Hossein Abedini
PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Hossein Abedini Date of Birth: 30/03/1977 Hossein Abedini - Google Scholar Citations
Field of interest: Chemical Engineering, Polymerization and Process control Present Position: Assistant Professor :Faculty of process modelling and control, Polymerization Engineering Department, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, IRAN. Present Address: Polymerization Engineering Department, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute Pazhoohesh Blvd., Km 17, Tehran-Karaj Hwy,Tehran, I.R. Iran. P.O. Box: 14965/115 , 14185/458 Telephone: +98 912 2089591; Fax: +98 21 44196583; Web Address: E-mail:
Degrees: i) 2008, in Chemical Engineering .Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN. Cumulative Average in courses: 18.05/20. Project: P_Ex ii) 2001, M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (process control), Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN. Title of the M.Sc. Thesis: Simulation and Control of Syngas Catalytic Partial Oxidation Reactor. Rank in M.Sc. entrance exam (all universities of Iran): Third Rank in control Group: first. Cumulative Average: 17.67/20. iii) 1999, B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Petrochemical Process Design), Abadan Institute Of Technology, Abadan, IRAN. Title of the B.Sc. Thesis: Simulation and control of two Mixed CSTR Reactors. Rank: first. Cumulative Average: 18.35/20.
1) Six years in Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute as process specialist, 2002-2007. 2) Two years lecturer in Process Control Lab (Sharif University), 2002-2003. 3) Two years lecturer in Process Control (AmirKabir University), 2003-2004. 4) One year in EIED Company as process specialist, 2001. 5) Three years lecturer in some courses of chemical engineering (Omidieh Azad University),2004-2007. 6)Five years lecturer in M.Sc. courses of polymerization engineering (IPPI),2009-2014. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Dynamic Simulation, Optimization, Control and Polymerization. PUBLICATIONS
- “Inferential Closed-Loop Control of Particle Size & Molecular Weight Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene” POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2010, 50,2306–2320.
- " Solution of Population Balance Equations in Emulsion Polymerization Using Method of Moments" Chemical Engineering Communication,2013,200,20-49.
- “Correlation Between Reactive Modification Conditions and Degree of Long‐Chain Branching in Chemically Modified Linear Low Density Polyethylene Using Response Surface Experimental Design”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2014, 299 (2), 154-164, 2014.
- “Evolution of vinyl chloride conversion below critical micelle concentration: a response surface analysis “, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2014,2014.
- " Estimtimation of Micellization Parameters of SDS in the Presence of Some Electrolytes for Emulsion Polymerization Systems" Journal of Surfactants and Detergents,2013, 271-278.
- “Simulation, Optimization & Control of Styrene Bulk Polymerization in a Tubular Reactor “ Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 2013,Vol 32 (4), 2013.
- "Advanced integral isoconversional analysis for evaluating and predicting the kinetic parameters of the curing reaction of epoxy prepreg" Thermochimica Acta, 2013, 37-43.
- " Effect of Cure Kinetic Simulation Model on Optimized Thermal Cure Cycle for Thin-Sectioned Composite Parts" Polymer Composites , 2013, 1172–1179.
- " The prediction capability of the kinetic models extracted from isothermal data in non-isothermal conditions for an epoxy prepreg" the Journal of Composite Materials , DOI: 10.1177/0021998313482020.
- " Correlation between reactive modification conditions and degree of long chain branching in chemically modified LLDPE using response surface experimental design" Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, DOI = 10.1002/mame.201300005.
- "On the evolution of vinyl chloride conversion below CMC: A response surface analysis" Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology,2013, Accepted.
- " Dynamic Simulation and Control of Auto-refrigerated CSTR and Tubular Reactor for Bulk Styrene" Chemical Engineering Research & Design,2012,90,1540-1552.
- "A Study on Transreactions of PET/PEN Reactive Blending in a Twin-Screw Extruder Using an Axial Dispersion Model" Macromolecular Theory and Simulations,2012,21,340-349.
- “Correlations for Prediction of Specific Surface Area and Bulk and Apparent Densities of Porous Styrene-Divinylbenzene Copolymers” Journal ofAppliedPolymer Science,Vol. 120, 1942–1949 (2011).
