Curriculum Vitae
![]() Kourosh Kabiri Bamoradian Personal Information
Name: Kourosh Kabiri Bamoradian Date of birth: 10/07/74 Place of birth: Tehran, Iran Marital Status: Married E-mail Postal address: Adhesive and, Resin Dept., Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI) P.O. Box 14977-13115, Tehran, Iran Educational Record 2004-2008: Ph.D. in Polymer Engineering & Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 1997-1999: M.Sc. in Polymer Engineering & Technology, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute. 1992-1997: B.S. in Polymer Engineering & Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran . 1988-1992: High School Diploma, Razi High School, Tehran, Iran. Employment 2000-up to present: Member of academic staff of adhesive and Resin Department of Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute.( Head of adhesive and Resin Department 2015 up to now) Research Projects 1. Synthesis and characterization of macroporous acrylic-based superabsorbents (M.Sc .Thesis, 1999, Iran Polymer Institute). Supervisors: Dr. H. Omidian and Dr. S. A. Hashemi. 2. Synthesis and swelling studies of acrylamide-based superabsorbents for agricultural application (2001, Iran Polymer Institute). 3. Preparation and optimization of liquid- hydrocarbon absorbents (2002, Iran Polymer Institute). 4. Preparation of superabsorbent hydrogel composites. ( 2003,Iran Polymer Institute ). 5. Design and Installation of a 10 tons/year –IPPI Superabsorbent Pilot Plant (2004, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute). 6- Reducing residue monomer in hygienic hydrogels(2005, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute) 7- Synthesis of acrylic nanocomposite hydrogels (2005-2008. Ph.D. Thesis, Amirkabir University of Technology). 8. Synthesis of alcohol absorbent gels (2009, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute). 9 Synthesis of organogel for absorbing non-polar solvent (Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 2010). 10. Design and construction of 50Tons pilot plant for production of superabsorbent hydrogels(Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 2012-2015).. 11. Preparation of epicholorohydrine from glycerol. (Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 2013-2014). 12. Synthesize of biobased crosslinkers for superabsorbent polymers (Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 2018). 13 Synthesize of carbonated resins (Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 2018) 14. Recycling of superabsorbent powder (Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 2019) 15. Synthesize of biobased resins (Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, 2016-2019) International Papers(ISI) 1-K. Kabiri, H. Omidian, S. A. Hashemi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Synthesis of Fast-Swelling Superabsorbent Hydrogels: Effect of Crosslinker Type and Concentration on Porosity and Absorption Rate, Eur. Polym. J., 39, 1341-1348 2003. 2-K. Kabiri, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Superabsorbent Hydrogel Composites, Polym. Adv. Technol., 14(6), 438-444, 2003. 3-K. Kabiri, H. Omidian, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Novel Approach to Highly Porous Superabsorbent Hydrogels: Synergistic Effect of Porogens on Porosity and Swelling, Polym. Int., 52, 1158-1164, 2003. 4-A.E.Langeroudi, A.A.Yousefi and K.Kabiri, Effect of Silane Coupling Agent On Adhesion of Copper/ Glass Fabric / Epoxy Composites. Iranian Polymer Journal, 12(3), 201-210, 2003. 5-K. Kabiri, H. Omidian, S. A. Hashemi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Concise Synthesis of Fast-Swelling Superabsorbent Hydrogels: Effect of Initiator Concentration on Porosity and Absorption Rate, J. Polym. Mater., 20(1), 17-22, 2003. 6- K. Kabiri, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Porous Superabsorbent Hydrogel Composites: Synthesis, Morphology and Swelling Rate, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 289, 653-661 2004. 7- K.Kabiri, S.Faraji Dana, M.J.Zohuriaan-Mehr, Novel sulphobetaine-sulphonic acid-contained superswelling hydrogels, Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 16,1-8 2005. 8- M.J.Zohuriaan, Z.Motazedi, K.Kabiri, A.E. Langroudi, New Super-Absorbing Hydrogel Hybrids from Gum Arabic and Acrylic Acid, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 42:1655-1666,2005. 9- A.Jamshidi, F.A.Khan Beigi, K.Kabiri, M.J.Zohuriaan-Mehr, Optimized HPLC determination of residual monomer in hygienic SAP hydrogels, Polymer Testing, 24, 828-828, 2005. 