Mehdi Barikani (PhD, MSc., BSc.)
Professor Department of Polyurethanes & Advanced Polymers, Faculty of Science Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), P.O. Box: 14965/115 Tehran IRAN
Phone: (+9821) 44787000
Direct line: (+9821) 48662427Fax: (+9821) 44580021-23
E-mail: M.Barikani@
Ph.D. in Polymer Technology, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, (1986)
Topic of thesis: Thermally stable Polyurethane Elastomers. Their synthesis and Properties. M.Sc. in Polymer Chemistry, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran. (1978) Topic of thesis: Viscometric studies of Poly 2-Vinylpyrazine N-Oxide and terpolymers of Vinyl Pyridine N-Oxides. B.Sc. in Chemistry, University of Khwarizmi (Tarbiat Moallem), Tehran, Iran, (1976)
Sep.2011- Present, Director, Center of Excellence for Polyurethane, Iran Polymer and petrochemical Institute.
Aug.2011-Present, Director of Polyurethane group, Iran Polymer and petrochemical Institute. Aug.2005-Mar.2010, Director, Center of Excellence for Biocompatible polymers, Iran Polymer and petrochemical Institute. Nov.2003-Present, Professor and Consultant, Iran Polymer and petrochemical Institute. Feb. 2003 - Present, Member of Editorial Board of the Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
Nov.2001-Nov.2002, Visiting Fellow, University of East London, London, U.K Nov.2000-Nov.2001, Acting Director of Iran Polymer Institute Mar.2000-Present, Professor, Iran Polymer Institute. Sept. 1999- Nov.2000, Deputy Director of Iran Polymer Institute (previously Polymer Research Center of Iran) Jan. 1995- Sept. 1999, Director of Iran Polymer Institute (previously Polymer Research Center of Iran) Oct. 1986 - 1995, Acting Director of Polymer Research Center of Iran Oct. 1987 - 1993, Deputy Director in charge of research, Polymer Research Center of Iran Aug. 1994 - 2000, Associate Professor, Iran Polymer Institute Nov.1992-Nov.1993, Research Associate, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. Aug. 1986 – 1991, Assistant Professor, Polymer Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Oct. 1988 - 2009, Member of postgraduate Committee, Polymer Research Centre of Iran. Aug. 1988 - Present, Member of Polymer Engineering Committee, Ministry of Culture & Higher Education, Tehran, Iran. Feb. 1988 - Present, Member of Editorial Board of the Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, and Iranian Polymer Journal. Feb.1983 - Aug.1983, Chairman of Central Office of Industry & University Cooperation, Ministry of Culture & Higher Education, Tehran, Iran. Oct.1981-Feb. 1983, Dean of Engineering Faculty, University of Sistan & Bluchistan, Zahedan, Iran Oct.1979-Oct.1981, Head of Science Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sistan & Bluchistan, Zahedan, Iran. Aug.1978 - Aug.1983, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sistan & Bluchistan, Zahedan, Iran TEACHING EXPERIENCE
General Chemistry; Instrumental Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; Chemistry& Technology of Polyurethane; Foams; Adhesives& Coatings; Polyurethane Elastomers; Analysis of Polymeric Materials;Polymer Degradation and Stabilization;
All subjects of polyurethane and related compounds (elastomers, adhesives, foams and thickeners); Thermally Stable Polymers including Polyimides and polyurethane imides; Polymers in Holography; Polymers in drug delivery system; Polyolefin foams; Synthesis of new polymers, NanoComposites, Biomedical application of polymers, Conductive Polymers, Biodegradable and Green nano polymers.
==================================================================== HONOURS AND AWARDS
Regular reviewer for the following Journals: 1- Macromolecular Rapid Communications (English), Published by Wiley-VCH. 2- Journal of Applied Polymer Science (English), Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3- Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research (English), Published by the American Chemical Society. 4- Iranian Polymer Journal (English), Published by the Iran Polymer Institute. 5- Iranian Journal of Polymer Science &Technology (Persian), Published by the Iran Polymer Institute. 6- Iranian Journal of Chemistry& Chemical Engineering (English& Persian), Published by the Jahad Daneshgahi . 7- International Journal of Engineering (English), Published by the Materials and Energy Research Centre. 8- Sharif University Magazine (Persian). 9- Mashad University Engineering Magazine (Persian). 10- Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering; (English), Published by the Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers (IACHE). 11- Paik Noor-e Oloom, (Persian). Published by the University of Payam Noor. 12- Polymer International (English), Published by SCI- Wiley. 13-European Polymer Journal (English), Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. 14- Journal of Iranian Medical Engineering Society, (Persian). 15-Journal of Energetic Materials, (Persian), Published by the Iranian Association of Energetic Materials. 16- Journal of Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. 17- Carbohydrate Polymers, Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. 18- Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering; (Persian), Published by the Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers (IACHE). 19- Journal of Amirkabir, Published by Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 20 –Polymer for Advanced Technology (PAT) (English), Published by John Wiley. 21 –Polymer Bulletin (English), Published by Springer. 22- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (English), Published by Springer. 23-Korian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Published by Springer. B) SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY MEMBER
C) Member of Editorial Borad for the following Journals:
I-Journal Papers:
1- M.Barikani & C.Hepburn, "Isocyanurate crosslinking as a means of Producing thermally stable Polyurethane elastomers", Cellular Polymers. 1986, 5(3), 169-185.
2- M.Barikani & C.Hepburn, "The Relative thermal stability of Polyurethane Elastomers: effect of Diisocyanate structure: ", Cellular. Polymers. 1987, 6(2),41-45. 3- M.Barikani & C.Hepburn, "The Relative thermal stability of Polyurethane Elastomers: 2.Influence of Polyol-diisocyanate Molar block ratios with a single and mixed diisocyanate system:", Cellular Polymers. 1987, 6(1), 29-36. 4- M.Barikani & C.Hepburn, "The Relative thermal stability of Polyurethane Elastomers: 3.Influence of Chain Extender Structure", Cellular Polymers, 1987, 6(3), 47-67. 5- M.Barikani , "Fire & Polyurethane (1)", Organization Committee of Science & Technology for Petrochemical & Polymer Industries Bulletin, vol. 3, No.20, Apr 1988. 6- M.Barikani , "Fire & Polyurethane (2)", Organization Committee of Science & Technology for Petrochemical & Polymer Industries Bulletin, vol. 3, No.21, May 1988. 7- M.Barikani, "Polyurethane (1)", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology. vol.1, No.1, Nov. 1988. 8- M.Barikani, "Polyurethane (2) "Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology. vol.1, No.2, Feb. 1989. 9- M.Barikani, "Thermal Stability of Polyurethane Elastomers" (1) Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology. vol. 2, No.1, June 1989. 10- M.Barikani, "Thermal Stability of Polyurethane Elastomers (2)", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology. vol. 2, No.2, Sep 1989. 11- M.Barikani, "Thermal Stability of Polyurethane Elastomers (3)", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology. vol. 2, No.2, Dec 1989. 12- B.Tamami and M.Barikani, "Relation between PH and Viscosity of Poly (2- vinyl pyrazine) and its N-oxide derivative in aqueous solution" Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, vol. 11, No.1, Jan. 1989. 13- M.Barikani & A.Nalbandi & A.Ahmadi, "Kinetic of Polyurethane polymerization using Differential Scanning Calorimetry”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol. 4, No.3, Jan 1991. 14- M.Barikani & H.Omidian, "Honeycombs", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol. 4, No.1, May 1991. 15- M.Barikani & C.Hepburn, "Internal heat generation & fatigue life behavior of Polyurethane Elastomers based on Trans 1/4- Cyclohexane Diisocyanate". Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, English Edition, vol. 1, No.1, Jan 1992. 16- M.Barikani & C.Hepburn, "Determination of Crosslink Density in the Castable Polyurethane Elastomers based on CHDI & PPDI ". Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, English Edition, vol. 1, No.1, Jan 1992. 17- M.Barikani & A.Nalbandi & A.Ahmadi, "Kinetic study of Polyurethane Elastomers by FTIR", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol. 5, No.2, Aug 1992. 18- M.Barikani & H.Omidian. "The study of the Parameters Affecting the Choice of Adhesive in Sandwich Panels and Honey combs", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol. 4, No.4, Feb 1992. 19- M.Barikani & H.Omidian, "Preparation and Optimization of Nitril-Phenolic. Structural Adhesives", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol. 5, No.1, May 1992. 20- M.Barikani, A.Nalbandi & A.Ahmadi, "Improving of Polyurethane Thermal Stability", Journal of Research, NIOC, vol. 1, No.1, 1992. 21- M.Barikani, E. Simova & M.Kavehrad, "Dichromated Polyvinyl alcohol as a Real-time Hologram Recording Material: Some Observations and Discussions", Applied Optics, No. 13, vol.34, Page 2172-2179, 1995. 22- M.Barikani, E.Simova & M.Kavehrad, "Dichromated Polyvinyl alcohol for Real-time Hologram Recording II: Effect of Humidity", J. of Optical Materials, vol.4,issue 4,pp.477-485,March 1995. 23- M.Barikani," Synthesis & Characterization of Aromatic Polyimides", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol.7, No.1, 1994. 24- M.Barikani, P.Shokrollahi," Preparation & Characterization of Orthopedic Bandage based on Polyurethane Resin", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol.8, No.4, 1996. 25- M.Barikani, M.Barmar, "Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers: Synthesis and study of Effective structural parameters".Iranian Polymer Journal ,vol.5, No.4, 1996. 26-M.Barikani, M.Mirzataheri," Synthesis of Poly (p-phenylene terephthalamide)", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol.10, No.3, Page 163, 1997. 27- M.Barikani, G.MirMohammad Sadeghie," Effect of Styrene and Maleic anhydride content on Compressive strength of TDI Modified Closed Rigid Crosslinked PVC Foam", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, vol.10, No.2, Page 83, 1997. 28- M.Mirzataheri and M.Barikani, "Role of the effective factors on laboratory synthesis of poly(P-Phenlene terephhthalamide) fibers", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology, Vol,11, No.2, 1998. 29- A. Rahimi, A. Ayyazi, M.Barikani, "Polysiloxanes: Synthesis and Purification of Silicon obtained from Iran’s Domestic Micronized Sand", Iranian Polymer Journal, vol.7, No.2, 1998. 30- M.Barikani & SH.Mehdipour Ataei," Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Aromatic Polyamides and Polyimides by in-situ silylation of Trimethoprim", Iranian Polymer Journal, vol.8, No.1, 1999. 31- M.Barikani & SH.Mehdipour Ataei," Preparation and Properties of Polyimides and Polyamide-imides from Diisocyanates", Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:, Polymer Chemistry, vol.37, 2245-2250, 1999. 32- M.Barikani, H. Yeganeh & SH.Mehdipour Ataei," Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Soluble and Thermo stable Polyimides via Novel Diisocyanates", Polymer International, 48:1264-1268, 1999. 33-H. Yeganeh, M.Barikani & F. Noei Khodabadi," Novel Imide Modified Polyurethane, Synthesis and Thermal Characteristics", Iranian Polymer Journal, vol.9 ,no.4, 249,2000. 34-H. Yeganeh, M.Barikani," Preparation and properties of Novel processable polyimides derived from N,N, Bis(isocynatoakyl) 1,2,4,5 benzene tetracarboxylic 1,2,4,5-diamine" Polymer International, 49: 514-518, 2000 35-M.Barikani & SH.Mehdipour Ataei," Aromatic/Cycloaliphatic Polyimides and Polyamide-imide from Trans-1,4-Cyclohexane Diisocyanate: Synthesis and Properties", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. ,vol. 77, 1102-1107 (2000) . 36-M.Barikani & SH.Mehdipour Ataei," Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Stability of New Arylene Sulfon Ether Polyimides and Polyamides", Journal of Polymer Science, Part A : Polymer Chemistry,Vol.38,1487-1492, 2000. 37-H. Yeganeh, M. Barikani and F. Noei Khodabadi, "Synthesis and Properties of Novel Thermoplastic Poly(urethane-imide)" Eur. Polym. Journal, 36(2000) 2207-2211 . 38-M.Mirzataheri&M.Barikani, "Synthesis of Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol with specific Molecular Weight and narrow distribution by cationic ring opening polymerization of THF and protonated acids", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science&Technology, Vol.12, No.4 ,2000. 39-H.Yeganeh, M.Barikani, "Preparation &Properties of (Polyurethane imides) derived from Diisocyanate containing build in imide ring", Iranian Polymer Journal ,Vol.10 , No.1, 2001. 40-M.Barikani,Sh. Mehdipour Ataie, "Synthesis & Properties of Novel Optically active Polyimides" ,Journal of Polymer Science,part A, Polymer Chemistry,vol.39,no.4, 514-518 , 2001. 41-M.Barikani, M.Sarai , "Investigation on the effect of formulation and process variables of polyethylene foams production" Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology ,Vol.14 ,No.2 ,2001. 42-M.Barmar,M.Barikani, B.Kaffashi "Synthesis of Ethoxylated Urethane and Modification with Cetyl Alcohol as Thickener" Iranian Polymer Journal Vol. 10 ,No. 5 ,2001 . 43-M.Barikani, "Polyimides Derived from Diisocyanates", Iranian Polymer Journal Vol. 11, No. 4, 2002, 215-236. 44-M.Barikani, H.Saidpour, M.Sezen, "Mode I Interlaminar fracture toughness in unidirectional carbon-fibre/epoxy composites", Iranian Polymer Journal, Vol.11, No.6, 2002,421-431. 45-G.M.M.Sadeghi, J.Morshedian, M.Barikani," Determination of OH-number and functionality of polybutadiene-ol by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy", Polymer Testing,22 (2003) 165-168. 46-G.M.M.Sadeghi, J.Morshedian, M.Barikani, "The effect of initiator to monomer ratio on the properties of polybutadiene-ol synthesized by free radical solution polymerization of 1,3-butadiene", Polymer International, 52,2003 ,1083-1087. 47-M.Barmar, M.Barikani, “Preparation of large cell flexible polyurethane foam” Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology,Vol.15,No.5,Issue no.61,2003,295-299. 48- M.Barikani, A.Ahmadzadeh,M.Mirzataheri, “Studying and Analyzing the effect of SBR substitution by PU in Rubber Compounds Properties” , Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology,Vol.15,No.5,Issue no.61,2003,305-314. 49-H.Saidpour, M.Barikani, M.Sezen, "Mode II Interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon-fibre/epoxy laminates", Iranian Polymer Journal ,Vol.12,No.5 ,2003, 389-400. 50- G.M.M.Sadeghi,J.Morshedian,M.Barikani, "Determination of Microstructure of Polybutadiene -ol by FTIR and NMR Spectroscopy", Iranian Polymer Journal , Vol.12,No.6 ,2003, 515-521. 51-- M.Barikani , M.Mirzataheri, A.Tavakkoli; “Synthesis and Characterization of Suitable Resol for Preparation of Phenolic Foam”, , Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology, Vol.16,No5,2004,319-325. 52- M.Barmar,M.Barikani, B.Kaffashi,” Study of the Association Behavior in Step Growth HEUR Aqueous Solution” , Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology , Vol.16,No6,2004,365-369. 53- M.Barikani, M.Mirzataheri, A.Tavakkoli; “Study the effective Parameter on Preparation of Resol used in Phenolic Foams”,Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology, Vol.17,No.1,2004, 54 - M. Barmar, V. Ribitsch, B. Kaffashi, M. Barikani, Z. Sarreshtehdari, J. Pfragner,” investigation of the prepolymer,s Molecular Weight influence on derived HUER Models aqueous Solution Reology”, Coloid and Polymer Science, Vol.282,No.5,2004,457-465. 55-- M.Barmar,M.Barikani, B.Kaffashi, “ Study the effect of Molecular Weight on behavior of S-G HEUR End- Capped with Dodecyl Alcohol”, Iranian Polymer Journal Vol.13,No.3,2004,241-246. 56- M.Barmar,M.Barikani, B.Kaffashi "Steady Shear viscosity study of various HEUR models with differ in hydrophilic and hydrophobic sizes", Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects , 253, 2005,77-82. 57- M.Barmar, B.Kaffashi, M.Barikani “Investigating the effect of hydrophobic structural parameters on the thickening properties of HEUR associative copolymers”, European Polymer Journal , 41, 2005,619-626. 58-S. M. Seyed Mohaghegh-M. Barikani- A. Entezami “Preparation and properties of Aqueous polyurethane dispersions” Iranian Polymer Journal , Vol.14 No.2,2005,163-168. 59-Y.Jahani, M.Barikani, “ Rheological and Mechanical study of propylene ternary blends For Foam Application”, Iranian Polymer Journal ,Vol.14,No.4 ,2005, 361-370.60- Y.Jahani, M.Barikani, “Effect of side chain branched of polypropylene, PP, EPDM and HDPE as a third component on melt extensional behavior of Ternary blends” Iranian Polymer Journal , Vol.14,No.8,2005, 693-704.
