CURRICULUM VITAE Fatemeh Shokrolahi
Fatemeh Shokrolahi (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.)
Tel.: +98 2148662514
Education Polymer Science, Iran polymer and petrochemical institute, Tehran, Iran.
Research thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Biodegradable
- M.Sc. in Polymer Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology (Polytechnic) Tehran, Iran.
Research thesis: Effect of Silicon Rubber Molecular Mobility on Fibroblast Cells Behavior and Platelet Adhesion.
- B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Research thesis: Pilot Plant Design of Citric Acid production.
Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran, January, 1994-Sep2000, Laboratory expert, Central Analytical Labs
Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran, Oct, 2000-Jun, 2011, Senior Scientist, Member of Academic Staff at Polyurethanes Department
Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran, July, 2011-present, Assistant Professor, Biomaterials Department
Professional Skills
- Synthesis of polyurethanes and polyurethane-urea based on different isocyanates, macro-diols, and chain extenders.
- Surface modification of polyurethanes through chemical treatment approaches (aminolysis, …)
Biopolymars and Biomaterials Design, Synthesis and Tissue Engineering
- Synthesis of PLGA of different L/G ratios and various molecular weights. Also, Synthesis of different (co)polyesters such as Poly (lactide-co-caprolactone), PLA, and PGA via ring opening polymerization.
- Preparation of drug loaded microspheres through emulsion fabrication techniques and characterization of the products using microscopy and UV analysis (containing antibacterial, bone and anti-inflammatory agents).
- Designed and synthesized shape memory hydrogels (water-responsive, and thermo-responsive) for biomedical applications.
- Synthesis of micro and nano clays (Layered Double Hydroxides, LDHs) as drug carriers in tissue engineering scaffolds.
- Development of a new and combinatory method to design and fabrication of Porous scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering.
- Fully familiar with many scaffold preparation techniques including salt leaching, porogen leaching, freeze drying and electrospinning. .
- Electrospinning of polyurethanes, PCL and PLGA for biomedical and antimicrobial applications.
Polymer characterization
- Fully familiar with polymer characterization and purification techniques including study of morphology, phase compatibility, dimensional stability, kinetic study of polymerization, curing and degradation processes, crystallinity, purity, oxidation induction time, heat capacity and thermal conductivity of various polymers by thermal analysis methods.
- Fully familiar with thermal analysis including TGA, TMA, DSC, STA, and DMTA.
- Familiar with mechanical properties analysis of polymers in tensile and compression modes.
- Experience in quality control management of central laboratories in IPPI.
- Attended with success at the training course of "Basic & documentation according to ISO/IEC 17025".
- Passed several quality control and standard documentation courses according to ISO/IEC 17025 (are attached)
- Central Lab Quality Control Management Experience in Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute.
Teaching Experience
- Coordinated, developed and taught Polymer Identification (2 modules), for 6 years for M.Sc students, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran, Taught 50% of the course, 2011-2018
- Coordinated, developed and taught Advanced Polymer Identification (3 modules), for 7 years for M.Sc students, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran, Taught 50% of the course, 2013-2019
A. Book Chapter
Shokrollahi P, Shokrolahi F, Structural and Biodegradation Characterization of Supramolecular PCL/HAp nano-composites for application in Tissue Engineering, Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials, Kumar TV, Kumari M.T., Kessler M.R., (Eds), Vol 3, (1-24), Wiley, 2017.
B. Selected Journal Papers
1- Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Latif F, Stirring method in co-precipitation synthesis controls particle size / particle size distribution and drug loading capacity of Mg/Mn-LDH, Submitted.
2- Moghanizadeh AM, Shokrollahi P, Zandi M, Shokrolahi F, Vitamin C loaded poly(urethane-urea)/ZnAl-LDH aligned scaffolds increase proliferation of corneal keratocytes and up-regulates Vimentin secretion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 39, 2019.
3- Shokrolahi F, Khodabakhshi Kh, Shokrollahi P, Badiani R, Mansouri Z, Atorvastatin loaded PLGA microspheres: preparation, HAp coating, drug release and effect on osteogenic differentiation of ADMSCs, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 565, 95-107, 2019.
4- Vahedi M, Barzin J, Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Self‐healing, injectable Gelatin hydrogels cross‐linked by dynamic schiff base linkages support cell adhesion and sustained release of antibacterial drugs, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 303, 9, 1800200, 2018.