- “Simulation of an Industrial Linear Low Density Polyethylene Plant” Vol. 6(1), 1–28 (2011).
- “Modeling Simulation & Control of a Tubular Fixed-bed Dimethyl Ether Reactor” Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 2010,24 (4) 415–423.
- “Simulation & Experimental Evaluation of Initiator & Surfactant Concenterations & Temperature Effects on Styrene Conversion & Polymer Particle Size Distribution in Batch Emulsion Polymerization” Iranian Polymer Journal , 2010, 19 (8), 599-614
- "Investigation and Modelling of temperature dependence recovery behaviour of shape memory crosslinked polyethylene" Macromol. Theory Simul. 2007, 16, 43–52.
- "Dynamic Simulation and Open-loop Control of Particle Size Distribution of Styrene Emulsion Polymerization" Iranian Polymer Journal, 2006, 15 (11), 901-911.
- "Kinetic Mechanism Reduction Using Genetic Algorithms, Case Study on H2/O2 Reaction", Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, 2007, 26(3).
- “Inferential closed-loop control of particle size distribution for styrene emulsion polymerization", Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (2008) 2378 – 2390.
- "An Improved Non-Isothermal Kinetic Model for Prediction of Extent of Transesterification Reaction and Degree of Randomness in PET/PEN Blends" Macromol. Theory Simul. 2008, 17, 241–251.
- “Selecting latex characteristics” Plastics Research Online,2010, 10.1002/spepro.003037.
- "Observer design for online of particle size distribution in emulsion polymerization" Oil Research, 57,3-9, 2008(Farsi).
- “Effective Parameters in the Design of a Loop Reactor for Bulk Propylene Polymerization with Z-N Catalyst” Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 4, 309-321, 2009(Farsi).
- “Steady State Simulation of Two-Gas Phase Fluidized Bed Reactors in Series for Producing Linear Low Density Polyethylene” Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 4, 309-321, 2009(Farsi).
Congress Papers:
- “Design Sliding Control for Non-Minimum Phase Nonlinear Systems”, 6th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Isfahan, IRAN, 2001.
- “Steady State Simulation and Optimisation of Syngas Catalytic Partial Oxidation Reactor”, 7th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, IRAN, 2002.
- “Dynamic Simulation and Control of Syngas Catalytic Partial Oxidation Reactor”, 7th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, IRAN, 2002.
- “Study Model Reduction Methods” 8th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashhad, IRAN, 2003.
- “Design Sliding Control for Non-Affine Nonlinear Phase Systems” 8th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Mash had, IRAN, 2003.
- “Study Pressure Effect on Ethylene Gas Solubility in Copolymerization of Ethylene-vinyl Acetate in Semi batch Reactor” 8th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashhad, IRAN, 2003.
- “Optimization and Control of a batch polymerization Reactor”, 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, IRAN, 2004.
- “Simulation of particle size distribution of vinyl acetate-butylacryl emulsion polymerization in a semi-batch reactor”, 10th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Zahdan, IRAN, 2005.
- “Design of a loop reactor for bulk propylene polymerization”, 10th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Zahdan, IRAN, 2005.
- "Prediction of Conversion and Particle Size Distribution of Styrene Emulsion Polymerization and Evaluation the Results through Experiments"10th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, IRAN, 2006.
- "Effect of Oxygen on Conversion and Particle Size Distribution of Styrene Emulsion Polymerization" ISPST 8th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
- "Modeling of the transesterification of Poly (ethylene terephthalate) and Poly(ethylene naphthalene-2, 6-dicarboxylate) in a twin-screw extruder" ISPST 8th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
- "Size optimization of nanoparticles in optical transparent Au/Polystyrene nanocomposite" ISPST 8th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
- "Effects of surfactant, initiator and temperature on conversion and particle size of styrene emulsion polymerization"5th International Chemical Engineering Congress, Kish Island, IRAN, 2007.
- "Observer design for online of particle size distribution in emulsion plymerization"IPC 1th Iranian petrochemical congress, Tehran, 2008 .