61- H.Honarkar, M.Barikani ,J,Morshedian, “Preparation and Study of Degradable Polyethylene Based on Starch” , Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology, Vol. 18,No.2,2005,107-114. 62- S. M. Seyed Mohaghegh-M. Barikani- A. Entezami, “Synthesis and Characterization of N-Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether substituted Polyurethane” Iranian Polymer Journal , Vol.14,No.9,2005,815-821. 63-M.Mohammadi, M.Barikani, “A Study on Compounding, Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Polyethylene/Starch/Polycaprolactone blends”,Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology,Vol.18 No.3 ,2005, 145-154. 64- S. M. Seyed Mohaghegh-M. Barikani- A. Entezami, “The effect of grafted Poly (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) on Particle size and viscosity of aqueous polyurethane dispersions” Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects, 276,2006, 95-99. 65- G.M.M.Sadeghi,J.Morshedian,M.Barikani, “The effect of solvent on the microstructure, nature of hydroxyl end groups and kinetics of polymerization reaction in synthesize of polybutadiene-ol ”, Reactive and Functional Polymer, Vol.66,Issue 2, ,2006,255-266. 66- M.valipour Ebrahimi, M.Barikani, S.M. Seyed Mohaghegh, “Synthesis and Properties of Ionic Polyurethane Dispersions: Influence of Polyol molecular weight” IranianPolymerJournal Vol.15, No.4, 2006, 323-330. 67- M. Barmar, M. Barikani, M. fereidoon-nia “Synthesis and properties of polyurethane/clay nanocomposites via melt intercalation method” IranianPolymerJournal , ,Vol.15,No.9,2006, 68- M.valipour Ebrahimi, M.Barikani, S.M. Seyed Mohaghegh, “Preparation and Characterization of Aqueous Polyurethane Dispersions Containing Ionic Centers”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.Vol. 104, 3931-3937, 2007. 69- M.valipour Ebrahimi, M.Barikani, S.M. Seyed Mohaghegh, “Influence of Diisocyanate Structure on the Synthesis and Properties of Ionic Polyurethane Dispersions”, Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering (PPTE), 46, 2007,1087- 1092. 70- M.Barikani, M.Mohammadi, "Synthesis and characterization of starch-modified polyurethane" Carbohydrate Polymers, 68, 2007, 773 -780. 71- Y.Jahani, M.Barikani, "Effect of Blend Composition on Extrusion Foaming Behavior of Linear and Branched Polypropylene ternary Blends", IranianPolymerJournal , 16(9), 2007,627-636. 72- S.M. Taghizadeh, H. Mirzadeh, and M. Barikani ,"The effect of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Concentration on Peel Strength of Acrylic/PVP Pressure Sensitive Adhesive blends", IranianPolymerJournal ,Vol. 16,No.4, ,2007,279-285. 73- M.A.Semsarzadeh,M.Sadeghi,M.Barikani and H.Moadel,"The effect of Hard segment on the Gas separation properties of Polyurethane Membranes", IranianPolymerJournal , Vol. 16,No.12, ,2007, 819-827. 74- Mehdi Barikani, Khalid Mahmood Zia, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mohammad Zuber and Haq Nawaz Bhatti," Molecular engineering and properties of chitin based shape memory polyurethanes", Carbohydrate Polymers, 74, 2008,621-628. 75- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mehdi Barikani*, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mohammad Zuber and Haq Nawaz Bhatti" Morphological studies of polyurethane elastomers extended with α, ω alkane diols" IranianPolymerJournal , Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008,61-72. 76- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mehdi Barikani*, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mohammad Zuber and Haq Nawaz Bhatti" Molecular engineering of chitin based polyurethane elastomers" , Carbohydrate Polymers, 74, 2008, 149-158. 77- Khalid Mahmood Zia1, Mehdi Barikani*2, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti1, Mohammad Zuber3 and Haq Nawaz Bhatti1 "Synthesis and thermo-mechanical characterization of polyurethane elastomers extended with α, ω-alkane diols", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Vol.109, Issue 3, 2008, 1840-1849. 78- Khalid Mahmood Zia1, Mehdi Barikani*2, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti1, Mohammad Zuber3 and Haq Nawaz Bhatti1, "Synthesis and characterization of novel biodegradable thermally stable chitin based polyurethane elastomers", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Vol.110, 2008, 769-776. 79- M.A.Semsarzadeh,M.Sadeghi, and M.Barikani," Effect of Chain Extender Length on the Gas Separation Properties of Polyurethanes", Iranian Polymer Journal, Vol 17,No.6,431-440 ,2008. 80- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Zuber, Islam-ud-Din , " Surface characteristics of UV-irradiated polyurethane elastomers extended with a, v-alkane diols", Applied Surface Science, 254,2008, 6754-6761. 81- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Zuber, Munir Ahmad Sheikh, "XRD studies of chitin-based polyurethane elastomers", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 43,2008 ,136-141. 82- M.Ehsani,M.Barikani,T.S.Porkar,"Synthesis and Application of Silicon-Alkyds in stoving Paint and Zinc-Rich Primers', Journal of Color Science and Technology, Vol.2, No.2 2008, 123-128. 83- M. Barmar, M. Barikani, "Investigation of the Thickening Efficiency of HEUR on the Behavior of Two Different Latex Types", International Polymer Processing, Issue 03, 2009, 218-222 84- S.M. Taghizadeh, H. Mirzadeh, and M. Barikani, " Preparation & In Vitro Evaluation of a New Fentanyl Patch Based on Acrylic/Silicone Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Blends", Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy, no35, 2009, 487-498. 85- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mohammad Zuber,Mehdi Barikani , Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Munir Ahmad Sheikh, "Structural Characteristics of UV-Irradiated Polyurethane Elastomers Extended with a,x-Alkane Diols", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Vol.113, 2009, 2843-2850. 86- M. Barmar, M. Barikani, M. Fereidoonnia, "Preparation study of PU Nanocomposites via two different Methods", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology, Vol.21,No.6, 2009,471-476. 87-M.Barikani, H.Honarkar,M.Barikani" Synthesis and Characterization of Polyurethanes Based on Chitosan and Poly (ε-caprolactone)", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Vol.112, 2009, 3157-3165 88- S.M. Taghizadeh, H. Mirzadeh, and M. Barikani, M.Yousefi, "Miscibility and Tack of blends of Poly (vinylpyrrolidone)/ Acrylic Pressure sensitive Adhesive",International journal of Adhesion&Adhesives , 29,2009,302-308. 89- M. fereidoon-nia, M. Barmar, M. Barikani, "Influence of a reactive organoclay on polymerization and properties of polyurethane nanocomposites", Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering (PPTE), 48, 2009, 90-96. 90- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mohammad Zuber, Ijaz Ahmad Bhattia, Mehdi Barikani, Munir Ahmad Sheikh, "Evaluation of biocompatibility and mechanical behaviour of polyurethane elastomers based on chitin/1,4-butane diol blends", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 44,2009,18-22. 91- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mohammad Zuber, Ijaz Ahmad Bhattia, Mehdi Barikani, Munir Ahmad Sheikh, "Evaluation of biocompatibility and mechanical behaviour of chitin based polyurethane elastomers. PartII: Effect of diisocyanate structure" ,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 44,2009,23-28. 92-H.Azizi, J- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Zuber, Ijaz Ahmad Bhattia, Mohammad Barmar, "Surface characteristics of polyurethane elastomers based on chitin/1,4-butanediol blends", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 44,2009,182 -185. 93- H.Honarkar,M.barikani, " Applications of Biopolymers, I: Chitosan", Chemical monthly,Vol.140,No.12,2009,1403-1420. 94- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Zuber and Munir Ahmad Sheikh, "XRD studies of polyurethane elastomers based on chitin/1,4-butane diol blends" , Carbohydrate Polymers, 76,2009,183-187. 95- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Zuber, Ijaz Ahmad Bhattia, Mohammad Barmar, "XRD studies of UV irradiated chitin-based polyurethane elastomers, Carbohydrate Polymers, 77, 2009, 54-58. 96- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mehdi Barikani, Ahmad Mukhtar Khalid, Hengameh Honarkar, Ehsan-ul-Haq, " Surface characteristics of UV-irradiated chitin-based polyurethane elastomers", Carbohydrate Polymers, 77, 2009,621-627. 97-.Morshedian,M.Barikani, "Silane-grafting and moisture crosslinking of polyethylene: the effect of molecular structure", Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology , Vol.15,Issue 3,2009,184-190. 98- Saeed Bakhtiyari, Leila Taghi-Akbari, Mehdi Barikani, "Fire behavior of rigid PUR foam and metal faced PUR sandwich panels and fire hazard assessment" , Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology ,Vol.22,No.3,2009,183-195. 99- E.Altayeb,M.Barikani,A.Mahdavian,H.Honarkar, " The Effect of Cobalt naphthenate and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone on the Photo-Oxidative Degradation of LDPE", Iranian Polymer Journal, 18(9),2009,753-760. 100-G.R.Bakhshandeh, G.Naderi, A.Abolfathi, M.Barikani, A.Parvin, M.H.Astaraki, "Preparation of Nano-ZnO filled NR/BR compound", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology , Vol.22,No.2,2009,117-124. 101- Khalid Mahmood Zia , Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Zuber, Munir Ahmad Sheikh, "Thermo-mechanical characteristics of UV-irradiated polyurethane elastomers extended with a, x-alkane diols ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B , 267(2009) 1811-1816 102- M. Barmar, M. Barikani, "Study on the Behavior of Associative Polyurethane Thickener with a Proper Hydrophilic Segmented Length", Journal of Color Science and Technology, Vol.2, No.4 2009, 249-255. 103- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mohammad Zuber, Mehdi Barikani, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti, Mohammad Bilal Khan, "Surface characteristics of chitin-based shape memory polyurethane elastomers", Colloida and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces, 72(2009) 248-252. 104- S.M. Taghizadeh, H. Mirzadeh, and M. Barikani, A. Sorooshnia, "Evaluation of Adhesion Properties of Acrylic/Silicone Presure Sensitive Adhesion Blends" Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology, Vol.22,No.2,2009,97-105. 105- A. Soroush, J. Barzin, M. Barikani, " Investigation of polymeric additives on morphology and performance in porous layer of nanofiltration composite membranes based on PES", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science& Technology, Vol.23,No.3,2010,213-222. 106-Saeed Bakhtiyari, Leila Taghi-Akbari,Ali Kaveh, Mehdi Barikani, " The Effective Parameters for Reaction-to-fire Properties of Expanded Polystyrene Foams in Bench Scale", Iranian Polymer Journal, 19(1),2010,27-37. 107- M.A.Semsarzadeh,M.Sadeghi, and M.Barikani, "The Effect of Urethane and Urea Content on the Gas Permeation Properties of Poly (urethane-urea) Membranes Journal of Membrane Science. 354, 2010, 40-47. 108-H.Azizi, J.Morshedian,M.Barikani,M.H.Wagner, "Effect of layered silicate nanoclay on the properties of silane crosslinked linear low density polyethylene (lldpe) " eXPRESS Polymer Letters , Vol.4,No.4,2010,252-262. 109- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mohammad Zuber,Mehdi Barikani, Abdul Jabbar,Muhammad Kaleem Khosa, " XRD Pattern of Chitin Based Polyurethane bio-nanocomposites", Carbohydrate Polymers, 80, 2, 2010, 540 - 544 . 110- H.Azizi, J.Morshedian,M.Barikani," Effect of EVA copolymer on the properties of different polyethylenes in silane crosslinking process", Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, Vol39.No.8, 2010,353-363. 111- M.barikani,H.Honarkar,M.Barikani " Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan based Polyurethane Elastomer dispersions" ,Monatsh Chem, 141,2010,653-659. 