Ali Afshar Ebrahimi

Work: (+98) 48662484
Position: Assistant professor in Iran polymer and petrochemical institute (IPPI)
Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering; petroleum refinery and petrochemical (Winter 2011)
Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran
M. Sc. in Chemical Engineering; petrochemical (Summer 2006)
Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran
B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering; petroleum refinery and petrochemical (Summer 2004)
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Esmail Jamshidi."Solving partial differential equations of gas-solid reactions by orthogonal collocation". Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2008, 32, 1746-1759.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Mohsen Hatam, Esmail Jamshidi." Finite element solution for gas-solid reactions: application to the moving boundary problems". Chemical Engineering Journal, 2008, 144, 110-118.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Mohsen Hatam, Esmail Jamshidi." Finite element solution of the fluid-solid reaction equations with structural changes". Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 148, 533-538.
- Saeed Zarei, Esmail Jamshidi, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi." PVC dust removal from the air by a new dynamical scrubber". Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2010, 49, 1193-1198.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Amir H. Faramarzi. " Synthesis gas and zinc production in a noncatalytic packed-bed reactor". Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2010, 33, 1989-1998.
- Reza Alizadeh, Esmail Jamshidi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi. "Modeling of catalyst effect on the reduction rate enhancement of barium sulfate by methane and developing two environmentally friendly processes". Iranian journal of chemical engineering, 2010, 7, 13-27.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Amir H. Faramarzi." Non-Catalytic Synthesis Gas Production by Reduction of ZnO with Methane in a dilute phase pneumatic conveying Reactor". Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Journal, 2012, 51, 3271-3278.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Habib Ale Ebrahim. "Solution of noncatalytic packed bed reactors equations by finite element method". Iranian journal of chemical engineering, 2012, 9, 66-83.
- Amir hassan Faramarzi, Tahereh Kaghazchi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, " A mathematical model for pore size distribution development during activated carbon preparation". Chemical engineering communication, 2015, 202, 131-143.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarighi. "Olefin production from catalytic cracking of light fuel oil over different" additives". Iranian journal of catalysis, Iranian Journal of Catalysis, 2015, 5, 207-212..
- Sara Tarighi, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Alireza Abbasi "Synthesis and Characterization of a Three-Dimensional Coordination Polymer as Precursor for Preparation of NiO Nanoparticles". ISPST 2015.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi "A review on the economics of propylene on-purpose technologies and MTP circumstance". Basparesh, 2014, 4, 90-97.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarighi "The influence of temperature and catalyst additives on catalytic cracking of a heavy fuel oil". Petroleum science and technology. 2015, 33, 415-421.
- S.M.M. Nouri, H. Ale Ebrahim, B. Naser Nejad, A. Afshar Ebrahimi "Investigation of CO2 reaction with CaO and acid washed lime in a packed bed reactor" Chem. Eng. Commu. 2014,
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarighi, Ali Bakhshi Ani "Catalytic Cracking of heavy fuel oil over E-Cat/MCM-41 catalyst: Experimental and Kinetic Study" Kinetics and catalysis. 2016, VOL. 57, PP 610-616.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Hadis Mousavi, Hamid Bayesteh, Jafar Towfighi,Nine lumped kinetic model for VGO catalytic cracking, using catalyst deactivation. Fuel. 2018, Vol. 231, 118-125.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Saba Foroutan Ghazvini. Experimental attrition study of FCC catalyst through 2D/3D coutour plots and response surface models. Powder technology, 2018 Vol. 336, 80-84.
- Mansoureh Zarezade, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Azam Rahimi. Preparation of extruded alumina with suitable crushing strength and good stability. Scientia Iranica , 2018, 25, 1434-1439.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarigh, An FCC catalyst control valve in pilot scale, patent NO. 87711.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarigh, An apparatus design for elevating FCC catalyst temperature without coke combustion, patent No. 88098.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarigh, Hydrogen production from fuel oil using a modified catalyst. Patent No. 87942.
- Book: Energy science and technology, volume 11, chapter 9, simulation and optimization of various hydrogen and synthesis gas producing methods. 2015, stadium Press LLC USA.
- Habib Ale Ebrahim, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Reza Bahrami, Rouein Halladj, Comprehensive kinetic study of SO2 removal reaction by pure CuO with random pore model, Progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism, article in press.
- Sara Tarighi, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Ali Bakhshi Ani, lump kinetic study of waxy distillate catalytic cracking in microactivity tests. Petroleum science and technology, 2017, Vol. 35, 16-21.