5- Moghanizadeh AM, Shokrollahi P, Zandi M, Shokrolahi F, Polyurethanes with separately tunable biodegradation behavior and mechanical properties for tissue engineering, Polymer Advanced Technology, 29, 528-540, 2018.
6- Shaneh S, Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Yeganeh H, Omidian H, Structural Engineering to Control Density, Configuration, and Bioactivity of the PEG-Grafted PUU Scaffolds, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 34, 209-223, 2018.
7- Hanife M, Zandi M, Shokrollahi P, Atai M, Shokrolahi F, Cure Kinetic Study of Methacrylate-POSS Copolymers for Ocular Lens, Prog Biomater, 6, 147-56, 2017.
8- Mosavi SK, Shokrolahi F, Farahmand F, Shokrollahi P, Antibacterial Polyurethanes in Biomedical Applications, doi: 10.22063/basparesh, 7, 3-15, 2017.
9- Keivani F, Shokrollahi P, Zandi M, Irani S, Shokrolahi F, Khorasani S C, Engineered electrospun poly(caprolactone)/polycaprolactone-g-hydroxyapatite nano-fibrous scaffold promotes human fibroblasts adhesion and proliferation, Materials Science and engineering C, 68, 78-88, 2016.
10- Shafiei S S, Shavandi M, Ahangari G, Shokrolahi F, Electrospun layered double hydroxide/poly (ε-caprolactone)nanocomposite scaffolds for adipogenic differentiation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, Applied Clay Science, 127–128, 52–63, 2016.
11- Shaneh S, Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Yeganeh H, Seyedjafari E, Ardeshiry lajimid A, Omidian H, Improved immobilization of gelatin on a modified polyurethane urea, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 1-17, 2014.
12- Shokrolahi F, Yeganeh H, Soft segment composition and its influence on the phase-separated structure of PCL/PEG-based poly (urethane urea)s, Iranian Polymer Journal,23, 505–512 (2014).
13- Shokrollahi P, Mehmanchi M, Atai M, Omidian H, Shokrolahi F, Effect of interface on mechanical properties and biodegradation of PCL HAp supramolecular nano-composites, Journal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine, 25, 23-35 (2014).
14- Cure kinetics of epoxy-novolac resin containing tetrabromo bisphenol A as a flame retardant by isothermal calorimetry method, Shokrolahi F, Mahdavian AR, Shokrolahi P, Iranian journal of polymer science and technology,26, 537-547b (2014).
15- Shokrolahi F, Mirzadeh H, Yeganeh H, Daliri M, Fabrication of Poly(urethane urea)-based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering by a Combined Strategy of Using Compression Moulding and Particulate Leaching Methods, Iranian Polymer Journal 20, 645-658 (2011).
16- Shokrolahi F, Yeganeh H, Mirzadeh H, Simple and versatile method for the one-pot synthesis of segmented poly(urethane urea)s via in situ-formed AB-type macromonomers, Polymer International, 60, 620–629 (2011).
17-Shokrolahi F, Sadi M, Shokrolahi P, Kinetic Study of Bisphenol-F using a Tertiary Amine by Isothermal DSC, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetery, 82, 151-156 (2005).
18-Zohourian MJ, Shokrolahi F, Thermal Studies on Natural and Modified Gums, Polymer Testing, 23, 575-579 (2004).
19-Khonakdar HA, Morshedian J, Shokrolahi F, Study of Heat Shrinkablity of Cross-Linked Low-Density Polyethylene/ Poly (ethylene vinyl acetate) Blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 91 (2004).
20-Mirzadeh H, Shokrolahi F, Daliri M, “Effect of Silicon Rubber molecular motion on Fibroblast Cells Behavior: In vitro”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 67A, Issue 3, 727-732 (2003).
21- Shokrolahi ,F,Mirzadeh H, Khorasani MT, A Comparison Between Equilibrium Swelling and Calorimetery Methods in Determination of Crosslink Density, Iranian journal of polymer science and technology, 12, 4 (2000).
C. Seminar and Conference
1- Moghanizadeh AM, Shokrollahi P, Zandi M, Shokrolahi F, Effect of Soft Segment Structure on in Vitro Biodegradation of Segmented Polyurethanes, 1st International Iranian Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Congress, 18-20 July2018, Tehran, Iran.
2- Moghanizadeh AM, Shokrollahi P, Zandi M, Shokrolahi F, Effect of soft segment structure on thermal properties and stability of polyurethanes, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Amirkabir university of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2-5 November 2016.