112- E.Altayeb,M.Barikani,A.Mahdavian,H.Honarkar," An investigation into the UV-photooxidative degradation of LDPE by using cobalt naphthenate as photosensitizer" Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering (PPTE),49,2010,718-724. 113- P.M. Hosseinpour, J.Morshedian , M.Barikani, H.Azizi,"Morphological, Mechanical and Rheological Studies of PVC/ABS Blends in Presence of Maleic Anhydride", Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, Vol.16,Issue2,2010,127-134. 114- M. Barmar,B.Kaffashi, M. Barikani, "Investigation the Uni-Heur thickener performance considering hydrophilic segment length", Colloids & surfaces A; Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 364, 2010, 105-108. 115- M.Barikani,F.Askari,and M.Barmar, "A Comparison of the Effect of Different Flame Retardants on the Compressive Strength and Fire Behaviour of Rigid Polyurethane Foams", Cellular Polymers, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2010,327-342. 116-A.Mojjarrad, Y.Jahani, M.Barikani," Investigation on the correlation between rheology and morphology of PA6/ABS blends using ethylene acrylate terpolymer as compatibilizer", J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 120, 2011, 2173–2182. 117- Sadeghi M, Semsarzadeh M.A, Barikani M, Ghalei B," Study on the Morphology and Gas Permeation Property of Polyurethane Membranes", Journal of Membrane Science, 385-386(2011)-76-85. 118- Sadeghi M, Semsarzadeh M.A, Barikani M, Ghalei B," Gas Separation properties of polyether-based polyurethane-silica nanocomposite membranes", Journal of Membrane Science., 376(2011)-188-195. 119- E.Altayeb,M.Barikani,A.Mahdavian,H.Honarkar, "The effect of Cobalt naphthenate and 2-benzoylbenzoic acid On UV-Degradation of LDPE", Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011,Vol.8.No.3,31-42. 120- H. REZAEI HAGHIGHAT, M. BARIKANI, J. MORSHEDIAN, Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene in the Presence of" Diphenylamine with Hydrogen Peroxide as Initiator", Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol.49,Issue 12,2011,2560-2565. 121- M.Barikani,F.Askari,M.Barikani and M.Barmar,"Effect of Fire Retardants in Improvement of Combustion prevention and Thermal Decomposition of Polyurethane Foams:a Review " Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology,Vol.24,No.1,2011,3-31, 122- Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mohammad Zuber, Mehdi Barikani, Rizwan Hussain, Tahir Jamil, Sohail Anjum,"Cytotoxicity and mechanical behavior evaluation of chitin-bentonite clay based polyurethane bio-nanocomposites", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 49(2011)-1131-1136. 123- H. AZIZI, J. MORSHEDIAN,M. BARIKANI, M. H.WAGNER," Correlation between Molecular Structure Parameters and Network Properties of Silane-Grafted and Moisture Cross-Linked Polyethylenes",Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol. 30, No. 4, 286–300 (2011). 124- A. Soroush, J. Barzin, M. Barikani, M. Fathizadeh, "Interracially polymerized polyamide thin film composite membranes: Preparation, characterization and performance evaluation" Desalination, 278,(2012),310-316. 125-A.R. Shafieizadegan Esfahani, A.A. Katbab , P. Dehkhoda, H.R. Karami, M. Barikani, S.H.H. Sadeghi, A. Ghorbani," Preparation and characterization of foamed polyurethane/silicone rubber/ graphite nanocomposite as radio frequency wave absorbing material: The role of interfacial compatibilization", Composites Science and Technology, 72, Issue3, 2012, 382-389. 126- A.Mojjarrad,Y.Jahani,M.Barikani, " Influence of nanoclay on rheological properties of polyamide 6/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene nanocomposites",, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol.125, E571-E582, 2012. 127- H. REZAEI HAGHIGHAT, M. BARIKANI, J. MORSHEDIAN, "A modified polyurethane elastomer using polyfunctional HTPB synthesized by in-situ nitroxide mediated polymerization of 1,3-butadiene ",Journal of Polymer Engineering, 32,2012,425-434. 128-F.Arjmand,M.Barmar,M.Barikani, "Isocyanate Modification of Wood Fiber in Enhancing the Performance of its Composites with High Density Polyethylene",Polymers from Renewable Resources,Vol.3,No.2,2012. 129- H. Daemi, M. Barikani, "Synthesis and characterization of calcium alginate nanoparticles, sodium homopolymannuronate salt and its calcium nanoparticles" Scientia Iranica, Transactions F: Nanotechnology 19 (2012) 2023–2028 130- Abolfazl Hatami, Seyed Mohammad Seyed Mohaghegh, Mehdi Barikani, “Preparation and Isolation of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Cotton and paper via acid hydrolysis”,Iranian Polymer Journal,Submitted. 131- Mehdi Barikani and Iraj Hasanzadeh, "Effect of different chemical modification system on Thermal and electrical conductivity of functionalized multi wall carbon nanotube-epoxy nanocomposites", Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering (PPTE), 52: 869–876, 2013
132- Majid Barikani, Naghmeh Fazeli, Mehdi Barikani,"Study on thermal property of Polyurethane-Urea elastomers prepared with different dianiline chain extenders", Journal of Polymer Engineering ,33(1),2013,87-94. 133-H.Daemi,M.Barikani,M.Barmar," Compatible Compositions Based on Aqueous Polyurethane Dispersions and Sodium Alginate", Carbohydrate Polymers, 92, 2013, 490– 496 134-M.Sultan, H. N. Bhatti, M. Zuber, M. Barikani "Synthesis and characterization of waterborne polyurethane acrylate copolymers",The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering(KJCE),30(2),2013,488-493. 135- H.Daemi, M.Barikani, M.Barmar,"Highly stretchable nanoalginate based polyurethane elastomers", Carbohydrate Polymers, 95, 2013, 630-636. 136- M. DEKAMIN, M. Ghanbari, M. Moghbeli, M. Barikani & Sh. Javanshir, "Fast and Convenient Synthesis of Cross-Linked Poly(urethane-isocyanurate) in the Presence of Tetrabutylammonium Phthalimide-N-oxyl or Tetraethylammonium 2-(Carbamoyl)benzoate as Efficient Metal-free Cyclotrimerization Catalysts", Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 52, 1127-1132, 2013 137- Hamed Daemi, Reza Rezaieyeh Rad, Mehdi Barikani, Mehdi Adib, "Catalytic activity of aqueous cationic polyurethane dispersions:A novel feature of polyurethanes", Applied Catalysis A: General 468(2013) 10-17 138- Fahimeh Askari, Mehdi Barikani, Mohamad Barmar, "Siloxane-Based Segmented Poly(urethane-urea) Elastomer: Synthesis and Characterization", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2013, 1743-1751 139- Hamed Daemi, Mehdi Barikani*, and Mohammad Barmar ,"Variations in Calcium and Alginate Ions Concentration in Relation to the Properties of Calcium Alginate Nanoparticles", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology,Vol. 26, No. 1, April - May 2013, 25-32 140- Fahimeh Askari, Mehdi Barikani†, and Mohammad Barmar, "Study on thermal stability of polyurethane-urea based on polysiloxane and polycaprolactone diols", Korean J. Chem. Eng.,30(11), 2093-2099 (2013) 141- Abbas Mohammadi Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Barmar, "Effect of surface modification of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on thermal and mechanical properties of magnetic polyurethane elastomer nanocomposites", J Mater Sci (2013) 48:7493–7502 142- H. REZAEI HAGHIGHAT, M. BARIKANI, J. MORSHEDIAN, "Preparation of HTPB-based polyurethane elastomer using polyfunctional HTPB synthesized via in-situ nitroxide mediated polymerization of 1,3-butadiene: 1) Synthesis, characterization and mechanical properties study",Journal of Energetic Materials, Vol. 8 No.2 Serial No.19, Summer 2013 143- Abbas Mohammadi Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Barmar," Effect of polyol structure on the properties of the resultant magnetic polyurethane elastomer nanocomposites", Polym. Adv. Technol. 2013, 24 978–985 144- MISBAH SULTAN, HAQ NAWAZ BHATTI, MOHAMMAD ZUBER, MEHDI BARIKANI AND TAHIR JAMIL, "Structure-Property Relationship and Structural Study of Polyurethane-Urea Elastomers”, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan.Volume 36, No. 4, AUGUST 2014 145- Hengameh Honarkar and Mehdi Barikani "Nanoclay Dispersion and its Effect on Properties of Waterborne Polyurethanes", Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 5, December 2013 - January 2014, 393-401 146- Hamed Daemi, Reza Rezaieyeh Rad, Mehdi Adib, Mehdi Barikani,"Sodium alginate: A renewable and very effective biopolymer catalyst for the synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones", Scientia Iranica C, (2014) 21(6),2076-2081 147- Poria Kaveh, Mehrzad Mortezaei1, Mehdi Barikani, and Ghader Khanbabaei, "Low-Temperature Flexible Polyurethane/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites: Effect of Polyols and Graphene Oxide on Physicomechanical Properties and Gas Permeability", Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 53: 1–12, 2014 148- Mohammad Reza Rahnama,. Mehdi Barikani,.Mohammad Barmar,.HengamehHonarkar, "An investigation into the effect of different nanoclays on polyurethane nanocomposites properties" , Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering,Vol.53,Issue 8,801-810, 2014 149- F.Askari, Mehdi Barikani, M.Barmar, "siloxane-based segmented poly(urethane-urea) elastomer: synthesis and characterization", Iranian Polymer Journal, 150- Mehdi Barikani, Erfan Oliaei, Hadi Seddiqi, Hengameh Honarkar, "Preparation and Application of Chitin and its derivatives: a review", Iranian Polymer Journal, (2014) 23:307–326 151 - Hamed Daemi - Mehdi Barikani - Mohammad Barmar, "Synthesis and characterization of aqueous polyurethane dispersions under mild and catalyst-free conditions",2014 152-Abbas Mohammadi,Hamed Daemi, Mehdi Barikani, "Fast removal of malachite green dye using novel superparamagnetic sodium alginate-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles", , , International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (BIOMAC) 69 (2014) 447–455 153- Hamed Daemi, Mehdi Barikani Molecular engineering of manipulated alginate-based polyurethanes, Carbohydrate Polymers, 112 (2014) 638–647 154- Meisam Barikani; mohammad reza kalaee, Saeedeh Mazinani, Mehdi Barikani,"Surface and mechanical studies of polyurethane-urea/diamond nanocomposites,JMS, submitted,2014 155- Mohammad. R Chashmejahanbin, Hamed Daemi, Mehdi Barikani, Ali Salimi, Noteworthy impacts of polyurethane-urea ionomers as the efficient polar coatings on adhesion strength of plasma treated polypropylene, Applied Surface Science 317 (2014) 688–695 156-Abbas Mohammadi, Mehdi Barikani,"Synthesis and characterization of Superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with thiodiglycol", Materials Characterization, 90(2014),88-93. 157-A.Mohammadi, M.Lakoraj, Mehdi Barikani, Synthesis and properties investigation of thiacalix[4]arenes-based polyurethane elastomers , Polymer International, Vol.63,Issue(3),2015,421-429 158- Meisam Barikani, mohammad reza kalaee, Saeedeh Mazinani Mehdi Barikani, In-Situ Polymerization and characterization of polyurethane-urea/diamond nanocomposites, Advances in Chemical and Biological Engineering ,2015,01(02), 01-12. 159- Milad Momtaz, Mohammad Razavi-Nouri, Mehdi Barikani, Effect of block ratio and strain amplitude on thermal, structural, and shape memory properties of segmented polycaprolactonebased polyurethanes
J Mater Sci (2014) 49:7575–7584 160- Hamed Daemi, Mehdi Barikani, Future trends in conductive Polyurethanes based on Polyacetylene, Iranian Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 12 - No. 70 (2014) 63-73. 161- Abbas Mohammadi, Moslem Mansour Lakouraj, Mehdi Barikani,Preparation and characterization of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arene imbedded flexible polyurethane foam: an efficient novel cationic dye adsorbent
Reactive and Functional Polymers , 83,(2014),14-23
162- Hamed Daemi, Mehdi Barikani,Mohammad Barmar, A simple approach for morphology tailoring of alginate particles by manipulation ionic nature of polyurethanes.International journal of biological macromolecules, 66 (2014) 212–220
163- Mohammad Emamikia, Mehdi Barikani, Gholamreza Bakhshandeh, Molar Mass Evaluation and Structural Investigation of Hyperbranched Polyesters Based on High Functionality Core, , Polymer International, vol.64,issue 4,2015,521-529.
