Hossein Bouhendi
Personal Information Name: Hossein Surname: Bouhendi E-mail: Postal address: Faculty of Polymer Processing, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI) P.O. Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran. Educational Record
M.Sc. in Polymer Engineering (2000), Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI). B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (1996), Petroleum University of Technology (PUT). High School Diploma in Mathematics & Physic (1991), Alborz High School Employment Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), 2000-present, senior researcher, Academic staff. Major Research Interests 1- Water soluble polymers (Thickeners, Flocculent and so on) 2- Heterogeneous polymerization, (Inverse emulsion, Inverse suspension, Precipitation and Dispersion Polymerization. 3- Solution Properties of polyelectrolyte. 4- Polymerization modeling and simulation Publications Papers 1. H. Omidian, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, H. Bouhendi, European Polymer Journal, 39 (2003), 1013-1018. 2. H. Omidian, M.J. Zohourian-Mehr, H. Bouhendi, International Journal of Polymeric Materials, 52 (2003), 307-321. Seminars 1. H. Bouhendi, A. A. Yousefi, Preparation of polymer-modified bitumen from vacuum bottom (Part I). 7th. National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress. 2002, 260-265 2. A. A. Yousefi, H. Bouhendi, Preparation of polymer-modified bitumen from vacuum bottom (Part II). The 1 st National Conference on Polymer-modified Bitumen. 2002, 138 3. H. Bouhendi, A. A. Yousefi, Rheology of crosslinked poly (acrylic acid) in aqueous medium, ISPST 2003 ,241 4. H. Bouhendi, H. Omidian, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Precipitation polymerization of acrylic acid, ISPST 2003, 33 5. H. Bouhendi, H. Omidian M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Preparation of crosskinked poly (acrylic acid) as water swellable thickener. ISPST 2003, 59 6. M Rafizadeh, H. Bouhendi, M. Mazloom Farsibaf and A. Javadi, Two dimensional study of rheological behavior of LDPE melt in capillary and die extrusion viscometr, ISPST 2003, 299 7. H. Bouhendi, Investigation of inhibitors on the crosslinking reduction of polyelectrolyte solution, The 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, 2004, 491. 8. H. Bouhendi, Investigation of drying process on the properties of polyelectrolyte solution (gellation), The 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, 2004, 485. 9. H. Bouhendi, V. Haddadi-Asl, M. Rafizadeh, The modeling of precipitation polymerization based on occlusion theory. Part I: Quasi Steady State Assumption. The 11th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, 2006, 551. Book 1- Vahid Haddadi –Asl, Hosein Bouhendi, Polymerization Methods, Amirkabir university of technology publishing center, 2005. References