Resident: Iran/Tehran Education: Summer 1992, B.Sc. Chemical engineering, faculty of Technology, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Summer 1994, M.Sc. Chemical engineering, faculty of Technology, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Summer 2001, Ph.D. Chemical engineering, faculty of Technology, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. B.Sc. thesis: Effect of hydrodynamic operating parameters in mixer-settler liquid extraction equipments. M.Sc. thesis: Investigation on efficiency enhancement in RSDC in comparison to RDC liquid extraction columns. Ph.D. thesis: A thermodynamic model for Predicting asphaltene phase Behavior in oil reservoir. Field of interest: Basic Engineering & DesignPilot Plant Modeling & Manufacturing Thermodynamic Modeling Desalination by RO Teaching experience:
-Heat transfer -Fluid mechanics -Thermodynamics -Unit operation
Professional activities:
Industrial experience: Pressure vessel and quality control group, Mashin Sazi Arak (M.S.A) Arak, Iran. Lubricating oil refinery of Behran, Behran oil company, Tehran, Iran.
WTP,EPC Project manager, Tehcnologye Abe shahri va sanatee Iran Tehran,/HiTeQ Some of Projects’ details
Publication and invited presentation: 1- “Reverse osmosis as a solution for water shortage in Iran” Ninth international water technology conference IWT C9 2005, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, p217. 2- “Introduction to asphaltene precipitation reversibility” EEC innovation, vol1, no.3, Nov, 15, 2003. 3- “RO desalination in Iran” EuroMed 2002 desalination strategies in south Mediterranean countries, Sharm El Sheikh , Sinai, Egypt may 4-6, 2002. 4- “Reuse as a solution for water shortage in Iran” 5th international conference of European water resources association, Aten 4-8 September 2002. 5- “The application of continuous three-dimensional solubility parameter distribution for modeling asphaltene phase behavior in crude oils”, 51 ST Canadian chemical engineering conference, Halifax, Canada, Oct, 2001,p.45. 6- “Asphaltene deposition problems: different meaning in different people”, the forth national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Esfahan, Iran, 2001(2) pp. 25-31. 7- “Is asphaltene precipitation reversible?”, the forth national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Esfahan, Iran,2001(2) pp. 231-236. 8- “The non-regular solubility parameter term for predicting onset and amount of asphaltene precipitation”, SPE No.67329, Oklahoma, USA, march 2001. 9- “The non-regular solubility parameter term for predicting onset and amount of asphaltene precipitation”, thermal recovery issue, Journal of petroleum Science and engineering, July 2001. 10- “The non-regular solubility parameter term for predicting onset and amount of asphaltene precipitation”, the Energex 2000 conference, Las Vegas, USA, july2001, pp. 1165-1176. 11- “Solubility parameter for predicting the amount and onset of asphaltene precipitation”, Iranian chemistry and chemical engineering Journal, no.1&2,2000, pp. 38-44. 12- “Study of the asphaltene and oil solubility parameter on asphaltene phase behavior”, the forth International and fifth national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Shiraz, Iran, 2000. 13- “Role of solvent solubility parameter in onset and amount of asphaltene precipitation”, the forth national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Tehran, Iran, 1999 (4) pp. 338-341. 14- “Investigation of hydrodynamic parameter effects on extraction efficiency in mixer-settler and spray columns for lube oil systems”, the third national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Ahvaz, Iran, 1998 (1) pp. 169-172 15- “Design of rotary disc contactor in pilot plant scale for lubricating oil extraction by furfural”, the third national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Ahvaz, Iran, 1998 (2) pp.886-889. 16- “Hydrodynamics, coalescence and static holdup of dispersed phase in RDC and RSDC liquid extraction columns”, the second national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Tehran, Iran, 1997 (1) pp. 271-275. 17- “Characteristic velocity and dynamic hold up of dispersed phase and extraction efficiency in RDC comparison to RSDC liquid extraction columns”, the second national Iranian chemical engineering congress, Tehran, Iran, 1997 (1) pp.276-279. last update 2024/01/10