164- Mohammad G. Dekamin, Siamand Ilkhanizadeh,Zahra Latifidoost, Hamed Daemi, Zahra Karimi and Mehdi Barikani, Alginic acid: a highly efficient renewable and heterogeneous bio-polymeric catalyst for one-pot synthesis of the Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridines, RSC Adv. 2014, 56658-56664 165- Mohammad Emamikia, , Gholamreza Bakhshandeh, Study of negative substitution and monomer self-condensation effects on molar mass and structural characteristics of hyperbranched polyesters originating from a high-functionality core Polymer International, Vol. 64, Issue 9, pages 1142–1154, Sept. 2015 166- Hassan Ebadi-Dehaghani, Hossein Ali Khonakdar, Mehdi Barikani, , Seyed Hassan Jafari, Experimental and theoretical analyses of mechanical properties of PP/PLA/Clay nanocomposites, Composites Part B, 69 (2015) 133-144. 167- Hengameh Honarkar, Mohammad Barmar, and Mehdi Barikani, Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Waterborne Polyurethanes Based on Two Different Ionic Centers, Fibers and Polymers 2015, Vol.16, No.4, 718-725 168- Milad Momtaz, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Razavi-Nouri,Effect of ionic group content on thermal and structural properties of polycaprolactone‑based shape memory polyurethane ionomers, Iran Polym J (2015) 24:505–513 169- H Ebadi-Dehaghani, M Barikani,Barikani, HA Khonakdar, SH Jafari , Microstructure and non-isothermal crystallization behavior of PP/PLA/clay hybrid nanocomposites, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 1-12,2015, DOI 10.1007/s10973-015-4554-8 170-Abbas Mohammadi, Mehdi Barikani Mohammad Barmar," Synthesis and investigation of thermal and mechanical properties of in situ prepared biocompatible Fe3O4/polyurethane elastomer nanocomposites", Polym. Bull. (2015) 72:219–234 171- Hassan Ebadi-Dehaghani, Mehdi Barikani, , Hossein Ali Khonakdar Seyed Hassan Jafari, Udo Wagenknecht, Gert Heinrich, On O 2 gas permeability of PP/PLA/clay nanocomposites: A molecular dynamic simulation approach - Polymer Testing, 45, (2015), 139-151. 172-- Meisam Barikani; mohammad reza kalaee, Saeedeh Mazinani, Mehdi Barikani, Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Properties of Polyurethane-Urea Nanocomposite with Nanodiamond, Journal of Color Science and Technology,2015,55-63 173- Meisam Barikani, mohammad reza kalaee, Saeedeh Mazinani Mehdi Barikani,Nanodiamond and its polymeric nanocomposites, Iranian Chemical Ingineering Journal,Vol.14,No.80,2015 174- Rezaei Haghighat H, Barikani M, Morshedian J. "Preparation of HTPB-based polyurethane elastomer using polyfunctional HTPB synthesized by in-situ nitroxide mediated polymerization of 1,3-butadiene: 2) Dynamic- mechanical properties study",Journal of Energetic Materials, Vol. 10 No.1 , 13-22, 2015 175- H Honarkar, M Barmar, M Barikani, P Shokrollahi," Synthesis and characterization of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based waterborne polyurethane nanocomposites", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 33 (1), 319-329.2015 176-Hassan Ebadi-Dehaghani, Hossein Ali Khonakdar, Mehdi Barikani, Seyed Hassan Jafari, Udo Wagenknecht, Gert Heinrich, An investigation on compatibilization threshold in the interface of polypropylene/ Polylactic Acid Blends Using Rheological Studies, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology,vol.22 Issue 1,19-28,2016 177- I Hasanzadeh, M Barikani, AR Mahdavian,"Ultrasound‐assisted emulsion polymerization of poly (methyl methacrylate‐co‐butyl acrylate): Effect of initiator content and temperature", Polymer Engineering & Science,,214-221, 2016 178- I Hasanzadeh, AR Mahdavian, M Barikani, "Preparation of acrylic/MWNTs nanocomposite latexes via ultrasonically-assisted emulsion polymerization: A comparative study" European Polymer Journal 75, 104-115,2016 179- H Daemi, S Rajabi-Zeleti, H Sardon, M Barikani, A Khademhosseini, ... "A Robust Super-Tough Biodegradable Elastomer Engineered by Supramolecular Ionic Interactions", Biomaterials, ,84,54-63,2016 180- H Daemi, M Barikani, M Jahani," Polyurethane nanomicelles: a novel eco-friendly and efficient polymeric ionic solvent for the Cannizzaro reaction", NewJ.Chem., 2016, 40, 2121 181- H Honarkar, M Barmar, Mehdi Barikani," New Sulfonated Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersions: Preparation and Characterization", Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,37,1219-1225,2016 182-H. Ebadi-Dehaghani, H. A. Khonakdar, Mehdi Barikani, S. H. Jafari, U. Wagenknecht,G. Heinrich, "On localization of clay nanoparticles in polypropylene/poly(lactic acid) blend nanocomposites: Correlation with mechanical properties ", Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B , 55,344-360, 2016; DOI:10.1080/00222348.2016.1151475, February 2016 · 183- MG Dekamin, SZ Peyman, Z Karimi, S Javanshir, MR Naimi-Jamal, M.Barikani," Sodium alginate: An efficient biopolymeric catalyst for green synthesis of 2-amino-4H-pyran derivatives", International journal of biological macromolecules 87, 172-179,2016 184- H Daemi, S Rajabi-Zeleti, H Sardon, M Barikani, A Khademhosseini, ... Seaweed makes super-tough biomaterial, Materials Today, 19(4),187, 2016 185-Abbas Mohammadi, Mehdi Barikani,Moslem Mansour Lakouraj, "Biocompatible polyurethane/thiacalix[4]arenes functionalized Fe3O4 magnetic nanocomposites: Synthesis and properties", Materials Science & Engineering C,Materials for biological applications, 66,108-118,2016 186-Abbas Mohammadi, Mehdi Barikani,Moslem Mansour Lakouraj,"Waterborne polyurethane based on macrocyclic thiocalix[4]arene as novel emulsifiers:Synthesis,Characterization and anticorrosion properties",RSC Advances, 6,87539-87554,2016. 187-Abdollahi, Salimi,Barikani, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,2016 188- Hamed Daemi, Mehdi Barikani, Haritz Sardon, Transition-metal-free synthesis of supramolecular ionic alginate-based polyurethanes, Carbohydr Polym , 157:1949-1954. 2017 189- Fahimeh Askari, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Barmar, Parvin Shokrollahi, Polyurethane/amino-grafted multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites: Microstructure, thermal, mechanical, and rheological properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 134, Issue 4, January 20,page 44411, 2017 190- H.Abdollahi, Salimi, Mehdi Barikani, New synthesis processes of polyetheramines: comparison of three different developed amination routes, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,Volume 32,Issue 11,Page 1296-1303,2017 191- Shazia Naheed, Mohammad Zuber,Mehdi Barikani, Khalid Zia,"Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics of Shape Memory Polyurethane Varying Molecular Weight of Polyol", Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 29, No. 5 (2017), 951-959 192- Shahla Hajializadeh, Mehdi Barikani, Samad M. Bellah, Synthesis and characterization of Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Waterborne Polyurethane Nanocomposites,Polymer International,Volume66, Issue7,page1074-1083, 2017 193- Shazia Naheed , Mohammad Zuber , Mehdi Barikani," Synthesis and thermo-mechanical investigation of macrodiol-based shape memory polyurethane elastomers" International Journal of Materials Research downloaded from by Hanser - Library on May 11,2017 194- H.Abdollahi, Salimi, Mehdi Barikani "Synthesis and architecture study of a reactive polybutadiene polyamine as a toughening agent for epoxy resin", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 133, Issue 40, oct.2016 195- B. Gholizadeh · A. Arefazar · Mehdi Barikani · M. Hemmati "Polar/nonpolar gas transfer through PEO-based copolymers membranes" , Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A,vol.54,issue 11,pages-796-804, Nov 2017 196-Mohammad G. Dekamin,Zahra Karimi, Zahra Latifidoost,[...] , Mehdi Barikani ,"Alginic acid: A mild and renewable bifunctional heterogeneous biopolymeric organocatalyst for efficient and facile synthesis of polyhydroquinolines", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Nov 2017
II-Conference Papers:
1- M.Barikani & H.Omidian, "Formulation Design of Adhesives used in Honeycomb Construction", Presented in 2nd Iranian Conference on Polymer Science and Technology. Tehran, Iran, 1991.
