylene diene monomer/grapheme, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran, Iran. 25.Haghnegahdar, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Electrical and morphological properties of nanocomposite based on polypropylene/ethylene propylene diene monomer/Grapheme, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 26.Haghnegahdar, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effects of few layered Graphene on microstructure and properties of dynamically vulcanized nanocomposite thermoplastic elastomer based on polypropylene/ethylene propylene diene monomer, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 27.Rasouli, M, Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.HR., Mechanical, morphological, and thermal properties of Graphene-based PP/NBR nanocomposites, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 28.Paran, S.M.R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Mechanical properties of HNT/PA6 nanocomposites: The effects of HNT loading and surface activation, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 29.Hosseini, S., Nader, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Shokoohi, S., Effect of clay on morphology of PP/EPDM/PA6/Clay nanocomposite, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 30.Jahed, M., Nader, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of natural rubber (NR)/ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM)/Multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) nanocomposites, ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 31. Ghoreishy, M.H.R., An Overview of the Linear and Nonlinear Hyper-Viscoelastic Models for Rubber Compounds (keynote), ISPST2016, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran ,Iran. 32.Paran, S.M.R., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Optimization of rubber nanocomposite based on NBR/Clay using mixing condition and compatiblizing agent, 12th Iranian National rubber Conference, 28-30 Bahman 1393, Tehran, Iran. 33.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rafei, M., Naderi, Experimental measurements and computer simulation of mechanical properties of cord/rubber composites used in radial tires, 12th Iranian National rubber Conference, 28-30 Bahman 1393, Tehran, Iran. 34.Irani, A., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on morphological and mechanical properties of PA6/ECO blend, ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 35.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Zare, M., Computer simulation and experimental study of vertical deformation in a radial tire under static load using finite element method, ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 36.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Roohandeh, B., Effect of ozone degradation on hyperelastic properties of a tire sidewall compound, ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 37.Shojaei, A., Karrabi, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Predicting mechanical behavior of polymeric rubber foams (EPDM base) using Ogden hyperfoam model, ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 38.Andideh, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Soltani, S., Mechanical and microstructure properties of waste short nylon fibres and nanoclay reinforced nr/sbr rubber nanocomposites, ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 39.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Pahlavan, M., Thermal diffusivity of PP/EPDM clay nanocomposites: a new combined experimental/numerical method, ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 40.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Mansour, M., Micromechanical modeling of mechanical behavior of PA6/NBR/carbon nanotubes nanocomposite based on representative volume element, ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 41.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Advances in numerical simulation of curing process of rubber articles (keynote lecture), ISPST2014, 6-9 October 2014, Tehran, Iran. 42.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Rafei, M., Naderi, G., Experimental measurements and modeling of mechanical behavior of steel cord/rubber composites used in radial tires, 12th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 28-30 Bahman 1393, Tehran , Iran 43.Paran, S.M., Nader, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Optimization of the mechanical behavior of NBR/Nanonclay nanocomposites, 12th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 28-30 Bahman 1393, Tehran , Iran 44.Firoozbakht, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G, Keshavarz, A., Effect of carbon black blends on hysteresis behavior of a tire tread compound, 11th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 8-10 Esfand 1391, Tehran, Iran. 45.Shokoohi, S., Kharazmkia, M. Naderi ,G, Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of nanoclay on cure behavior of BR/EPDM blends, 11th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 8-10 Esfand 1391, Tehran, Iran. 46.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi G., Keshavarz, A, Firoozbakht, M., Optimization of oil content in a tread compound of a passenger car radial tire, 11th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 8-10 Esfand 1391, Tehran, Iran. 47.Hajibaba, A., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effect of functionalized and unfunctional SWNT on morphology and mechanical properties of NBR/PVC blends, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 48.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Alimardani, M., Zafar-Mehrabian, R., Taghvaei Ganjali, S., Experimental and Theoretical Study of Hyper-Viscoelastic Properties of a NR/BR Compound Reinforced by Carbon Black/Silica, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 49.