10- M. J. Ramazani-Harandy, M. J. Zohouriaan-Mehr, A. Ershad-Langroudi, A. A. Yousefi, K. Kabiri, Rheological determination of the swollen gel strength of the superabsorbent polymer hydrogels Polymer Testing, 25, 4, 470-474, 2006. 11- M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr; Z.Motazedi.; K.Kabiri; A Ershad-Langroudi ; I.Allahdadi; Gum arabic-acrylic superabsorbing hydrogel hybrids: Studies on swelling rate and environmental responsiveness, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 102, 6, 5667-5674, 2006. 12-Z. Mohamadnia, M. J. ZohuriaaN-Mehr, K. Kabiri, A. Jamshidi H. Mobedi, pH-Sensitive IPN Hydrogel Beads of Carrageenan-Alginate for Controlled Drug Delivery, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 2007, 22(3), 342-356, 2007. 13- K. Kabiri, H. Mirzadeh, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Highly Rapid Preparation of Bio-modified Nanoclay with Chitosan, Iranian Polymer Journal, 16 (3), 147-151, 2007. 14-Z. Mohamadnia, M. J. ZohuriaaN-Mehr, K. Kabiri, A. Jamshidi H. Mobedi, Ionically crosslinked carrageenan-aliginate hydrogel beads, J.Biomater.Sci.Polymer Edn, 19(1), 47-59, 2008. 15- M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, K. Kabiri, Superabsorbent Polymer Materials: A Review, Iranian Polymer Journal, 17(6), 451-477, 2008. 16- Z. Mohamadnia, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, K. Kabiri, M. Razavi-Nouri, Tragacanth gum-graft-polyacrylonitrile: Synthesis, characterization and hydrolysis, Journal of Polymer research , 15, 173-180, 2008. 17-K. Kabiri, H. Mirzadeh, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Undesirable Effects of Heating on Hydrogels, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 110, 3420-3430, 2008,. 18. K. Kabiri, H. Mirzadeh, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr,M.Daliri, Chitosan-modified nanoclay–poly(AMPS) nanocomposite hydrogels with improved gel strength, Polymer International,58, 1252-1259, 2009. 19. K. Kabiri, H. Mirzadeh, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, Chitosan Modified MMT-Poly(AMPS) Nanocomposite Hydrogel: Heating Effect on Swelling and Rheological Behavior, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 116, 2548-2556, 2010. 20. A. Pourjavadi, M. Kheirabadi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, K. Kabiri, Antipolyelectrolyte Superabsorbing Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Properties, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 114, 3542-3547, 2009. 21. M. J. Ramazani-Harandi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, A. A. Yousefi, A. Ershad-Langroudi, K. Kabiri, Effects of Structural Variables on AUL and Rheological Behavior of SAP Gels, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 113, 3676–3686, 2009 22. K. Kabiri, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, H. Bouhendi, A. Jamshidi, F. Ahmad-Khanbeigi, Residual Monomer in Superabsorbent Polymers: Effects of the Initiating System, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 114, 2533–2540, 2009 23. M. R. Yavari-Gohar K. Kabiri ,M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr S. A. Hashemi, Thermo-hydrolytic stability of swelling capacity of superabsorbing composite hydrogels based on AMPS and acrylamide, Journal of Polymer research, 17, 151-159, 2010. 24. M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, K. Kabiri, M. Kheirabadi , Extraordinary swelling behavior of poly(AMPS) organo-gelator in DMSO binary solvents, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 117, 1127-1136, 2010. 25. K. Kabiri, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr , H. Mirzadeh, M. Kheirabadi, Solvent-, ion- and pH-specific swelling of poly(2-acrylamido- 2-methylpropane sulfonic acid) superabsorbing gels, Journal of Polymer research, 17, 203-212, 2010. 26. K. Kabiri, S. Lashani, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, M. Kheirabadi, Super alcohol-absorbent gels of sulfonic acid-contained poly(acrylic acid) Journal of Polymer research ,in press. 27. H. Bakhshi, M.J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, H. Bouhendi, K. Kabiri, Spectral and chemical determination of copolymer composition of poly (butyl acrylate-co-glycidyl methacrylate) from emulsion polymerization, Polymer Testing, 28(7), 730-736. 28. Mohammad Mahdi Hasani-Sadrabadi, Erfan Dashtimoghadama, Fatemeh S. Majedi, Kourosh Kabiric, Nafion®/bio-functionalized montmorillonite nanohybrids as novel polyelectrolyte membranes for direct methanol fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 190, 318–321, (2009). 