- Sara Tarighi, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, physical mixture of MCM-41/ZSM-5 as an active catalyst component for maximization of propylene in catalytic cracking of VGO, Petroleum science and technology, 2017, Vol. 0, 1-6.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Saba froutan ghazvini, experimental attrition study of FCC catalyst through 2D/3D contour plots and response surface models, powder technology, 2018, Vol. 336, 80-84.
- M. Zarezadeh-Mehrizi, A. Afshar Ebrahimi, A. Rahimi. Preparation of extruded alumina with suitable crushing strength and good stability. Scientia iranica, 2018, Vol. 25, 1434-1439.
- Saba froutan ghazvini, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Air jet experimental study and modeling of attrition behavior for fluid catalytic cracking catalyst, Chem. Eng. Tech. 2018, Vol. 41, 2223-2232.
- Saba froutan ghazvini, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Seyed Hadi Jafarnia "FCC catalyst attrition behavior at high temperatures" j. particle Sci. Tech. 2019, Vol. 5, 135-143.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarighi. "Fuel oil conversion to propylene and other light olefins" Patent No. 84871.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarighi. "Fuel oil conversion to gasoline and other added value fuels including diesel" Patent No. 85641.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Sara Tarighi. "Vacuum gas oil (VGO) conversion to propylene, other light olefins, gasoline and middle distillate products" Patent No. 86706.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi."Injecting-crushing-mixing of dry pre-heated nano powders with gas flow". Iran patent number 70541.
- Ali Afshar Ebrahimi "Non-catalytic fast fluidized bed reactor for simultaneous production of synthesis gas and metallic zinc". Iran patent number 70537.
- Hadis mousavi, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Alireza madi, pyrolysis kinetics of expanded polystyrene and polystyrene wastes. Iran. J. Poly. Sci. Tech. Vol. 34,2022, No.5, 469-483.
- Arash mahdavi fard, Sima asgari, Ali Afshar Ebrahimi, Amir heydarinasab. "Green synthesis of SAPO-34 molecular sieve using rice husk ash as silica source: evaluation of synthesis and catalytic performance parameters in methanol to olefin reaction". Microporous and mesoporous materials, Vol 34, 2022, 112037.
- Lecturer of "unit operation I" in polymer Engineering Department of Amirkabir University of Technology.
- lecturer in Petroleum University (Heat transfer and Mathematical Engineering)
- Head of heavy petroleum catalytic conversions into light olefins and gasoline in IPPI.
Handled Projects:
- High temperature gas-solid riser pilot reactor for synthesis gas production (Ph.D. thesis)
- Design and fabrication of 0.5 BPD pilot plant of catalytic cracking of heavy petroleum (executor)
- Characterization and preparation of CoMo/alumina catalyst for desulfurization of heavy gas oil (supervisor of post-doctoral thesis)
- Design and formulation of FCC catalyst in laboratory scale (colleague)
- Design and fabrication of continuous 10 BPD HSFCC demo plant for the conversion of heavy petroleum into gasoline and olefins in Tehran refinery (Mega project) (executor)
- Study of metals effect on the performance of RFCC catalyst (colleague)
- Heavy petroleum conversion into light olefins and gasoline in laboratory scale (executor)
- Experimental and Hydrodynamic study of pilot plant two phase gas-solid flow using a fast separator (executor)
- High temperature electrical furnace design and fabrication including elevated temperature furnaces (+1800 C)
- Research, design and fabrication of ACE (Advanced Catalyst Evaluation) set up for RFCC catalysts(position: executer, Client: Behdash Co.)
- Reasearch and inspectiopn of 4 RFCC catalyst samples of 8000 metric ton for Arak refinery(position: executer, Client: Rezel Co.)
- Fabrication of high pressure hydrodesulphurization of petroleum reseduies super-pilot based on Arak refinery RCD unit (position: executer)
Laboratory activities:
- Gas conversion laboratory
- RFCC catalyst evaluation lab
- Catalytic cracking of heavy petroleum cuts
- Fabrication of riser and downer FCC reactors
- Interpretation and solution of partial differential equations of gas-solid reactions.
- Design and fabrication of fluid-particle reactors
- Design and fabrication of Microactivity set-up for FCC catalysts
- Finite element method and applying this method in chemical engineering areas such as reaction engineering and/or reactor engineering
- Modeling and interpretation of the high temperature packed-bed reactors
- Designing of pre-heated dry nano powder feeders with specific dosing.
- Modeling and interpretation of the high temperature continuous fast fluidized bed reactors.
- skillful in mathematical programming in MATLAB
- CAE and CPE holder in English (fluent in speaking, writing, listening and grammar)