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Alimardani, M., Zafar-Mehrabian, R., Taghvaei Ganjali, S., Modeling the Inelastic behavior of a Tire Tread Compound Reinforced by Carbon Black/Silica using a Nonlinear Viscoelastic model, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 50.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Firoozbakht, M., Keshavarz, A., Effect of Carbon Black Blends on the Properties of a non-Silica Tread Compound for High Performance Radial Tires, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 51. Andideh, M., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Soltani, S., Effect of Nanoclay and Short Nylon Fiber on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposites based on NR/SBR, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 52.Soltani, S., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Andideh, M., Study on Cure Characteristics and Thermal Properties of Short Nylon Fibre/ Nanoclay Reinforced NR/SBR Nanocomposites, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 53.Najafi, M., Parvazinia, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Study of 2-Dimentional Particle Growth in Catalytic Olefin Polymerization, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 54.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Keshavarz, A., Firoozbakht, M., An Optimization of Passenger Tire Tread Compound for Achieving the Best Thermal and Dynamical Properties, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 55.Kiyani, H., Razzaghi-Kashani1, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Effects of Silica Surface Modification on nonlinear Viscoelastic Properties of Rubber Compounds, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 56.Sobhani, H., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Razavi-Nouri, M., Simulation of Non-Newtonian Fluids Flow in Twin Screw Extruders, ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 57.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Azarandaz, Kh., Experimental verification of Some Results of Finite Element Analysis of a Statically Loaded Tire (keynote), ISPST2012, 21-25 October 2012, Tehran, Iran. 58.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Advances in simulation of curing process of tire and rubber articles, Tire Technology Expo2012 Conference, 14-16 February 2012, Cologne, Germany. 59.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., A numerical parametric study of steel cord orientation on force and moment in a radial tire. Tire Technology Expo 2011 Conference, 15-17 February 2011, Cologne, Germany. 60.Bagheri, M, Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Soltani, S., Development of a finite element computer code for the simulation of the rubber compounds through of an extruder die, 10th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 9-11 Azar 1389, Tehran, Iran. 61.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Finite element analysis of the steady state rolling of a truck tire, 10th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 9-11 Azar 1389, Tehran, Iran.. 62.Rafei, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., A comprehensive kinetics study and simulation of vulcanization process for a rubber-clay nanocomposites as a thick rubber article, Proceeding of the Polymer Processing Society 26th Annual Meeting, 4-8 July 2010, Banff, Canada. 63.Khosrokhavar, R., Naderi, G., Bakhshandeh, G.R., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Preparation of PP/EPDM/organoclay noncomposite in twin screw extruders, , Proceeding of the Polymer Processing Society 26th Annual Meeting, 4-8 July 2010, Banff, Canada. 64.Esmizadeh, E., Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Bakhshandeh, G.R., An investigation of the effect of processing conditions on cross-linking of Poly(vinyle chloride) and acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, Proceeding of the Polymer Processing Society 26th Annual Meeting, 4-8 July 2010, Banff, Canada. 65.Zarei, M., Bakhshandeh, G.R., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., An investigation on the modeling of mechanical behavior of a triple blend of NR/BR/SBR filled by different hyperelastic equations, Proceeding of the Polymer Processing Society 26th Annual Meeting, 4-8 July 2010, Banff, Canada. 66.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., et al, Effects of processing conditions of melt mixing in properties of PVC/NBR nanocomposites, Second International Conference on Polymer Processing, ICPPC 2010, 15-17 January 2010, India. 67.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., et al, An investigation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based NR/EPDM, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Nanostructures (NS2010), 10-12 March 2010, Kish Island, Iran. 68.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. et al, Effects of processing conditions of melt mixing in properties of PVC/NBR composite, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Nanostructures (NS2010), 10-12 March 2010, Kish Island, Iran. 69.Naderi, G., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Soltani, S., Study on mechanical, morphological and rheological properties of short nylon fiber NR/SBR composite used in tire tread. Tire Technology Expo 2010 Conference, 9-11 February 2010, Cologne, Germany. 70.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Experimental study of some hyperelastic constitutive equations for using in finite element analysis. Tire Technology Expo 2010 Conference, 9-11 February 2010, Cologne, Germany. 71.Yaghobi, N., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Oxidative coupling of methane: an experimental and simulation study, IChEC2009, 16-20 Nov. 2009, Kish Island, Iran. 72.