2- M.Barikani & H.omidian, "Optimization of shear and peel stresses in adhesive joints involving a vulcanizable rubber and a thermoset resin", 4th International conference, VERBUNDWERK 92, July, 1-3, 1992. Main-Hallen, Wiesbaden, Germany. 3- M.Barikani, E.Simova & M.Kavehrad ,"Real-time Holographic Recording in Dichromated Polyvinyl alcohol films: Investigation on some external Electron donors and effect of Humidity". fifth International Symposium on Display Holography July 18-22, 1994. Lake forest College, U.S.A., SPIE Proceedings vol. 2333,(paper #2333-15), 1995. 4- M.Barikani & Z.Y.Wang, "Synthesis & Characterization of Polyimides based on Bis (4-Amino Phenoxybenzoyl) biphenol and 1,2,4,5 benzene tetracarboxylic dianhydride". Proceedings of the International Seminar of Polymer Science & Technology, 2-4 May 1994, Shiraz, Iran,949-959. 5- M.Barikani & M.Haghshenas, " Rheology of filled Polyurethane Resin with filler". International Seminar of Polymer Science & Technology, 2-4 May 1994, Shiraz, Iran. 6- M.Barikani , M.Barmar," Synthesis of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers: Effect of Structural parameter on their properties", International Seminar of Polymer Science & Technology, 2-4 May 1994, Shiraz, Iran. 7- M.Barikani, M.Gholkar, M.Haghshenas, "A. study on the effect of filler on Rheology and Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane", First Chemical Engineering Congress, Tarbiat Modarres University, 1994. 8- M Barikani, ES Simova, M Kavehrad , "Real-time holographic recording in dichromated polyvinyl alcohol films: investigations on some …" Proceedings of SPIE, 1995 - 9- M Barikani, E Simova, M Kavehrad, Fifth International Symposium on Display Holography: …, 1995 - Society of Photo Optical, University of Ottawa, Dept. of Electr. Eng., 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ont. KIN 6N5 Canada. 10- M.Barikani," Polymer in Holography", Third International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials. Jan 16-20, 1995, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 11- M.Barikani, M.Ehsani," Synthesis and Properties of Urethane Modified Alkyd Resins", Proceedings of the International Seminar of Polymer Science & Technology, 3-5 Nov. 1997, Tehran, Iran,254-255. 12- M.Barikani, G.Mirmohammad Sadeghi, "Closed Cell, Rigid and Crosslinked PVC foam, Study the Effective Parameters on Foam Properties", Proceedings of the International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, 3-5 Nov. 1997, Tehran, Iran,348-352. 13- M.Barikani, SH.Mehdipour Ataei, "Preparation and Properties of Polyimides from Diisocyanates", Proceedings of the International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 3-5 Nov. 1997, Tehran, Iran,174-177. 14- M.Barikani, SH.Mehdipour," Synthesis and Properties of New Poly(uretane-imide) Thermoplastic Elastomers", 13th Congress of Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Tarbiat Modarres, 16-18 Feb. ,1999 ,Tehran, Iran. 15- M.Barikani, N.Sharifi & N.Asim," Effect of Talc Additive on Physical and Mechanical properties Polypropylene and it’s Blends", 13th Congress of Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Tarbiat Modarres, 16-18 Feb., 1999, Tehran, Iran. 16- M.Barikani & H.Yeganeh," Synthesis and Characterization of New Diisocyanates with Imide's Structure", 13th Congress of Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Tarbiat Modarres, 16-18 Feb., 1999, Tehran, Iran. 17- M.Brikani & SH.Mehdipor," Preparation and Properties of New Aromatic. Polyamides and Polyimides", 13th Congress of Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Tarbiat Modarres, 16-18 Feb., 1999 ,Tehran, Iran. 18- M.Barikani, M.J.Abdekhodaie & A.R.Mohseni," Use of New Drug Delivery System for Iodine", 4th Congress of Iranian Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology ,March 1999, Tehran, Iran. 19- H. Yeganeh, M. Barikani, F. Noei Khodabadi," Self-Colored Polyurethane Based on Anthraquinone", 7th Iranian Organic Chemistry Conference, 12-13 Sep. 1999, University of Tehran, Tehran-Iran. 20- Sh. Mehdipour Ataei, H. Yeganeh & M. Barikani," Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Diisocyanates and the Respective Polyimides and Poly(imide-urethane)", 7th Iranian Organic Chemistry Conference, 12-13 Sep. 1999, University of Tehran, Tehran-Iran. 21- Sh. Mehdipour Ataei, H. Yeganeh & M. Barikani," Synthesis and Properties of Novel Optically Active Polyimides", 7th Iranian Organic Chemistry Conference, 12-13 Sep. 1999, University of Tehran, Tehran-Iran. 22- H.Yeganeh,M.Barikani&F.N.Khodabadi, "Polyol-Bound Colorants for Polyurethane Foam Dying,"8th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry,May,16-18,2000,Kashan University, Iran . 23- M. Mirzataheri, M. Barikani, "Synthesis of monodisperse PTMEG with controlled molecular weight ", 8th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, May 16-18, 2000, Kashan University, Iran. 24- M.Barikani,Sh. Mehdipour Ataei &H.Yeganeh, "Synthesis and Properties of Novel Optically Active Polyimides" World Polymer Congress ,IUPAC MACRO 2000 ,Warsaw ,Poland ,9-14 July 2000 . 25-A.Javadi, M.Barikani,and H.Nazocdast, "Preparation and Properties of Thermoplastic Elastomers of Polyurethane/Polystyrene Blendes", Fifth Seminar on Polymer Science& technology, Amirkabir University of Technology,12-14 Sept.2000.Tehran,Iran. 26- G.M. M. Sadeghi,J.Morshedian, M.Barikani, "Determination of OH-number and Functionality of Polybutadiene-ol by FTIR andNMR Spectrocopy", Fifth Seminar on Polymer Science&Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology,12-14 Sept.2000,Tehran,Iran. 27- M. Barikani, Sh.Mehdipour-Ataie, "Synthesis ,Characterization and Thermal Properties of Novel Arylene Sulfone Ether Polyimides and Polyamides", Fifth Seminar on Polymer Science &Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology,12-14 Sept.2000,Tehran, Iran. 28- A.Javadi, M. Barikani, H. Nazokdast, "Preparation and Properties Of Thermoplastic Elastomer of PolyureThane Preparation and Properties Of Thermoplastic Elastomer of PolyureThane/ Polystyrence blends", Fifth Seminar on Polymer Science &Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology,12-14 Sept.2000,Tehran, Iran. 29- A.Ahmadzadeh, M.Barikani," Study the use of PU/SBR blends in Tire tread",4th Iranian National Seminar on Rubber,10-11 March 2001,Yazd,Iran. 30- G.M.M.Sadeghi,J.Morshedian,M.Barikani,"MicoStructure study ofPolybutadiene diol by FTIR andH-NMR", 6th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering,8-11 May 2001,Esfahan,Iran. 31- M.Barmar,M.Barikani,"Synthesis and Characterization of Associative Polyurethane based Thickener",6th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering,8-11 May 2001,Esfahan,Iran. 32- M.MirzaTaheri,M.Barikani," Synthesis and Properties of Poly(p-phenylene Terephthalamide) Fibres",6th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering,8-11 May 2001,Esfahan,Iran. 33- Sh.Mehdipour Ataie, M.Barikani, "Synthesis and Properties ofPolyamide-imide prepared from Diisocyanates",6th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering,8-11 May 2001,Esfahan,Iran. 34- M.Barmar, M.Barikani, B.kaffashi, "Effect of OH/NCO Molar Ratio on Properties of Polyurethane based Thickener",First National Seminar on Paint Science& Technology,19-20 May 2001,Tehran,Iran. 35- G.M.M.Sadeghi,J.Morshedian,M.Barikani," Study the effect of physical condition on the properties of polybutadiene-ol synthesized by Radical Polymerization of 1,3 Butadiene in the Presence of H2O2",7th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress,28-31 October,2002,University of Tehran,Tehran,Iran. 36- G.M.M.Sadeghi,J.Morshedian,M.Barikani," Study the effect of solvent on Microstructure of Polybutadiene-ol End Groups produced by Radical Polymerization of 1,3 Butadiene in the Presence of H2O2",IUPAC Polymer Conference on the Mission and Challenges of Polymer Science and Technology (IUPAC-PC 2002),December 2-5,2002, Kyoto, Japan. 37- G.M.M.Sadeghi,J.Morshedian,M.Barikani, "On the effect of Initiator to Monomer Ratio on the Properties of Polybutadiene-ol Synthesized by Radical Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene", IUPAC Polymer Conference on the Mission and Challenges of Polymer Science and Technology (IUPAC-PC 2002),December 2-5,2002, Kyoto, Japan. 38- M.Mohaghegh,M.Barikani, " Preparation, Study the Physical Property and Particle Size measurement of water dispersed polyurethane elastomers", Nanotechnology, Future Industrial Revolution,5-6 March 2002,Tehran,Iran. 39- H.Saidpour,M.Barikani, "Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Low Temperature Cure Carbon/Epoxy Prepregs", ICCE/9 ,July 1-6,2002, San Diego, USA. 40- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani, “The Effective Parameters on the Microstructure of H2O2 initiated Polybutadiene-ol Obtained by Solution Radical Polymerization “ 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2003),12-15 May 2003, Tehran,Iran. 41- M. Barikani, “Industrial Research on Polymeric Materials: Future Trend “ 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2003),12-15 May 2003, Tehran,Iran. 42- M. Barmar, M. Barikani, B. Kaffashi, “The Effect of Hydrophilic Section Sizes on Intrinsic Viscosity Values of HEUR Thickeners” 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2003),12-15 May 2003, Tehran,Iran. 43- M. Barikani, H.Saidpour, “Quantitative Measurement of Fibre Distribution in Unidirectional Glass Fibre/Epoxy Composite Materials “ 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2003),12-15 May 2003,Tehran,Iran. 44- Y. Jahani, M.Barikani, “The Role of Side Chain Branch in Melt Properties of Polypropylene Blends for Foam Application “6thIranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2003),12-15 May 2003, ,Tehran,Iran. 45- M. Barmar, V. Ribitsch, B. Kaffashi, M. Barikani, Z. Sarreshtehdari, J. Pfragner “Influence of Prepolymer Molecular Weight on the Rheological Properties of Aqueous HEUR Solutions” POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials,11, Jan.7-10,2003,UNT, Denton,USA. 46- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani, “Kinetic Study of 1,3 butadiene radical polymerization reaction in presence of H2O2 for synthesis of polybutadiene-ol”; 8th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress,Mashad University,21-23 October 2003,Mashad,Iran. 47- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani, “Effective parameter on molecular wieght of polybutadiene synthesized by Radical Polymerization of 1,3 Butadiene in the Presence of H2O2” , 8th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress,Mashad University,21-23 October 2003,Mashad,Iran. 48- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani, “ Hydroxyl end group study of polybutadiene-ol synthesized by Radical Polymerization of 1,3 Butadiene in the Presence of hydrogen peroxide and suggestion for reaction mechanism”, 8th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Mashad University,21-23 October 2003,Mashad,Iran. 49- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani, “Synthesis and Characterization of novel Waterborne Polyurethane”, 53rd Canadian Chemical Engineering (CSChE2003/PRES’03) Conference in Hamilton, Ontario, October 26-29,2003. 50- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani ,”New Aspects on the Microstructure of Polybutadiene-ol Synthesized by Solution Radical Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene in the presence of H2O2” 41 st Biennial Meeting of the German Colloid Society in conjunction with the Bayreuth Polymer Symposium BPS ’03, September 28 - 30, 2003 Bayreuth, Germany. 51- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani ,”"Evaluation of a synthesized Hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene with controlled reactivity to use in reactive extrusion of polyurethanes" ASI-NATO Macromolecules 2003, Pisa, Italy, 6-16 Oct.2003,. 52- M.Barmar, M.Barikani, B.kaffashi, “Study the effect of molecular weight on association behaveour of polyurethane thickeners used in water based coating”, 3rd Seminar on Paint Science& Technology, Tehran, Iran ,1-2 February, 2004,. 53- M.Barmar, M.Barikani, B.kaffashi, “Evaluation the effect of molecular weight on thickening efficiency of polyurethane thickeners used in water based coating”, 3rd Seminar on Paint Science& Technology, Tehran, Iran ,1-2 February, 2004,. 54- M. Barikani, H.Saidpour, “Determination of fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation of carbon fibre reinforced composites using image processing techniques”, World Polymer Congress MACRO2004, Paris ,France, July 4-9, 2004. 55- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani, “The Effect of solvent on the kinetics of polymerization reaction in the synthesis of polybutadiene-ol in the presence of H2O2” World Polymer Congress MACRO2004, Paris ,France, July 4-9, 2004. 56- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani,” The effect of Solvent on the Microstructure and Nature of Hydroxy end groups of synthesized polybutadiene ol by polymerization of 1,3-butadiene” World Polymer Congress MACRO2004, Paris ,France, July 4-9, 2004. 57- G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani,” Polyurethane Networks based on high vinyl polybutediene –ol: The effect of hard segment content on the properties of synthesized polyurethanes”, World Polymer Congress MACRO2004, Paris ,France, July 4-9, 2004. 58- M.Barmar, M.Barikani, B.kaffashi, “The effect of Hydrophobic Section length on the Thickening efficiency of HEUR associative Polymers”, World Polymer Congress MACRO2004, Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004. 59- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,”Preparation and Properties of grafted polyurethane elastomer with poly(ethylene glycol monomethyl ether)”, World Polymer Congress MACRO2004, Paris ,France, July 4-9, 2004. 60-M.Barikani, “Polymer and Environment”, The First National Conference for Promotion of Public Awareness on Environmental Protection, Tehran, Iran, July 13-15, 2004. 61- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, “A new method for preparation of aqueous polyurethane dispersions” ,9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 23-25 November ,2004. 62- M.Mohammadi, M.Barikani, “Preparation and study of mixing ,Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Polyethylene” 5scce&3scpe,Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 8-10 March, 2005, 63-M.Valipoor, M.Barikani, “Preparation and Characterization of aqueous dispersion polyurethane coating with ionic and hydrophobic segment” ISPST- 2005, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September 2005. 64- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami “Enzymatic synthesis and characterization of a water –borne, conducting Polyaniline by polyurethane Ionomers as new templates”, ISPST- 2005, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September 2005. 65- M. Mohammadi, M. Barikani, “Preparation And Characterization Of New Hydrophobe Copolymers Based On Starch Grafted With Diisocyanate Terminated Polycaprolactone”, ISPST- 2005, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September 2005. 66- M. Mohammadi, M. Barikani, “Preparation and Study of Biodegradable LDPE/ Starch/ Polycaprolactone Compounds”, ISPST- 2005, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September 2005. 67- Y.Jahani, M.Barikani, “Melt Elasticity and Foaming Behavior of Linear and Branched PP Ternary Blends” , ISPST- 2005, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September 2005. 68- M. Barikani, M. Barmar, M. fereidoon-nia, “Clay containing polymeric nanocomposites: a review from preparation to properties”, ISPST- 2005, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September 2005. 69 - G. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, J. Morshedian,. M. Barikani “The Effect of Functionality of HTPB on the Properties of Synthesized Polyurethanes Based on Low and High vinyl HTPB”, ISPST- 2005, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,27-29 September 2005. 70- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, “Enzymatic synthesis and characterization of conducting Polyaniline by polyurethanes Ionomers as new tgemplates”, European Polymer Congress , Moscow ,June 27 - July 1, 2005, 71-S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, “Synthesis and Thermal behavior of poly (ethyleneoxide) poly (N-substituted urethane” , 10th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress,University of Sistan & Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran,15-17 November 2005. 72-M.Barikani, “Future trend in Polymer Research” , 10th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress,University of Sistan & Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran, 15-17 November 2005. 