3- Badiani R, Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, et al., Synthesize of PLGA microspheres; optimization of experimental parameters, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Amirkabir university of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2-5 November 2016.
4- Vahedi M, Barzin J, Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Synthesis of Chitosan-Based Hydrogel with Simply Mixing Preparation Approach, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Amirkabir university of Technology, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran, Iran.
5- Latif F, Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Mg/Al LDH as a nano-carrier for sustained release of Atorvastatin, ICANM, August 10-12,2015, Ottawa, Canada.
6- Shaneh S, Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Yeganeh H, Antibacterial Poly (Urethyane Urea) By Gelatin/Alginate Imomobization, ESAO, 14-16 September 2016, Warsaw, Poland.
7- Latif ،F Shokrolahi F, Shokrollahi P, Moubedi H, Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide and Control of Crystal Structure by Hydrothermal Treatment under Reflux, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Azad University, 2014.
8- Shokrolahi F, Yeganeh H, Mirzadeh H, Segmented Biodegradable Poly (urethane urea) Based on PCL/PEG: in vitro Degradation, 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Amirkabir university of Technology, Tehran, Iran, October (2012).
9- Shokrolahi F, Mirzadeh H, Yeganeh H, hMSC Osteogenic Differentiation on Biodegradable Poly (urethane urea), 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST 2012), Amirkabir university, Tehran, Iran, October (2012).
10- H. Yeganeh, H. Mirzadeh, F. Shokrolahi, Fabrication and Properties of Biodegradable Poly(urethane urea) Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering International Conference on Natural Polymers, Kottayam, India, Nov. (2007).
11- F. Shokrolahi, A. R. Mahdavian, S. Karamdoust, P. Shokrolahi; Kinetic Study of Curing of Flame Retardant Epoxy Resin/ Anhydride System. 7th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, October (2005).
12- F. Shokrolahi, P. Shokrolahi and M. Sadi, Kinetic Study of BPF using a Tertiary Amine by Calorimetery, 40th International Symposium on Macromolecules (Macro 2004), Paris, France, 4-9 July (2004).
13- F. Shokrolahi and H. Mirzadeh, A Study on the Effect of Molecular Mobility of Polydimethylsiloxan on cell growth, 40th International Symposium on Macromolecules (Macro 2004), Paris, France, 4-9 July (2004).
14- P. Shokrolahi, F. Shokrolahi and H. Mirzadeh, A Thermo mechanical method to prepare porous HDPE for reconstructive surgery applications and in-vivo study of the product, 40th International Symposium on Macromolecules (Macro 2004), Paris, France, 4-9 July (2004).
15- F. Farahmand, P. Shokrolahi and F. Shokrolahi, A study on optimizing the component ratio of commingled olefinic plastics waste and paper recycling method, 40th International Symposium on Macromolecules (Macro 2004), Paris, France, 4-9 July (2004).
16- F. Shokrolahi, P. Shokrolahi and A.R. Mahdavian, Kinetic Study of Flame Retardant Epoxy Resin System Using Benzyl Dimethyl Amine as catalyst, 9th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Science and Industry University, Tehran, Iran, 23-26 November (2004).
17- F. Shokrolahi, M. Sadi and P. Shokrolahi, Curing Kinetic of Bisphenol F Resin system Using BDMA as Catalyst by Isothermal DSC, 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May (2003).
18- P. Shokrolahi, H. Mirzadeh, F. Shokrolahi and S. Amanpour, Preparation of Porous Polyethylene for Maxillofacial Surgery Purposes: In vitro, 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 12-15 May (2003).
19- F. Shokrolahi, Study of the Effect of Crosslink Density of Polydimethylsiloxan on molecular mobility by Thermal Methods, 8th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashhad, Iran, 27-30 Sep. (2003).
20- F. Shokrolahi and H. Mirzadeh, Effect of Silicon Rubber Crosslink Density on Cell Growth: In vitro, 17th European Biomaterials Society (ESB), Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 September (2002).
21- F. Shokrolahi and H. Mirzadeh, Determination of Crosslinking Density of Poly (dimethylsiloxane) Networks By Calorimetery, 5th National Iranian Polymer & Technology Congress, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 September (2000).
22- F. Shokrolahi and H. Hojati, Pilot plant design of citric acid, 5th National Iranian & 4th International Chemical Engineering Congress, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, 25-28 April (2000).
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