curriculum vitae
Soheil Dariushi
Composite Group Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute Pajouhesh Blvd., Tehran, Iran P.O. Box: 14975-112 Tel: (+9821) 48662485 E-mail: EDUCATION PhD in Mechanical Engineering- Applied Mechanics 2009-2014: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (, Tehran, Iran. Thesis: “Behavior Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Fiber Metal Laminate Face Sheets under Static and Low Velocity Impact Loadings with Large Deformations”. Supervisor: Dr. Mojtaba Sadighi Advisor: Dr. Rene Alderliesten Visiting PhD student 2013: Department of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology (, Delft, The Netherlands. M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering- Applied Mechanics 2007- 2009: Department of Mechanical and Energy systems Engineering, Shahid Abbaspour College, Shahid Beheshti University, (, Tehran, Iran. Thesis: “Experimental Investigation on The Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Glass-Kevlar Fiber/Aluminum Laminates”. Supervisor: Dr. S. Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi & Dr. Mojtaba Sadighi B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering- Solid Mechanics 2002- 2007: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (, Tehran, Iran. Thesis: “Experimental Investigation On The Static And Impact Behavior Of Glass Fiber/Aluminum Laminates (GLARE)”. Supervisor: Dr. Mojtaba Sadighi RESEARCH INTERESTS ⦁ Mechanics of composite materials and Fiber/Metal Laminates (FMLs) ⦁ Experimental, theoretical and numerical investigation on behavior of composite materials ⦁ Impact mechanics ⦁ Fabrication methods of composites ⦁ Mechanics of sandwich structures
SKILLS Experience in fabrication and testing of composites and FMLs Experience in finite element modeling and analysis Experience in programming with Maple and Matlab. Experience in application of Experimental Design approach
TEACHING EXPERIENCES ⦁ Mechanics of composite materials ⦁ Mechanics of Materials ⦁ Static and Dynamic ⦁ Plasticity
LANGUAGES Persian English
PUBLICATIONS Published in journals 1. S. Dariushi, M. Sadighi “A new nonlinear high order theory for Sandwich beams: an analytical and experimental investigation”, Composite Structures, 108, 779-788, 2014. 2. S. Dariushi, M. Sadighi “A Study on Flexural Properties of Sandwich Structures with Fiber/Metal Laminate Face Sheets”, Applied Composite Materials, 20(5), 839-855, 2013. 3. E.Sadeghpour, M. Sadighi, S. Dariushi “An Investigation on Blunt Notch Behavior of Fiber Metal Laminates Containing Notch with Different Shapes”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 32(15), 1143-1152, 2013. 4. S. Ebrahim Moussavi-Torshizi, Soheil Dariushi, Mojtaba Sadighi, Pedram Safarpour “A study on tensile properties of a novel fiber/metal laminates”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527, 4920–4925, 2010. 5. M. Sadighi, S. Dariushi “An Experimental Study of the Fiber Orientation and Laminate Sequencing Effects on Mechanical Properties of GLARE”, Proc. IMechE, part G. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 222, No.7, 1015-1024, 2008. 6. S. Dariushi, M. Sadighi, "Analysis of Composite Sandwich Beam with Enhanced Nonlinear High Order Sandwich Panel Theory", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 16, 1-8, 2015 (Persian). 7. M. Sabzikar Boroujerdy, S. Dariushi, M. Sadighi, “Bending Properties of Sandwich Beams with Fiber Metal Laminate Face Sheet”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 5, 375-382, 2012 (Persian). 8. M. Sabzikar Boroujerdy, S. Dariushi, M. Sadighi, “Fiber Metal Laminates under Low Velocity Impact:An Experimental / Analytical Approach”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, 69-78, 2011 (Persian). 9. M. Sadighi, M. Tajdari, S. Dariushi, “An investigation on tensile properties of Glass fiber/Aluminum Laminates”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 22(1), 31-39, 2008 (Persian). 10. M. Sadighi, S. Dariushi, “An experimental study on impact behabior of Fiber/Metal Laminates”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 21(4), 315-327, 2008 (Persian).
Published in conference proceedings 1. S. Dariushi, M. Sadighi “A Study on Flexural Properties of Sandwich Structures with Fiber/Metal Laminate Face Sheets”, 17th International Conference, Mechanics of Composite Materials (2012). 2. S. Dariushi, M. Sadighi “Study Impact Loading on Hybrid Glass-Epoxy/Aluminum Laminate”, International Seminar of Polymer Science and Technology (2012). 3. M. Sadighi, S. Dariushi “Improving Impact Properties of Fiber/Metal Laminates by Using Suitable Layer Arrangement According to Different Standard Test Methods”, Proc. ASME. 43772, Volume 4: Design and Manufacturing 69 (2009). 4. M. Sadighi, S. Dariushi “Effect of Fiber Orientation and Stacking Sequence on Bending Properties of Fiber/Metal Laminates”, Proc. ASME. 48654, Volume 4: Design and Manufacturing 85 (2008)