73- Morteza Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Semsarzadeh, Mehdi Barikani,Homayoon Moaddel, "Effect of silica Nano particle on gas permeability of polybenzimidazole membrane" ,Student Nano Conference, University of Tarbiat Modarres , March 2006. 74-Y.Jahani,M.Barikani, “Effect of Molecular Architecture on Foaming Behavior of Linear snd Branched PP Ternary Blends” , PPS-22, Yamagata, Japan, July 2-6.2006. 75- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, “Biochemical synthesis of waterborne coducting molecular complex of polyaniline and polyurethane ionomers as new templates” ,111 International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites,Ischia,Italy,18-22 June 2006. 76- M.Valipoor, M.Barikani,S.M. Mohaghegh, “Synthesis and Characterization of aqueous Ionic Dispersed Polyurethanes” , The 11th National Congress on Chemical Engineering, University of Tarbiat Modarres ,28-30 November, 2006. 77- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, “Biochemical synthesis of waterborne conducting molecular complex of polyaniline and polyurethane Ionomers as new templates –” , 41st International Symposium on Macromolecules - IUPAC World Polymer Congress MACRO 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America, 16-21 July 2006. 78-E.Rezaei zare,N.Sharifi sanjani.M.Barikani,A.Ranji, “ Effect of Treating fillers and Nucleating agents by stearic acid on polyethylene foam properties” 13th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry,Bu-Ali Sina University,Hamadan,Iran,7-9 Sept.2006. 79- E.Rezaei zare,N.Sharifi sanjani.M.Barikani,A.Ranji, “Effect of Nucleating Agent on Properties of Polyethylene Foam”, 6scce&4scpe,University of Esfahan,Esfahan,Iran,Sept.2006. 80- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, "Synthesis and Thermal behavioue of poly(ethylene oxide) poly(N-substituted urethane),MoDest 2006 ,Fourth International Conference on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilization,10-14thSeptember 2006,San Sebastian, Spain. 81- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani ,"Waterborne polyurethane dispersions; synthesis and properties",1th International IUPAC conference on green sustainable chemistry,September 10-15-2006,Dresden,Germany 82- M. Barmar, M. Barikani, "Preparation and study the thickening behavior of a polyurethane in polyvinyl acetate and acrylic esters latexes", The 11th National Congress on Chemical Engineering, University of Tarbiat Modarres ,28-30 November, 2006. 83- Y.Jahani,M.Barikani, "1. PROCESS OPTIMIZATION AND EVALUATION OF LOW DENSITY EXTRUSION FOAMING BEHAVIOR OF BRANCHED AND LINEAR POLYPROPYLENE BLENDS", INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE PENTRU CHIMIE ŞI PETROCHIMIE, ICECHIM, Bucureşti, 26-27 octombrie 2006. 84- A. Javadi, M. Barikani and H.Nazokdast, "The effect of mixing conditions and blend compositions on mechanical properties of TPU/PS blends", the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Petrochemicals and Polymers (ICAPP2007), June 25-28 2007, Bangkok, Thailand. 85- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, " BIOCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF WATERBORNE CONDUCTING MOLECULAR COMPLEX OF POLYANILINE AND POLYURETHANE IONOMERS AS NEW TEMPLATES III" , European Polymer Congress, Portoroz, Slovenia,August 2007. 86- M. Barmar, M. Barikani, M. fereidoon-nia, " Considerable improvement of thermal stability of TPUE by preparation of PU/clay via melt intercalation process", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 87- M. Barikani, H.Honarkar, " Synthesis and Characterization of Polyurethanes Based on Chitosan and Poly (ε-caprolactone " ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 88- M.Sadeghi, M.A.Semsarzadeh, M.Barikani ," Effect of hard segment content on the gas separation properties of Polyurethane Membranes", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 89- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani,A.Entezami, "Biochemical synthesis of waterborne conducting molecular complex of polyalanine and polyurethance ionomers as new templates " UKPCF 2007 International Conference on Polymer Colloids, UK, Warwick University 16-18 sept. 2007. 90- M. Mohammadi, M. Barikani," Preparation of starch-g-polycaprolactone by solution grafting reaction", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 91- M. Mohammadi, M. Barikani," New hydrophobic starch: synthesis and study by contact angle measurement and SEM", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 92- M. Mohammadi, M. Barikani, "Effect of toluene diisocyanate terminated polycaprolactone on mechanical properties of polyethylene/ starch blends", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 93- M. Mohammadi, M. Barikani,Study of the melt temperature and torque during blending of PE with starch", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 94- M. Barikani, " Synthesis and Characterization of Biodegradable Polyurethane extended with Polysaccharides", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 95- S.M. Taghizadeh, H. Mirzadeh, and M. Barikani, M. Yousefi,"The Investigation on Miscibility of Acrylic /Poly (vinylpyrrolidone) Blends", ISPST2007 , 23-25 Oct.2007,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 96- S.M. Taghizadeh, H. Mirzadeh, and M. Barikani, M. Yousefi," Adhesion properties of Acrylic/ Poly (vinylpyrrolidone) Pressure Sensitive Adhesive blends", ISPST2007, 23-25 Oct.2007, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 97- Morteza Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Semsarzadeh,Homayoon Moaddel, Mehdi Barikani,"Effect of Polyol and chain extender length on the gas separation properties of Polyurethane", IMSTC 2007,New South Wales,Australia,2007. 98- Barikani, H.Honarkar," Synthesis and Characterization of Water-borne Polyurethane Blended with Chitosan ", The 5thInternational Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2008),2-5 January, 2008, Kish Island, Iran. 99- A.Javadi, M. Barikani, H. Nazokdast, "The effect of the thermoplastic polyurathane particle size on toughening of polystyrene matrix", PPS -24, June 15-19 2008, Salerno, Italy. 100- S.M. Mohaghegh, M.Barikani, Barmar, M. and Bavafa, "Effect of clay modification on fracture behaviour of PP/clay nanocomposites", 5th ESIS TC4 Conference, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 7-11 September 2008. 101- Khalid Mahmood Zia1, Mohammad Zuber2, Mehdi Barikani3, Haq Nawaz Bhatti1, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti1, "Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Biodegradable Chitin Based Polyurethane Elastomers with Potential as Biomedical Implants ", APA INTERNATIONAL conference on Advances in Polymer science and technology INDIA ,28-31 January 2008. 102- Sadeghi, M., Semsarzadeh, M. A., Barikani, M.,"Structure –gas separation properties relationship of Polyurethane membranes", Polychar 16, Lucknow,India,16-21 Feb.2008. 103- Khalid Mahmood Zia1, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti1, Mehdi Barikani2, Mohammad Zuber3, Haq Nawaz Bhatti1", Synthesis and Characterization of Chitin Based Shape Memory Polyurethanes ", APA INTERNATIONAL conference on Advances in Polymer science and technology INDIA, 28-31 January 2008. 104-Morteza Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Semsarzadeh, Mehdi Barikani, "The Effect of Urethane and Urea Content on the Gas Separation Properties of Poly(urethane-urea) Membranes" , APA INTERNATIONAL conference on Advances in Polymer science and technology INDIA, 28-31 January 2008. 105- M.Barikani, Barmar, M. S.M. Mohaghegh, and Bavafa, "Preparation of nanoclay using Iranian raw bentonite" 10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference,IICC-10,2008,University of Sistan&Baluchistan,Zahedan,Iran.14-15 May,2008. 106- Mohammad Barmar1, Mehdi Barikani, Mojtaba Fereidoonnia, "Preparation study of PU Nanocomposites via two different Methods", ICNN, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 2008 107- H.Honarkar, M. Barikani ,"Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan based Polyurethanes",15th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran, August 27-29,2008, 108- Morteza Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Semsarzadeh, Mehdi Barikani, "Effect of DMTA as a chain extender on the structure and gas permeability of polyurethane membranes"12th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, 21-23 October, 2008, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran. 109- Mohammad Zuber, Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mehdi Barikani, Ijaz Ahmad Bhatti and Haq Nawaz Bhatti," Preparation and Properties of Chitin Based Polyurethane Nano-composites with Potential as Biomedical Application",2008 International Materials Research Conference(IMRC2008),Symposium I: Biomaterials for Medical Applications, June 9 - 12, 2008, Chongqing, China 110- Pegah Mohammad Hoseinpour, Jalil Morshedian, Mehdi Barikani, Hamed Azizi,"Compatibility Investigation of PVC/ABS Blends in Presence of MAH", ISPST 2009,17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 111- M. Fereidoonnia, M. Barmar , M. Barikani* "FTIR Spectroscopy Study of Nanoclay-filled Polyurethane Elastomers Prepared via In-situ Polymerization", ISPST 2009,17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 112- Eltayeb E., Honarkar H., Barikani* M., Mahdavian A. R., "Photo-oxidative Degradation of LDPE in the Presence of Cobalt Naphthenate and 2-Benzoylbenzoic Acid", Ichec 2009 ,Kish Island,Iran 113- E. Eltayeb, M. Barikani, A. R. Mahdavian, H.Honarkar," Effect of Cobalt Naphthenate Photosensitizer on UV-Photooxidative Degradation of LDPE ", ISPST 2009,17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 114-Pegah Mohammad Hoseinpour, Jalil Morshedian, Mehdi Barikani, Hamed Azizi,"Reactive compatibilization of pvc/abs blends via insitu-polymerization of Polyurethane",ICSAAM 2009 congress ,ECOLE NATIONALED’INGةNIEURS DE TARBES, September 7-10, 2009. 115- Pegah Mohammad Hoseinpour, Jalil Morshedian, Mehdi Barikani, Hamed Azizi, "Compatibilization of pvc/abs blends via addition of abs-g-maleic anhydride", ICSAAM 2009 congress, ECOLE NATIONALED’INGةNIEURS DE TARBES, September 7-10, 2009. 116- Pegah Mohammad Hoseinpour, Jalil Morshedian, Mehdi Barikani, Hamed Azizi, “Reactive compatibilisation of PVC/ABS blends via insitu polymerisation of thermoplastic polyurethane”, AddCon 2009, Cologne, Germany 20-21 October 2009. 117- Khalid Mahmood Zia, , Mehdi Barikani," XRD Pattern of Chitin Based Polyurethane Nanocomposites", ISPST 2009,17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 118- H.Azizi, J.Morshedian,M.Barikani,"Silane Crosslinking of Polyetylenes: The Effect of EVA",ISPST 2009,17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 119- Behzad Najafzadeh, Seyed Mohammad Seyed Mohaghegh, Mehdi Barikani, "Synthesis and characterization of Poly(aniline-o-aminophenol) by chemical oxidative method", Ichec 2009 ,Kish Island,Iran 120- H.Honarkar, M. Barikani,"Preparation and Properties of water dispersed chitosan based polyurethanes" Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, University ofZanjan, Iran, August 27-29, 2009, 121- H.Honarkar, M. Barikani, J. Morshedian, "Preparation and Characterization of degradable starch/polyethylene films" Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, University ofZanjan, Iran, August 27-29, 2009, 122- I.A. Bhatti and M. Barikani, "Morphological Studies of UY-irradiated Chitin Based Polyurethane Elastomers",ISPST 2009,17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 123- A. Soroush, J. Barzin, and M. Barikani, "Investigation the Structural Variation of Iinterfacially Polymerized thin film Composite Membranes", ISPST 2009,17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 124- L. Taghi-Akbari, S. Bakhtiyari, and M. Barikani, "Reaction-to-fire of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foams in bench-scale and Effective Parameters", ISPST 2009, 17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 125- S. Bakhtiyari, L. Taghi-Akbari, and M. Barikani, "Fire Risk Assessment on Metal Faced Polyurethane Sandwich Panels and Polyurethane Foam Core Based on Cone Calorimeter data", ISPST 2009, 17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 126- B. Najafzadeh, S. M. S. Mohaghegh, and M.Barikani, "Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(aniline-co-o-aminophenol)/Silver Composites by Sonochemical Technique", ISPST 2009, 17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 127- Morteza Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Semsarzadeh, Mehdi Barikani,"effect of silica nanoparticle on gas separation properties of polyurethane membrane", Ichec 2009,16-20 November ,Kish Island,Iran 128- B. Najafzadeh, S. M. S. Mohaghegh, and M.Barikani,"Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(aniline-co-o-aminophenol) Silver nano composite",First National conference on Nano and Bioengineering,Shahid BahonarUniversity of Kerman,10-12 November,2009,Kerman,Iran. 129- H.Azizi, J.Morshedian,M.Barikani,"Behavior of different Polyethylene in silane crosslinking process", ISPST 2009, 17-21 October 2009, Tehran,Iran. 130- Pegah Mohammad Hoseinpour, Jalil Morshedian, Mehdi Barikani, Hamed Azizi,"Evaluation of compatibility in PVC/ABS blends in presence of reactively blended thermoplastic polyurethane",PPS2009,18-21 October 2009,Larnaca,Cyorus, 131- S.M. Mohaghegh, Bavafa, M.Barmar, and M.Barikani,"Effect of organic modification on basal spacining of sodium montmorillonite nanoclay",European Polymer Congress, 12-17 July, 2009, Graz, Austria. 132- Pegah Mohammad Hoseinpour, Jalil Morshedian, Mehdi Barikani, Hamed Azizi," Evaluation of Compatibility in PVC/ABS Blends in presence of ABS-Grafted-Maleic Anhydride", PPS-2009, 18th - 21st October, 2009, Larnaca, Cyprus. 133- H.Azizi, J.Morshedian,M.Barikani," Effect of pristine layered silicate motmorillonite (MMT) on the properties of silane crosslinked LLDPE" 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, 7-10 June 2010, Budapest, Hugary, 134- Alireza Jarahha, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Barmar, "Synthesis of Polyurethane Bio-nanocomposite Based on Chitin", MACRO2010, 43rd IUPAC World Polymer Congress, 11-16 july 2010, SECC, Glasgow, UK. 135- Alireza Jarahha, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammd Barmar, "Influence of Nanoclay on Biodegradability of Polyurethane Bio-nanocomposite Based on Chitin", International Conference on INNOVATIVE Research In Engineering and Technology, iCIRET 2010,12-14 August 2010,India. 136- Alireza Jarahha, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Barmar ,"Synthesis of Biodegradable Polyurethane Nanocomposite Based on Chitin",,6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference,NANOTR-VI,15-18 june 2010,Turkey. 137- A. Jarahha, M. Barikani, M. Barmar, "EVALUATION OF BIODEGRADABILITY AND BIOCOMPATIBITIY OF POLYURETHANE BIO-NANOCOMPOSITE", International Congress on Nanoscience and Naonotechnology, 9-11 November 2010, Shiraz, Iran. 138- Alireza Jarahha, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Barmar,"Synthesis and Characterization of Biodegradable Polyurethane Nanocomposite Based on Chitin", The National Chemistry Conference, 12-13 May 2010, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch, Iran. 139- Alireza Jarahha, Mehdi Barikani, Mohammad Barmar, H. Honarkar " Influence of nanoclay on biodegradability of polyurethane bio-nanocomposite based on chitin ",17th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry ,University of Mazandaran,Babolsar,Iran,13-15 October 2010. 140- M. Barikani ,H.Honarkar, "Synthesis and Charaterization of waterborne polyurethane/clay nanocomposites" 17th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry ,University of Mazandaran,Babolsar,Iran,13-15 October 2010. 141- M. Barikani ,H.Honarkar, 17th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry ,University of Mazandaran,Babolsar,Iran,13-15 October 2010. 142- M. Barikani ,M.Rahnama, M. Barmar, H. Honarkar, " Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane clay-nanocomposite by solution method", 17th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry ,University of Mazandaran,Babolsar,Iran,13-15 October 2010. 143- M. Barikani ,M.Momtaz,M.Razavi-Nouri" Synthesis & Characterization of Segmented Shape Memory Polyurethanes: Effect of Soft Segment Length & Hard Segment Content",17th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry ,University of Mazandaran,Babolsar,Iran,13-15 October 2010. 