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Finite element modeling of tires (a keynote lecture), ISPST2009, 17-21October 2009, Tehran, Iran. 73. Sobhani, H, Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Razavi-nouri, M., Anderson, P. Transient simulation of polymeric fluid flow in an intermeshing twin screw extruder using fictious domain method, ISPST2009, 17-21October 2009, Tehran, Iran. 74. Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Naderi, G., Rafei, M., Bakhshandeh, G.R., Nasiri, M., Adanced computer simulation of rubber curing process, ISPST2009, 17-21October 2009, Tehran, Iran. 75.Sobhani, H., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Razavi-nouri, M., Quasi steady state simulation of polymeric fluids flow in an intermeshing co-rotating twin screw extruder (TSE), ISPST2009, 17-21October 2009, Tehran, Iran. 76.Khosrokhavar, R., Naderi, G., Bakhshande, G.R., Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Effect of processing conditions on the formation of PP/EPDM/Organoclay nanocomposites in a twin screw extruder, ISPST2009, 17-21October 2009, Tehran, Iran. 77. Soltani, S., Naderi, G. Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Mechanical and morphological properties of waste short Nylon fiber composites based on NR/SBR, ISPST2009, 17-21October 2009, Tehran, Iran. 78.Razavi Nouri, M.; Naderi, G.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Morphological properties of thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposites based on NBR/PP, 25th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, 1-5 March 2009, Goa, India. 79. Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Viscoelastic analysis of rolling tires using FEM (a numerical study) , Tire Technology Expo 2009 Conference, 17-19 February 2009, Hamburg, Germany. 80. Yaghobi, N. and Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Natural gas conversion to ethylene: An experimental and numerical study, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Gas Processing Symposium, 10-12 January 2009, Doha, Qatar. 81.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Prediction of tire performance using virtual and experimental techniques. 9th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 28-29 Aban 1387, Kish, Iran. 82.Badripour, M.; Ehsani, M.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Effect of pre-cured EPDM in NRBR blend properties for tire sidewall, 9th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 28-29 Aban 1387, Kish, Iran. 83.Nderi, G.; Abolfathi, A.; Bakhshandeh, G.R.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Effect of NR viscosity on mechanical properties of NR/BR nano-composite. 9th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 28-29 Aban 1387, Kish, Iran. 84.Naderi, G.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Soltani, S. Rheological and morphological properties of short Nylon fiber NR/SBR composites. International Rubber Technology Conference, 20-23 October 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 85. Soltani, S.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Naderi, G. Study on short fiber reinforced NR/SBR composites. International Rubber Technology Conference, 20-23 October 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 86.Sobhani, H.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Razavi-Nouri, M. Flow analysis of polymeric fluids in extrusion die using mixed finite element method and tetrahedral elements. 1st National Conference on Application of CFD in Chemical Engineering, 25-26 Ordibehesht 1387, Kermanshah, Iran. 87. Yaghobi, N.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Simulation of flow with reaction: oxidative coupling of methane. 1st National Conference on Application of CFD in Chemical Engineering, 25-26 Ordibehesht 1387, Kermanshah, Iran. 88.Yaghobi, N.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R. Oxidative coupling of methane: interaction between chemical kinetics and transport phenomena. 2nd national conference of Natural Gas Conversion, 24-25 Ordibehesht 1387, Tehran, Iran. 89.Rahimi, H.; Ghoreishy, M.H.R.; Rezadoust, A.M.; Esfandeh, M.; Khalili, V. In-plane tensile core delamination strength of tubular cell polypropylene honeycombs. 8th International Conference on Sandwich Structures (ICSS 8), 6-8 May 2008, Porto, Portugal. 90.Sobhani, H., Yousefi, A.A., Razavi Nouri, M. and Ghoreishy, M.H.R., "Simulation of Elongational Flow in a Two-Channel Die for PVDF Film Extrusion", ISPST2007, 23-25 October 2007, Tehran, Iran. 91.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. and Soltani, S., "Finite Element Analysis of the Steady Rolling Behavior of a Truck Tire", ISPST2007, 23-25 October 2007, Tehran, Iran. 92.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., "Finite Element Modeling of Tires with Detailed Tread Pattern", Tire Technology Expo 2007 Conference, 13-15 March 2007, Cologne, Germany. 93.Ghoreishy, M. H. R., "On the Finite Element Results of the Steel-Belted Radial Tires", 8th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 23-24 Aban 1385, Shiraz, Iran. 94.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., "Development of a Finite Element Code for the 3D Simulation of the Curing Process of Tires", Tire Technology Expo 2006 Conference, 7-9 March 2006, Stuttgart, Germany. 95.Parvazinia, M., Nassehi, V., Ghoreishy, M.H.R. "Isothermal flow of Shear Thinning Fluids Through a Highly Permeable Porous Medium with Impermeable Walls", ISTP-16, 29 Aug-1 Sept. 2005, Prague. 96.Parvazinia, M., Nassehi, V., Ghoreishy,M.H.R. and Wakeman,R.J., "Channelling Phenomena in Non-Isothermal Flow in Highly Permeable Porous Medium", ISPST2005. 