Mehrsa Emami Shahrestanaki (MSc, BSc) Personal Information
Name: Mehrsa Surname: Emami Shahrestanaki
Date and place of birth:21/3/1973 –Tehran,Iran
Marital status: Married
E-mail addresses:
Postal address: Department of Polymerization Engineering, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), P.O. Box 14965-115, Tehran, Iran
Phone: +(9821) 44580000(2063) Fax: +(9821) 44580028
Educational Records B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering , Faculty of chemical engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1996 . Thesis: Synthesis of azeotropic Styrene-Acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymer via suspension polymerization, formulation aspect , kinetic study and grade design M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, 1999. Thesis: Study on the application of vacuum in food industry. Employments 1998-2002: Quality control manager - Ala Food Industry Company, Tehran, Iran 2000-2002: Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute. 2002-up to present: Member of Academic Staff , Polymerization Engineering Department - Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute. Current Researches ( CR) or Completed Projects (C)
Paper Publications
Presentations 1. M.Emami, R.Mehtarani, M.Sadati , F.Hormozi, " Polymerization of liquid propylene using 5th generation Zn catalyst”.,The 4th International Seminar on Pol. Sci. & Tech. ,Sep 27-29,2005. (ISPST 2005)
2. M.Sadati ,M.Emami, R.Mehtarani, F.Hormozi," Synthesis of high melt flow PP using 5th generation ZN catalyst", The 4th International Seminar on Pol. Sci. & Tech. ,Sep 27-29. 2005 (ISPST 2005) . 3. S.Abedi,N.Hassanpour,H.Abbaszadeh,M.Emami, "Polymerization of propylene with highly active MgCl2 supported catalyst" ,The 4th International Seminar on Pol. Sci. & Tech. (ISPST 2005) ,Sep 27-29. 4. M.Emami, , M.Sadaati , F.Hormozi ,R.Mehtarani and A. Mirzaei,Synthesis of Polypropylene /Poly(ethylene-co-propylene) In-Situ blends using 5th generation of Ziegler-Natta catalyst, The 4th International Seminar on Pol. Sci. & Tech. (ISPST 2005) ,Sep 27-29. 5. A. mirzaei, A. Kiashemshaki, M.Emami, 9th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering , DECHEMA2007, University of Hamburg,Germany, Oct 7-10, 2007. 6. A.Mirzaei, M.Vakili, N.Tafi, M.Emami,Hydrogen and 1-butene effects in the gas-phase ethylene copolymerization with TiCl4/MgCl2/DMF catalys, ISPST 2007, Sharif university of technology, Iran,Tehran 7. F. Hormozi , J. Pater , M. Emami,” Kinetic measurement by heat exchange evaluation in liquid pool propylene polymerization”, ISPST 2007, Sharif university of technology, Iran,Tehran 8. M.Emami, F.Hormozi, M.Sadaati, R.Mehtarani, A.Mirzaei, Synthesis of high melt flow- high impact Polypropylene in lab scale using 5th generation of Ziegler-Natta catalys, ISPST 2007, Sharif university of technology, Iran,Tehran 9. G.Nejabat, M. Nekoomanesh, A. arabi, M.Emami, “Preparation of spherical mesooporous silica”, IIZC 08, April 2008. 10. M.Emami, F.Hormozi, M.Nekoomanesh, A.Dehghan, ” Liquid pool polymerization of propylene with MgCl2 supported Z-N catalyst ,Effect of polymerization temperature and time on particle morphology”, ISPST 2009. 11. M.Emami, F.Hormozi, Z.Akbari, A.Dehghan, “Liquid pool polymerization of propylene with Z-N catalyst/ A comparison study of diester and diether type Z_N catalyst” , ISPST 2009. 12. M.Daneshgar, M.Hajiebrahimi, M.Nekoomanesh, M.Emami, “Dynamic evolution of particle size distribution in suspension polymerization of styrene, effect of c...” ISPST 2009. IPPI Courses Taught
Suspension polymerization, General Review. Propylene Polymerization , Processes Evolution . Polymerization Kinetic Laboratory Last update: Jan 2010 |
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