144- A. Jarahha1, M. Barikani, M. Barmar,"SYNTHESIS OF NOVEL POLYURETHANE BIO-NANOCOMPOSITE BASED ON CHITIN", International Congress on Nanoscience and Naonotechnology, 9-11 November 2010, Shiraz, Iran. 145-M.Barikani,Y.Kamangir,G.R.Bakhshandeh,G.Naderi,Sh.Valizadeh,"Study the effect of type and amount of Carbon black on physical properties of millable polyurethane elastomers",10th Iran Rubber Industries Conference &Expo.,Nov.30-Dec.2, 2010,IPPI,Tehran,Iran. 146- M.Barikani,"Future vision in Polymer Science and Technology", invited speaker, 1st National Iranian new chemistry Congress,5-6 may,2011,Shiraz, Iran. 147- M. Barikani ,M.Rahnama, M. Barmar, 27th World Congress of The Polymer Processing Society(PPS-27), Marrakesh,Morocco, May 10-14,2011. 148- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani RELAXATION OF PA6/ABS/NANOCLAY BLENDS: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELAXATION AND MORPHOLOGY", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference, May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 149- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, RHEOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY OF COMPATIBILIZED IMMISCIBLE PA6/ABS NANOCOMPOSITES", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference, May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 150- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, INFLUENCE OF DISPERSED PHASE ON THE RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYAMIDE 6/ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE NANOCOMPOSITES", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference, May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 151- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, MODELING OF RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF PA6/ABS NANOCOMPOSITES BY CARREAU–YASUDA AND POWER-LAW MODELS ", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 152- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, STUDY ON RELAXATION BEHAVIOR IN IMMISCIBLE PA6/ABS NANOCOMPOSITES", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference, May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 153- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, EFFECTS OF COMPATIBILIZER ON PHASE MORPHOLOGY OF POLYAMIDE 6/ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE STYRENE NANOCOMPOSITES", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 154- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, INFLUENCE OF COMPATIBILIZER ON THE RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF PA6/ABS NANOCOMPOSITES", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference, May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 155- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, CORRELATION OF BETWEEN PHASE MORPHOLOGY AND RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF PA6/ABS BLENDS", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference, May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 156- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, EFFECTS OF NANOCLAY ON RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYAMIDE 6/ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE NANOCOMPOSITES", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference, May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 157- A. Mojarrad, M.Barikani, Y. Jahani, EFFECTS OF NANOCLAY ON PHASE MORPHOLOGY OF POLYAMIDE 6/ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE NANOCOMPOSITES", 7th Annual European Rheology Conference May 10-14, 2011 - Suzdal, Russia 158- M.Barikani,N.Fazeli,M.Barikani," Study on thermal property of Polyurethane-Urea elastomers prepared with different dianiline chain extenders", The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011) Kish, Iran, 21-24 November, 2011. 159- M.Barikani,N.Fazeli,M.Barikani,"Synthesis and characterization of Polyurethane-Urea elastomer with dianiline chain extender,APTME2011 160- A.Mojjarrad, M.Barikani, Y.Jahani, Ahmad Ramazani S.A., "Stress overshoots of PA6/ABS nanocomposites in transient shear flow" ,PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 161- A.Mojjarrad, M.Barikani,Y.Jahani, Ahmad Ramazani S.A.,"Nonlinear rheology of immisible PA6/ABS blend nanocomposites", PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 162-A.Mohammadi, M.Barikani,"Prediction of Glass Transition Temperatures for some Polyimides using QSPR analysis", PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 163- M. Barikani ,M.Rahnama, M. Barmar, "In-situ synthesis of Polyurethane Nanocomposites: Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties", PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 164- M. Barikani ,M.Rahnama, M. Barmar, "Preparation of Polyurethane Nanocomposites via In-situ Polymerization:Study of Mechanical and Thermal Properties", PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 165- M.Rahnama, M. Barikani, "SYNTHESIS AND COMPARISON BETWEEN MECHANICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF TWO DIFFERENT TPU NANOCOMPOSITE SERIES", 27th PPS Annual meeting 2011, Marrakech, Morocco PPS-27, 2011, 27th World Congress of the Polymer Processing Society, May 10-14, Marrakech, Morocco P-3-711 166- F. Arjmand, * M. Barmar, M.Barikani,"Chemical Modification of wood fiber to enhance wood and polymer interface interaction in Wood-Plastic composites", PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 167-Iraj Hasanzadeh, Amjad Sazgar Mehdi Barikani, Khadijeh Didehban, Hamid Beyki Hasan, Effect of modified MWNTs on electrical and thermal conductivity of epoxy-MWNTs nanocomposites, The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011) Kish, Iran, 21-24 November, 2011. 168- Mohammadreza Rahnama, Mehdi Barikani, Iraj Hasanzadeh , Effect of Two Different Series of Nanoclays on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane-clay Nanocomposites , The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011) Kish, Iran, 21-24 November, 2011. 169-Khadijeh Didehban, Iraj Hasanzadeh, Mehdi Barikani, Amjad Sazgar, "Investigation of mechanical and thermal properties of different modified MWNTs-epoxy nanocomposites", The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011) Kish, Iran, 21-24 November, 2011. 170-Mona mahboob,Fathollah Moztarzadeh,Mehdi Barikani,Reza Chegeni,"Mechanical properties and abrasion wear behavior of TiO2/Polyurethane nanocomposites prepared by solution blending", PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 171- Mohammadreza Rahnama,Milad Mohtasham, Mehdi Barikani, "In-situ Synthesis of Polyurethane nanocomposites:Investigation of Thermal and Mechanical Properties", PPS2011,Kish Island,Iran,November 15-17,2011. 172-A.Mohammadi, M.Barikani,M.Barmar, "Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic Fe3O4/Polyurethane nanocomposites", Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures(ICNS4),12-14 March 2012,Kish Island,I.R.Iran. 173- A.Mhammadi, M.Barikani,M.Barmar, "Synthesis and Characterization of Polyurethane elastomers with different thio compones as Caín extender", 18th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 7-9 March 2012, University of Sistan and Bluchistan,Zahedan,Iran, 174- A.Mhammadi,H,Daemi, M.Barikani,M.Barmar, " Synthesis and Characterization of Surface modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with thiodiglycolic acid and Sodium alginate",18th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 7-9 March 2012, University of Sistan and Bluchistan,Zahedan,Iran, 175- H,Daemi, M.Barikani, " Synthesis and Characterization of aqueous anionic polyurethane dispersions base don polyether polyols",18th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 7-9 March 2012, University of Sistan and Bluchistan,Zahedan,Iran, 176- H,Daemi, Sahar Mehrizi,M.Barikani,Alireza Badei, "Milli-sized sorbent base don kalium alginate-anhydride functional silane hybrid for adsorption of dye contaminants",18th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 7-9 March 2012, University of Sistan and Bluchistan,Zahedan,Iran, 177- H,Daemi, M.Barikani,"Effect of different diol and diamine chain extenders on aqueous anionic polyurethane dispersión properties",18th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 7-9 March 2012, University of Sistan and Bluchistan,Zahedan,Iran, 178- Meisam Barikani, Mohammad reza Kalaee,Saeedeh Mazinani, Mehdi Barikani, "Morphology and Thermal properties of polyurethane-urea/Diamond Nanocomposites",Proceeding of the polymer society,29th annual meeting PPS-29,July 15-19,2013,Nurenberg(Germany) 179- Meisam Barikani, Mohammad reza Kalaee,Saeedeh Mazinani, Mehdi Barikani,"Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane-urea/diamond nanocomposites",University of Yazd,Yazd,Iran,2013 180-Hengameh Honarkar, Mehdi Barikani,"Synthesis of novel wareborne PU-reactive nanoclay composite and the study of its properties",20th seminar of Organic Chemistry,BU-Ali SinaUniversity, Hamadan,Iran.3-5 July,2013 181- Mehdi Barikani, The 1st International Conference on Applied Chemistry,November 18-20, 2013, GC University Fasalabad Pakistan, Plenary Speaker 182- Hengameh Honarkar, Mehdi Barikani, University of Kermanshah, Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry,2013 183- Meisam Barikani, Mohammad reza Kalaee,Saeedeh Mazinani, Mehdi Barikani, The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2014) Keynote, Kish, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. 184- H,Daemi, M.Barikani,Screening the ability of novel biosourced polyurethanes for skin tissue engineering, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute,Tehran, Iran 185- H,Daemi, M.Barikani,H.Sardon, Novel supramolecular ionic networks of alginate-based polyurethanes, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute,Tehran, Iran 186- Shahla Hajializadeh, Mehdi Barikani, Samad Momenbehhah, Thermal Analysis of Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes-Waterborne Polyurethane Nanocomposites, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran 187- Shahla Hajializadeh, Mehdi Barikani,Samad Momenbehhah,Chemical Functionalization and Dispersion of CNTs in Waterborne Polyurethane, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute,Tehran, Iran 188-Roya Shalaee, Mehdi Barikani, Effect of surface modification of graphene nanoparticles on Polyurethane nanocomposites, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran 189- Atefeh Kamel, Mehdi Barikani,Jalil Morshedian,Synthesis and Characterization of Lactic Acid/Castor Oil Polyol Used for the Synthesis of Biodegradable Polyurethane, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute,Tehran, Iran 190- Atefeh Kamel, Mehdi Barikani,Jalil Morshedian,Preparation and Characterization of Poly(ethylene glycol)/Poly(L-lactic acid) Copolyester via Direct Melt Polycondensation, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute,Tehran, Iran 191- M.Gholmohammadi,M.Barmar, M. Barikani, Effect of Isocyanate Modification of Rice Husk as a filler on the Preparation of Rigid Polyurethane foam, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute,Tehran, Iran 192- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar and M. Barikani, Using of Sulfonated Ionic Center in Synthesis of Waterborne Polyurethanes, The 22nd Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 19-21 August 2014, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 193- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar and M. Barikani, Preparation of Nanostructured Ionomeric Polyurethanes, The 22nd Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 19-21 August 2014, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 194-- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar and M. Barikani, Study the Effect of Different Ratios of Anionic Internal Emulsifier On a Aqueous Polyurethane Model, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran 195-- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar and M. Barikani, Spectroscopic Study of a Typical WaterbornePolyurethane Nanocomposite Base don POSS, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran 196-Abbas Mohammadi, Moslem Mansour Lakouraj, Mehdi Barikani, Synthesis and Properties Investigation of Thiacalix[4]arenes-based PolyurethaneElastomer, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran 197- Mohammad Emamikia, Mehdi Barikani, Gholamreza Bakhshandeh, Transport Properties in Hyperbranched Polyurethane as Barrier Materials, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology 6-9 October 2014 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran 198- H.Honarkar, M. Barmar, Mehdi Barikani, The Influence of Various Amounts of POSS on Synthesis of Waterborne PolyurethaneNanocomposites, 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014) TMU Tehran,Iran 199-F.Askari, Mehdi Barikani, M.Barmar, "Siloxane based Polyurethane/ Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites: Thermal Properties"1st National and Nanotechnology Conference(NCNC 2014), December,3&4, 2014,Rasht,Iran 200- H.Honarkar, M. Barmar, Mehdi Barikani,Investigation of the Prepolymer Mixing to Prepare Water borne Polyurethanes, 15th ICHEC Iranian National Congress Of Chemical Engineering,17-19 Feb. 2015 ,University of Tehran. 201- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar and M. Barikani, Investigation the properties of a novel aqueous polyurethane Nanocomposite, The 23nd Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry,8-10 September 2015, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj-Iran. 202- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar and M. Barikani, Study of the DMPA and BES-based aqueous polyurethane dispersions, The 23nd Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, 8-10 September 2015, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj-Iran. 203- M. Barikani, H. Honarkar, synthesis and characterization of polyurethanes based on chitosan and poly caprolactone ,12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016),2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 204- M. Sahraro, M. Barikani, H. Daemi, Synthesis of biodegradable hydrogels based on modified Gellan Gum and polyurethane nano micelles for biomedical applications, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran 205- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar, M. Barikani, Effect of Nanoparticles on the Properties of the Resultant Waterborne Polyurethane Nanocomposites, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 206- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar, M. Barikani, Application of BES Sodium Salt to Synthesis Water-based Polyurethane Caoting, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran 207- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar, M. Barikani, Morphological Study of a Novel Waterborne Polyurethane Nanocomposite Based on POSS-diol, ICNN2016, 208- H. Honarkar, M. Barmar, M. Barikani, Properties Investigation of Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersions Using Different Anionic Centers, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 209- H. Abdollahi, A. Salimi, M. Barikani, M. Bagheri Kashani, Architecture Study of a Reactive Flexible Polyamine as a Toughening Agent for Epoxy Resin, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 210- H. Abdollahi, A. Salimi, M. Barikani, B. Zeynizadeh, Direct Synthesis of Polyetheramine Using Ammonia: Novel Amination Route with a Zn-Based Homogeneous Catalyst, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 211- F. Ahmadi Nasab, M. Ghiass, M. Barikani, Chemical Recycling of PET waste using Diamine Compounds, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 212- F. Arjmand, M. Barikani, F. Askari, Synthesis and characterization of poly(urethane-imide)swith improved thermal stability, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 213- H. Daemi, M. Barikani, Chemical modification of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene with urethane and isocyanurate linkages using a green, mild and effective organocatalyst, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 214- H. Daemi, M. Barikani, Polyurethane nanoparticles: Novel, green and efficient nanocatalysts for organic condensation reactions, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 215- H. Daemi, M. Mashayekhi, R. Rezaieyeh Rad, M. Barikani, Homogenous and heterogeneous alginate-based nanocatalysts: From synthesis to application, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran 216- H. Daemi, M. Mashayekhi, M. Barikani, Novel Compatible Compositions Based on aqueous anionic polyurethane-urea dispersions and Sodium Alginate, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran. 217- Torabi, M. Sahraro, H. Daemi, M. Barikani, Synthesis and characterization of in situ forming hydrogels based on modified alginate through green chemistry, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology(ISPST2016), 2-5 Nov. 2016,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran 218 – M. Barikani,"Vision of Polymer Science & Engineering in 21st Century",19th Iranian Chemistry Congress,60th Aniversary of the Chemistry Department of Shiraz University,February 20-23,2017,Shiraz,Iran.