27-29 September 2005, Tehran, Iran. 97.Ravati, S., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Bakhshandeh, Gh., and Abbasi Sourki, F., "A Mixing Dependent Approach for Rubber/Carbon Black Compounds in Internal Mixers", ISPST2005. 27-29 September 2005, Tehran, Iran. 98.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. "Finite Element Modeling of a Steel-Belted Radial Tire under Axisymmetric Load using Rebar Elements", ISPST2005. 27-29 September 2005, Tehran, Iran. 99.Ravati, S., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Bakhshandeh, Gh., and Abbasi Sourki, F., "Mathematical Model for Determination of the Real Content of Carbon Black in carbon Black/Rubber Agglomerates", ISPST2005. 27-29 September 2005, Tehran, Iran. 100.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., "A Finite Element Model for the Simulation of the Strain Energy Dissipation in a Tire Tread Block", ISPST2005. 27-29 September 2005, Tehran, Iran. 101.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. "A 3D Finite Element Model for the Parametric Study of Belt Construction of a Steel-Belted Radial Tire", Tire Technology Expo 2005 Conference, 22-24 February 2005, Cologne, Germany. 102.Ghoreishy, M.H.R . et al , "3D Simulation of the Curing Process of Truck Tires with Complex Tread Patterns", 7th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 3-4 Azar 1383, Kerman, Iran. 103.Ghoreishy M.H.R., "A Comparison Between the Flow in Two Screw Types in A Hot Feed Extruder Using Finite Element Method", 7th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 3-4 Azar 1383, Kerman, Iran. 104.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. and Razavi-Nouri, M., "Modeling the Flow of TPEs in the Metering Zone of Single Screw Extruders using a Helical Geometry Model", World Polymer Congress (MACRO 2004), Paris, France, 4-9 July 2004. 105.Karabi, M. Ghoreishy M.H.R. and Bakhshandeh G. R., "Study of the Rheological Behavior of Rubber Compound of the Tread of Steel-Belted Radial Tires", 8th National Congress of Chemical Engineering, Mashad, Iran, 1382. 106.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., "Finite Element Axisymmetric Analysis of Steel-Belted Radial Tires, ISPST2003. 12-15 May 2003, Tehran, Iran. 107.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. and Naderi G., "A Three Dimensional Finite Element Model for Rubber Curing Process, ISPST2003, 12-15 May 2003, Tehran, Iran. 108.Karrabi, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R., and Bakhshandeh, G.R., "Rheological Study of Tire Tread Compound Using Two-Parallel Plate Rheometer, ISPST2003, 12-15 May 2003, Tehran, Iran. 109.Parvazinia, M., Ghoreishy M.H.R. and Nassehi, V., "Flow Modelling In Porous Media Using Brinkman Equation, ISPST2003, 12-15 May 2003, Tehran, Iran. 110.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., " Simulation of the Vulcanisation Process of a Passenger Car Tire in the Curing Mold using Finite Element Methods," Tire Technology Expo 2001 Conference, 10-12 January 2001, Cannes, France 111.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. and Razavi Nouri, M., " Simulation of Flow in Single Screw Extruders using Finite Element Method," Fifth Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, 12-14 September 2000, Tehran, Iran 112.Karabi, M., Ghoreishy,M.H.R. and Naderi, G., " Study of the Flow of a Tire Tread Compound in a Laboratory-Scale Extruder using COSMOS/M," Fifth Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, 12-14 September 2000, Tehran, Iran 113.Karabi, M., Ghoreishy, M.H.R. and Bakhshandeh, G.R. "Determination of the Slip Coefficient and Rheological Parameters of Rubber Compounds Using Capillary Tube Viscometer", 7th Iranian National Rubber Conference, 3-4 Esfand 1378, Shiraz, Iran. 114.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Nassehi,V., and Hashemi, S.A., " A New Method for the Modelling of Rubber Mixing," Int. Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, 3-5 November 1997, Tehran, Iran. 115.Heydarzadeh, H., Savadlu, S., Sheikhol-eslami, F., and Ghoreishy, M.H.R., " Finite Element Analysis of a Compactor Bias Tire under Contact Loading.", Third Int. Rubber Technology, Conference , 28-30 October 1996, Tehran, Iran. 116.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., Nassehi, V. and Hashemi, S.A., " Modelling the Flow of Rubber Compound in a Single Blade Banbury Mixer with Multiple Random Free Surface," Third Int. Rubber Technology Conference, 28-30 October 1996, Tehran, Iran. 117.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., and Rafizadeh, M., " A new approach to the numerical simulation of Polyethylene melt flow in the metering region of a single screw extruder," Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, 2-4 May 1994, Shiraz, Iran. 118.Ghoreishy,M.H.R., and Hosseini, F., " Finite element analysis of a PU tire under footprint loading using COSMOS/M," Int. Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology, 2-4 May 1994, Shiraz, Iran 119.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., " Finite element stress-strain analysis of a bias tire under inflation pressure," Proceeding Int. Rubber. Technology Conference, 1993, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 120.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., " Pneumatic tire modeling by membrane method," Int. Rubber Technology Conference, 3-8 November 1991, Tehran, Iran. 121.Ghoreishy, M.H.R., " Tire inflated shape prediction by finite element method," Int. Rubber Technology Conference, 3-8 November 1991, Tehran, Iran. 122.Ghoreishy, M.H.R. and Nazokdast, H, and Dabir, B., " The optimization and mathematical modeling of extrusion process of elastomers ( part I, II)," Polymer Science and Technology Seminar , 1990, Tehran, Iran اختراعات ثبت شده
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