29. H. Bakhshi, H. Bouhendi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, K. Kabiri, Semibatch Emulsion Copolymerization of Butyl Acrylate and Glycidyl Methacrylate: Effect of Operating Variables, J Appl Polym Sci 117: 2771–2780, 2010. 30. H. Es-haghi, H. Bouhendi, Gh. Bagheri-Marandi, M. J. Zohurian-Mehr, and K. Kabiri, Cross-Linked Poly(acrylic acid) Microgels from Precipitation Polymerization, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 49: 1257–1264, 2010. 31. Hadi Bakhshi, Mohammad Jalal Zohuriaan-Mehr, Hossein Bouhendi, and Kourosh Kabiri, Emulsion Copolymerization of Butyl Acrylate and Glycidyl Methacrylate: Determination of Monomer Reactivity Ratios, Iranian Polymer Journal 19 (10), 781-789, 2010. 32. M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, H. Omidian , S. Doroudiani , K. Kabiri, Advances in non-hygienic applications of superabsorbent hydrogel Materials, J Mater Sci 45:5711–5735, 2010. 33. M. Behzadnasab, S.M. Mirabedini , K. Kabiri, S. Jamali, Corrosion performance of epoxy coatings containing silane treated ZrO2 nanoparticles on mild steel in 3.5% NaCl solution, Corrosion Science 53, 89–98. (2011). 34. M.M. Hasan Sadrabadi, E.Dashtomogaddam, Novel nanocomposite proton exchange membranes on Nafion and AMPS-modified montmorillonite for fuel cell applications, Journal of Membrane Science, 365, 286-293, 2010. 35. K. Kabiri, A. Azizi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, G. Bagheri Marandi, H. Bouhendi, Poly(acrylic acid–sodium styrene sulfonate) Organogels: Preparation, Characterization, and Alcohol Superabsorbency, J Appl Polym Sci 119: 2759– 2769, 2011. 36. Mohammad Mahdi Hasani-Sadrabadi, Erfan Dashtimoghadam, Fatemeh S. Majedi, Kourosh Kabiri, Nassir Mokarram, Mehran Solati-Hashjin and Homayoun Moaddel, Novel high-performance nanohybrid polyelectrolyte membranes based on bio-functionalized montmorillonite for fuel cell applications, Chem. Commun., 46, 6500–6502. 2010. 37- K. Kabiri, S. Hesarian, A. Jamshidi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, H. Boohendi, M. R. Poorheravi, S. A. Hashemi, F. Ahmadkhanbeigi, Minimization of Residual Monomer Content of Superabsorbent Hydrogels via Alteration of Initiating System, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 120, 2716-2723 2011 38- K. Kabiri, A. Azizi, M. J, Zohuriaan-Mehr, G. Bagheri, H. Bouhendi, Alcophilic Gels: Polymeric Organogels Composing Carboxylic & Sulfonic Acid Groups, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 120, 3350-3356, 2011. 39- K. Kabiri, H. Omidian, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, S. Doroudiani, Superabsorbent Hydrogel Composites and Nanocomposites: A Review, Polymer Composites, 32, 277-289, 2011. 40- K. Kabiri, S. Hesarian , M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, A. Jamshidi, Hossein Bouhendi, M. R. Pourheravi , S. A. Hashemi , H. Omidian, S. Fatollahi, Effect of long-chain monoacrylate on the residual monomer content, swelling and thermomechanical properties of SAP hydrogels, Journal of Polymer Research, 18, 1863-1870, 2011. 41- K. Kabiri, A. Azizi, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, G. Marandi, H. Bouhendi, A. Jamshidi, Super-alcogels Based on 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropane Sulphonic Acid & Poly(ethylene glycol) Macromer), Iranian Polymer Journal, 20, 175-183, 2011. 42- Z. Darvishi, K. Kabiri, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, A. Morsali, Nanocomposite Super-Swelling Hydrogels with Nanorod Bentonite, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 120, 3453-3459,2011. 43. K. Kabiri, S. Hesarian, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, A. Jamshidi, H. Boohendi, M. R. Pourheravi, S. A. Hashemi, H. Omidian, S. Fathollahi, Superabsorbent Polymer Composites: Does Clay Always Improve Properties? , Journal of Materials Science, 46, 6718–6725, 2011. 44. V. Najafi, K. Kabiri, F. Ziaee, H. Omidian, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, H. Bouhendi, H. Farhadnejad, Synthesis and characterization of alcogels based on ethylene glycol methyl ether methacrylate-vinyl phosphonic acid copolymers, Journal of Polymer Research, 19, 9866-9, 2012. 45. F. Narimani, M. J. Zohuriaan-Mehr, K. Kabiri, H. Bouhendi, H. Omidian, V. Najafi, Overentrant Swelling Behaviour of Poly(potassium, 3-sulfopropyl acrylate-acrylic acid) Gels, Journal of Polymer Research, 19, 1-8, 2012. 