1- M.Barikani & H.Omidian, “Honey comb Composite structure manufacturing and modification of its adhesive formulation”, Iranian Patent Office, 29374, Feb. 2004. 2- M.Barikani, P.Shokrollahi , “Preparation of modified Catalyst used in Polyurethane based orthopedic bandages” Iranian Patent Office,29375, Feb. 2004. 3- M.Barikani, P.Shokrollahi , “Manufacturing method of Polyurethane based Orthopedic bandages” Iranian Patent Office,29376, Feb. 2004. 4- M.Barikani, M.Barmar, B.Kaffashi, “Preparation of a Polyurethane Thickener for water based paints and Resins”, Iranian Patent Office, 30472, 13 Oct. 2004. 5-M.Barikani, H.Zamani, “Preparation of Polymer Concrete based on Polyester Resins”, Iranian Patent Office, 30656, 22 Nov. 2004. 6- M.Barikani, H.Zamani, “Preparation and Properties of Polyurethane based Polymer Concrete” Iranian Patent Office, 30657, 22Nov. 2004. 7-M.Barikani, H.Zamani, “Preparation of Polymer Concrete based on Epoxy Resin”, Iranian Patent Office, 30659, 22 Nov. 2004. 8- M.Barikani, “Formulation and Preparation method of Porous mass used in Acetylene gas cylinders, Iranian Patent Office, 30660, 22 Nov. 2004. 9- M.Barikani ,S.M. Mohaghegh, “Preparation of Nonionic Polyurethane Dispersion” , Iranian Patent Office, 30739, Dec. 2004. 10 - M.Barikani ,S.M. Mohaghegh, A.Entezami, “New method in Preparation of Polyurethane-Polyaniline blends” , Iranian Patent Office,31103, Feb.2005. 11- M.Barikani , M.valipour Ebrahimi, S.M. Seyed Mohaghegh ,”Preparation of water based polyurethane dispersion” Iranian Patent Office, ,34929, July 2006. 12- M.Barikani ,M.Mohammadi, “Preparatiob of hydrophobic starch with urethane prepolymer” Iranian Patent Office,35587, July 2006. 13- M.Barikani ,M.Mohammadi, “Preparation of PE/Starch/Polycaprolactone biodegradable polymers, Iranian Patent Office,35588 , July 2006. 14- M.Barikani,F.Askari, “Preparation of Acryl amide-potassium acryl ate as a coagulant” Iranian Patent Office,34927, July 2006. 15- M.Barikani,F.Askari, “Preparation of nonionic acryl amide based coagulant”, 34928,July 2006. 16-M.Barikani ,A.Esmael tabar ” Manufacturing of Caprolactone based band roll for Orthopedic applications ” Iranian Patent Office,35888, October 2006. 17- N.Sharifi Sanjani, E.Rezaei Zare, M.Barikani, A.Ranji, M.Mazloom," Preparation of expandable and croslinkable polyethylene granules" Iranian Patent Office,37683, December 2006. 18- M.Barikani, H.Honarkar, M.Barikani "New method for improving solubility of chitosan in organic solvents", Iranian Patent Office, 46452, March 2008 19- M.Barikani, H.Honarkar, "Preparation of modified polyurethane with chitosan ", Iranian Patent Office, 46451, March 2008 20- M.Barikani, G.R.Bakhshandeh, A.Barati, "modification of recycled rubber with nanoclay" Iranian Patent Office, 47559, April 2008 . 21- M.Barikani, M.Barmar, S.M. Mohaghegh, Bavafa, "Processing and purification of Iranian bentonite for the preparation of sodium montmorolinite", Iranian Patent Office, 53690, August 2008 22- M.Barikani, M.Barmar,S.M. Mohaghegh, Bavafa, "Preparation of organonanoclay from purified Iranian sodium montmorolinite for using in polyolefin nanocomposites" Iranian Patent Office,59452,June 2009 23- M.Barikani, M.Barmar, S.M. Mohaghegh, Bavafa, "Preparation of PP/clay nanocomposite by modified Iranian nanoclay" , Iranian Patent Office,59453,June 2009. 24- M.Barikani, A.Hatami, S.M. Mohaghegh, "Synthesis of cellulose nanocrystal and its dispersion in aqueous and organic solvents", Iranian Patent Office, 69713, May 2011. 25- M.Barikani, H.Daemi, M.Barmar, "Preparation and Characterization of nano calcium alginate", Iranian Patent Office, 75508, June 2012. 26- M.Barikani, A.Mohammadi, M.Barmar, "In-Situ Preparation of magnetic Polyurethane elastomer nanocomposites", Iranian Patent Office, 75894, July 2012. 27- M.Barikani, H.Daemi, S.Mehrizi, A.Badiei, "Preparation of functionalized Calcium alginate-silane hybrid with anhydride", Iranian Patent Office, 77358, Oct., 2012. 28- M.Barikani, H.Daemi, "Preparation of single functional alginate salts in polyurethane media", Iranian Patent Office, 77362, Oct., 2012. 29- M.Barikani, H.Daemi, R.Rezaei rad, "High yield multi component reactions in water base anionic polyurethane", Iranian Patent Office, 77363, Oct., 2012. 30- Mehdi Barikani, Meisam Barikani, "Preparation of Polyurethane-Urea/ND nanocomposite", Iranian Patent Office, 82044, Feb.2014 31- M.Barikani, H.Daemi,"Synthesis of polyurethanes at room teperature in the presence of PU catalyst", Iranian Patent Office, 86773,Sept.2015 32- M.Barikani, H.Daemi,H.Baharvand,S.Rajabi, "Preparation of Polyurethane scaffolds based on Alginate and its application in Tissue engineering" Iranian Patent Office, 86767, Sept.2015 33- M.Barikani, A.Salimi, H.Abdollahi, "Synthesis of Polyoxyamine with liquid ammonia (25%)" Iranian Patent Office, 86598, Sept.2015, C07B; C08B 34- M.Barikani, A.Salimi, H.Abdollahi,Direct amination of polyether diol for the synthesis of polyether amins by Zn Homogenious Catalyst System, Iranian Patent Office, 90300,Dec.2016 IV- Books 1- M.Barikani, "Safety in the Laboratories", In Persian, Published by: Dana Publication, P.O. Box 13145/1836, Tehran, Iran, 1995. 2-Mehdi Barikani, Eli Simova, M. Kavehrad Dichromated Polyvinyl Alcohol for Real-Time Hologram Recording: A Study on the Effect of some External Electron Donors and Humidity
Chapter · January 1995
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4899-0502-4_46 In book: Polymers and Other Advanced Materials, pp.451-463 3- M.Barikani, "Polyurethane, Chemistry, Property, Application and Ageing", Published by: Iran Polymer Institute, P.O. Box 14185/458 Tehran, Iran, 1997. 4- M.Barikani, "Introduction of Polymer Dynamics", by Pierre Gilles de Gennes (1986), Translated in Persian, Published by: Iran Polymer Institute, P.O. Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran, 1997. 5- SH.Mehdipour& M.Brikani, “Aromatic Heterocyclic Chemistry” ,by David T. Davies( ), Translated in Persian, Published by: Hormozgan University,Bandar Abbas, Iran, 2001. 6- M.Barikani, “Polyurethane” In Persian, Published by: Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, P.O. Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran, 2006. 7- M.Barikani, “Rigid Polyurethane Foam”, In Persian, Published by: Iran Polymer Society, P.O. Box 14965/159, Tehran, Iran, 2005. 8- M.Barikani, Heat Resistant Polymer “Polyimide”, In Persian,: Iran Polymer Society, P.O. Box 14965/159, Tehran, Iran, 2006. 9- M.Barikani, M.Ehsani, “Chemistry and Technology of Polyurethane”, In Persian, Published by: Ava matn, Enghelab Avenue, Ordibehesht street, No.146, 2008. 10- M.Barikani, H.Honarkar, "Epoxy resins", Iran Polymer Society, P.O. Box 14965/159, Tehran, Iran, In Press,2015 11- Mohammad Zuber, Khalid Mahmood Zia, Mehdi Barikani, "Chitin and Chitosan based Blends, Composition and Nanocomposites",Advances in Natural Polymers Advanced Structured Materials, Capter 3, Volume 18, 2013, pp 55-119 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. 12- M.Barikani, F Askari, "Polyurea" , Iran Polymer Society, P.O. Box 14965/159, Tehran, Iran, under Press,2017
Contributions to the Training of Highly Qualified personnel:
References:1-Professor B. Tamami, Dept. of Chemistry, College of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. E-Mail: 2-Professor M.Kavehrad , Center for Information & Communications Technology Research (CICTR), The Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, 111 Electrical Engineering East, University Park, PA 16802-2701 , USA. Telephone:(814) 865-7179 ,Fax: (814) 863-5341 ,Email: 3-Professor C. Hepburn ,School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering , University of Ulster at Jordanstown ,Newtonabbey ,County Antrim BT37 0QB ,Northern Ireland, UK. Telephone: 028 90366926 , Fax: 028 90366804 , Email : Also Fax: +4428 90853237 4- Professor Fatollah Mostarzadeh, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering ,Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic),Tehran,Iran,Tel:+98(21)6454-2393,Fax:+98(21) 66495655. 5-Professor Seyed Mohammad Bolourchian, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering P.O.Box 14335-186,Tehran, Iran.Phone:+98(21) 803444-5,Fax:+98(21) 8037185, E-Mail: Updated: July, 10, 2017 |
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