46. V. Najafi, F. Ziaee, K. Kabiri, M. J. Zohouriaan Mehr, H. Abdollahi, P. Mosalla Nezhad, S. M. Jalilian. A. Nouri, Aqueous Free-racical Polymerization of PEGMEMA Macromer: Kinetic Studies via an On-line H NMR Technique, Iranian Polymer Journal, 21, 683-688,2012. 47. S.M. Mirabedini, M. Behzadnasab, K. Kabiri, Effect of various combinations of zirconia and organoclay nanoparticles on mechanical and thermal properties of an epoxy nanocomposite coating, Composites, Part A, 43, 2095-2106, 2012 48. V. Najafi, K. Kabiri, F. Ziaee, Preparation and Characterization of Alcogels Based on (Poly Ethylene Glycol Methyl Ether Methacrylate-Acrylic Acid) Copolymers, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 52, 667-673, 2013. 49. K. Kabiri, S. Roshanfekr, Converting Water Absorbent Polymer to Alcohol Absorbent Polymer, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 24, 28-33, 2013. 50. A. Hajighasem, K. Kabiri, Cationic highly alcohol-swellable gels: synthesis and characterization, Journal of Polymer Research, 20, 1-9, 2013. 51. K.Sadati, Kourosh Kabiri, G.Bagheri Marandi, Synthesis and Characterization of Phosphonic-Acrylic Organogels, International Journal of polymeric materials and polymeric biomaterials, 63, 430-437,2014. 52. H.Es-haghiaH.BouhendibG.Bagheri MarandiaM.J.Zohurian-MehrbK.Kabirib, An investigation into novel multifunctional cross-linkers effect on microgel prepared by precipitation polymerization, Reactive and functional polymers, 73, 524-530,2013. 53. N.Moini, Kourosh Kabiri, Effective parameters in surface cross-linking of acrylic-based water absorbent polymer particles using bisphenol A diethylene glycidyl ether and cycloaliphatic diepoxide, Iranian Polymer Journal, 24,977-978, 2015. 54-Malihe Kheirabadi, RezaBagheri, Kourosh Kabiri, Swelling and mechanical behavior of nanoclay reinforced hydrogel: single network vs. full interpenetrating polymer network, Polymer Bulletin 72, 1663-1681, 2015. 55. Malihe Kheirabadi, RezaBagheri, Kourosh Kabiri Structure, swelling and mechanical behavior of a cationic full-IPN hydrogel reinforced with modified nanoclay, Iranian Polymer journal, 24, 379-388, 2015. 56. Malihe Kheirabadi, Liyang Shi, Reza Bagheri, Kourosh Kabiri, Jöns Hilborn Dmitri A. Ossipov In situ forming interpenetrating hydrogels of hyaluronic acid hybridized with iron oxide nanoparticles, Biomaterials scince,3,1466-1474, 2015. 58. A.sabzevari, K.Kabiri, Converting date seed biomass into highly absorbing hydrogel, Iranian Polymer Journal, 597-606, 2016. 59. . Malihe Kheirabadi, , Reza Bagheri, Kourosh Kabiri, Dmitri A. Ossipov, efat jokar, elham asadian Improvement in Mechanical Performance of Anionic Hydrogels Using Full-Interpenetrating Polymer Network Reinforced with Graphene Oxide Nanosheets, Advances in Polymer Technology, 35, 386-395, 2016. 60. R.GhanbaralizadehH.Bouhendi K.Kabiri M.Vafayan, A novel method for toughening epoxy resin through CO2 fixation reaction, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 16,225-235,2016. 61. N Moini, K Kabiri, MJ Zohuriaan‐Mehr, N.Esmaeili, H.Omidian, Fine tuning of SAP properties via epoxy‐silane surface modification, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 28,1132-1147, 2017. 62. Simple and efficient approach for recycling of fine acrylic-based superabsorbent waste, Polymer Bulletin, 73,1119-1133,2017 63. . N Moini, K Kabiri, MJ Zohuriaan‐Mehr Practical Improvement of SAP Hydrogel Properties via Facile Tunable Cross-linking of the Particles Surface, Polymer Plastic Technology and Engineering , 55, 278-290, 2017 64. Roya Dastjerdi, Mahsa Sharafi, Kourosh Kabiri, Leila Mivehi and Ali Samadikuchaksaraei, An acid-free water-born quaternized chitosan/montmorillonite loaded into an innovative ultra-fine bead-free water-born nanocomposite nanofibrous scaffold; in vitro and in vivo approaches, Biomedical Materials, 12, 2017. 65. N. Esmaeili, M. J. Zohuriaan-MehrS. Mohajeri, K. Kabiri H. Bouhendi, Hydroxymethyl furfural-modified urea-formaldehyde resin: synthesis and properties, , European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 75,71-80,2017. 66. A.Sabzevari, K.Kabiri, Induced superabsorbency in polyester fiber, Iranian Polymer Journal, 25, 635-646-2016. 67. Giti Yamini, Alireza Shakeri, Mohammad Jalal Zohuriaan-Mehr, Kourosh Kabiri, Cyclocarbonated lignosulfonate as a bio-resourced reactive reinforcing agent for epoxy biocomposite: From natural waste to value-added bioadditive, Journal of CO₂ Utilization 24 (2018) 50-58.
Patents |
طراحی وب سایت آریایک توسط aryanic highportal aryanic